Part Twenty-Eight

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The ladies were done with Draupadi's amazing meal and seeing how much was left she decided to take it to the village outside the Palace as she also taught them art and this would be perfect for them and they wouldn't have to starve. She took permission from all four mothers and decided to change into something more comfortable and which was less heavy.

Reaching her chambers there was a lengha that she had put out on her bed and she decided to go with that.

She then sat before her mirror and touched her hair and sighed she quickly undone her plait and let her natural curls frame her face.

She went to the kitchen and packed as much as food as she could and started to walk out just then someone stepped on her foot as she let out a screech of pain she looked up to see Arjun he apologised to her which she waved of, she walked away as he looked at her natural hair moving with her every movement he quickly ran to catch up. Stopping she turned to face him he then said "All that food for you, you will put on weight." She stumped his foot and walked off with a roll of her eyes.

He shook his head and went to see the boys were he found all Draupadi's brothers along with his talking away and so he decided to join. They talked for hours and Arjun was now friend with all of the Panchal Kumar's and listened them complain about their sisters which he couldn't help but laugh at. His mind wondered back to this morning when he saw Rani Sera stick her foot out so he decided to ask the brothers. they looked at one another and seeing this Arjun hastily said "If you don't want to tell me that's fine." They all quickly said no and asked him to sit back down Sadashiv started telling him "So you know Drau loves training, she will get up really early to train." Abhay carried on " And on this Particular morning Krishna and Drau were out training." Sadashiv spoke again " They were called for lunch and Draupadi went to help serve." Ambarish continued " The rest of the ladies had gone out so it was just us men, Draupadi Di and Mata Sera." Samarthya continued "Mata Sera encouraged Drau Di to sit and eat with the rest of us." Dhrist then spoke up "She sat down next to me and took a bit of the food and she fell straight on to my shoulder, she wouldn't get up we all tried and then i asked Krishna to examine the food and we found out that it was poison." Kamalakar said " We were all so stressed we didn't now what to do normally when things like that happened the women would take charge but Mata Sera was the one that did that Drau Di and she was the only one there." Samarthya then spoke " I confronted Maa and she told me it was her that had poisoned Di and in that moment i broke all relations along with my sister." Dhrist then said "That's why we are all so protective over her and one more person protecting her isn't a bad thing and since you have helped and saved our sister we sincerely thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

Just then Dakshi ran in and said " Shouldn't you all be going to collect Di." They all smiled and said "Haan Meri Maa we are going." Dhrist then asked "Arjun do you want to come with us that way you can see some of panchal." He nodded his head yes and as they were leaving all the grown ups insisted they wanted to come so the ladies (Kunti, Gandhari and Prashati.) came along with Krishna.

Once reaching the village many people greeted them and Dhrist asked an older lady for his twin and she pointed in a direction, they all grouped and headed that way. The sight that the royals of Hastinapur were greeted with pleased them. There she was the princess of Panchal teaching little kids how to draw she didn't realise that they were all standing there and so she continued. She stood up to look at what they had produced and saw a little girl not doing anything she went behind her and placed her on her lap she then questioned what was wrong and the poor little girl wept in the Princesses arms and draupadi stood there comforting her, she wiped the girls tears and kissed her on the forehead she turned to the canvas and encouraged the girl to paint. The little girl picked up the brush and Draupadi noticed it shaking she placed her firm hand on top and said "Paint what you feel." together they started to paint.

After a while she stood up seeing the girl's smile return which the others by the door noticed as well they smiled and Draupadi turned and another little girl lifted a paper up to her, she crouched down and accepted it she moved to look at it and her eyes were greeted with:

She smiled and pulled the girl into a hug she then said "Thank you Diya." She kissed her forehead and the little girl kissed her cheek and ran off. She got up and smiled she looked straight to see that her brothers, Arjun, Krishna, Gandhari, Kunti and Prashati standing at the door she smiled and then said "Okay kids that's enough for this lesson i will come in 2 days and i want to see a painting of your favourite landscape." They all nodded vigorously and then rushed to hug the princess which was like a group a hug she smiled and a little girl named Divya spoke and said "Di can we see your painting." She smiled and nodded her head she picked up her painting and showed it to them all.

They all owwed and awwed at the sight and Krishna smiled as Draupadi looked at him. Arjun was shocked at the talent of the princess, she kissed their cheeks and left with her family. They decided to walk and Arjun walked next to the princess "That's an amazing painting." She looked up and smiled she then handed it to him and said " I wan't you to keep it." He accepted it and took it with care. They carried on in silence as words weren't needed and along the way their hands brushed one another's and they couldn't help but smile, he then said "You were really good with those kids." She smiled and said "Maybe its because i never got to live that part of my life and i experience that through them and of course my younger sisters." She sent him a small smile and walked into the kingdom, the two went their separate ways but their souls were already becoming one And as they closed their doors they couldn't help but smile.

Thank you readers let me know what you think in the comment section love you all.

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