Chapter 10: Epilogue

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Five months later

We see a young couple driving towards the city of Fillydelphia. They were revealed to be you and Sunset Shimmer. You and her had been a loving couple for the past five months now and you couldn't be any happier. You both were rather lucky with earning enough money from your new job to buy a car for you so you could make this trip possible.

See, after you and her became a couple, she was able to get you a job at the mall at the music store with Vinyl Scratch. The good thing was that it was rather close to where she works at which was a sushi restaurant. So after you both were done at your jobs for the day, you would always meet up with each other and go out on dates. This continued on until you both had scraped together enough money to buy this car and drive all the way to Fillydelphia. Why were you driving to Fillydelphia you may ask? To pay your respects to some old friends of yours.

"Looks like we're almost there. Are you ready to see them?" Sunset asked. You looked over to her and nodded.

"I am. It's about time that I see them again after so long." You answered as you kept on driving.

After a long trip, you both made it to the city. While driving around you couldn't help but look around at the city that you used to live in. You began to remember some of the old places that you used to go to with Drizzle Drop and the others. You smiled fondly at the memories before finally reaching your destination; the Fillydelphia graveyard.

You and Sunset stepped out of the car and walked towards the many gravestones that were planted in the ground. Sunset had brought along four bouquets of flowers so that you could give them to your friends. You both kept searching before you finally found a set of four tombstones, each with the names of your friends on them.

Sunset read each plaque before turning her attention to you and handing you the bouquets. You carefully placed each one in front of all four of them before backing away and staring at them.

"Hey guys." You said aloud. You didn't know if they could hear you or not but you spoke anyway. "I'm finally back after so long. I'm sorry that I kept you waiting, but life kept getting in the way of everything." You said before putting your hand on Sunsets back. "I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend and the one who helped me make this visit possible, Sunset Shimmer." She waves at them before you continued. "I don't really have much to say other than I miss you guys. I really wish that I could see you all one last time. I guess in a way I am, but you know what I mean. I've been doing my best to try and get through life and knowing that you will always watch over me from wherever you are makes it better. Thanks to Sunset here I don't have to do it alone." You put an arm around Sunsets waist as she cuddles into you. You took a deep breath before continuing. "I'll never forget you guys. I'll always love each and every one of you. Drizzle Drop, thank you for giving me the chance to have friends for the first time in my life. Stargazer, thank you for always having a calm personality that always managed to bring peace to all of us. Thunder Volt, thank you for always being the witty one that always made us laugh. Finally, Blaze Burst, thank you for being tough and always defending us no matter what." You stood there for a few seconds before Sunset asked you a question.

"Can I say something?" You looked back at her and smiled.

"Sure." You said before giving her the chance to speak.

"Hi everyone. As Anon had told you, I'm his girlfriend and I just wanted to say something. I promise you all that I will always be there for Anon if he needs me. I promise to always love and cherish him in the darkest of times. Finally, I promise to always make sure that he will never be as sad as he was on the day that he lost you guys. You meant the world to him and he means the world to me, so I will always look after him from this day forth. I also hope that you are doing good wherever you are and that you may all rest in peace." She does a slight bow before backing away. You smiled at her while feeling lucky to have someone like her in your life. The both of you stood there staring at each of the graves for about twenty minutes before you finally spoke.

"Well, it was really nice seeing you all again. I hope that you are all doing good as well as your families. It must have been terrible for them to learn about...well you know. Hopefully, they were able to move on. I'll always love you guys, and we'll see you all later." With that said, you and Sunset slowly walked out of the graveyard and back to your car. You both got in and sat there for a little bit before Sunset looked over to you.

"Are you okay?" She asked. You sat there in your own thoughts before responding.

"Yeah, I am. I'm glad that we were finally able to do this." You said to which she nodded in agreement. "Thank you for coming with me Sunset."

"It's not a problem Anon. I was glad to help you get the closure that you needed." She said before you looked at her and put your hand on top of hers.

"I don't deserve you." You said with a smile.

"Yes, you do. You more than deserve me, you earned me." She said while smiling. A tear goes down your cheek as you stare at her beautiful face.

"I love you Sunset."

"I love you too Anon." You both leaned in for a sweet kiss which lasted for a minute before separating and starting the car and driving away. Your life had been nothing but pain and turmoil, but now thanks to this kind and beautiful girl riding next to you it was safe to say that she was the love that can heal your pain.

The End

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