Part Twenty-Four

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She was surrounded by black. She could hear everything around her as well as her siblings crying boy was she going to chase them once she was up, her little sisters screams broke her heart she wanted to come back to them but she didn't know exactly how to. What shocked her the most was that she could her Arjun's voice in her head begging her to come back to there family and she knew that, that wasn't her imagination some how they had already formed a bond so they didn't have to voice what they were thinking. Just then in minutes a bunch of memorise blurred her vision, they were of Shiv and Shakti and Narayan in some but she couldn't hear what they were saying, she wanted to go back to her family she heard her brothers saying that due to shock her mother had fainted. Today wasn't a good day.

Arjun had successfully brought Krishna with him the rest of the family stepped out to get some fresh air leaving all three Krishna's together, they both sat on either side of her and just looked at her, Krishna's eyes started to well up with tears he walked out, Arjun stayed back for a bit he looked at the rajkumari and bent down to place a kiss on her forehead just as this was happening Kunti, Gandhari, Bhisma, Drona , Draupad and her brothers walked in to catch the moment the elders smiled knowingly at one another as the brothers growled once again under there breath and were signalled to stop by Draupad, Arjun looked up to see the family as well as people who were becoming like family he blushed and rushed out muttering "Mahdav" under his breath.

The brothers went towards there sister and noticed her stirring straight after Arjun did what he did. She opened her lotus like eyes and smiled at the concern eyes that greeted her, she slowly sat up and was quickly bombarded with hugs everyone came and even Pitama was anxious to see the princess he pushed everyone out the way and said "Ahh putri your awake thank the gods we all missed you." Saying this he pulled her into a hug and as her father and father figure walked up they hugged the day lights out of her saying "don't do that again " over and over again she smiled and said "Have you two made up." They smiled and nodded. The brothers then pulled their sister into a hug and because Kamalakar was the closest she whacked him in the head as he screamed "OWWW DI WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Krishna poked his head in and said "Your sister is getting violent these days."At this Draupadi took her shoe of and chucked it in the direction of Krishna he caught it and mischievously said "Your not getting this back." Everyone laughed at this, Draupadi looked at her younger brother and said "That was for crying and if i were you, you should all start running." She got of her bed and gave them a few minutes head start she hugged the queens quickly and said "Once i'm done with these Idiots i'll be back ohh and please go see maa and tell them i'm okay and will come to see her." Draupadi placed a kiss on their cheeks and ran picking up her light red lengha, she could see her brothers and chased them as she was running she bumped into someone and that someone was Arjun he was walking with krishna as he was telling him what just happened she fell into his arms and looked up to see him she smiled and stood up and said "Sorry, trying to teach these idiots not to cry when i get hurt." "And i want to thank you for everything you didn't have to." Hesitantly she reached up and kissed his cheek and as the two tried to block her path and save her brothers she pushed them and ran, Krishna teasingly shouted "Where's my kiss on the cheek." Causing both Arjun and Draupadi to blush.

Once she was done chasing her brothers and successfully scaring them she made her way to her mothers tent and was greeted by cries and hugs as the other four pandavs and Kunti and Gandhari smiled. Prashati was over the moon but said "No training." Draupadi pouted and said "MAAAA." groaning slightly, Bheem took this opportunity to tease her and say "Oh no don't tell me your obsessed with war like Arjun." Just the Krishna stuck his head in the tent and said "I think you mean obsessed with Arjun Bhrata Bheem." Arjun and Krishna Walked in as Arjun kept his gaze on the floor Krishna made kissing noises getting irritated she looked at him and stuck her tongue out Krishna replied "Very mature." Shaking her head she shouted "I'm going to find my sisters, laugh all you want." As she was walking out she punched Krishna in the arm as everyone tripled over with laughter.

Before she went to the beach she decided to change into something comfortable:

Once reaching the beach she picked up on their mood, walking up to them no one noticed her she coughed slightly as they all looked at her smiles adorned their faces as she extended her arms Dakshi, Madhmuita, Sadhika, Kalandhi and Shikandani ran and nearly knocked draupadi down with their hug after a while the sisters sat down and talked and laughed for hours. Finally one of the soldiers informed them that everyone had been summoned to the high tent.

The sister made there way and saw everyone sitting down and talking , the girls stood in the centre as Draupad announced "It gives me great pleasure to say my eldest son Sadashiv has agreed to a marriage proposal and will be getting married soon." As he looked to the floor Draupadi nudged him and said "Vahh Bhai your not even married and the blushing starts." Everyone laughed at this and draupad carried on saying "I would be extremely happy if all of you from hastinapur came to panchal and helped out and also to get to know you better." Pitama replied "We will definitely come Kunti and Gandhari can go from here with you and two days later we will all come just give us some time to collect some stuff and we will be there to enjoy the hospitality of Panchal." Kunti then spoke up and said "Krishna you go with them and hurry them a long okay." He smile and said "Sure bua."

As they all left Draupadi stood on the hill and gazed at the stars as someone stood next to her....

Ohh cliffhanger, I hope you liked this part the collage at the top i created my self i'm so proud lol. Any way do let me know what you think and thank you to everyone who has voted and commented and also the secret readers. i love you all and wish the best for you

Thanks once again _TILL NEXT TIME!!

Ohh and let me know what you think of this collage too:

Thank you

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