A good news but a bad news

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On the next day Behir went to college. Class was going on.
(Shivli is bela's friend in the college)

Shivli:Bela yesterday you went out with Mahir.
Bela blushed.
Shivli:No need of blushing, tell me how was your trip.
Bela:hey it was not a trip we just went to a nearby beach.
And talks continued.

After class in college is over Behir went together.But on that day bela didn't found Mahir.She wondered where he was.After some time came.

Bela:Mahir where were you? I have been waiting for you so long and you are no where to be found.

Mahir:Actually Bela, I want to tell you someting important.


Mahir:It's a good news but a bad news.

Bela:I can't understand.

Mahir:You know I always dreamed of pursuing my MBA course on london.

Bela:so what

Mahir:I applied for a scholarship to get a seat in a London college and now I got it.

Bela(happily):So atlast your dream come true.I'm so happy.

She hugged him

Bela:When we are going?

Mahir:Not we, I can only go there.

Bela(tensed ):so what about me.You don't care about me.

Mahir:No it's not like that.I'm going there to study.But you can't study and now you are studying here.

Bela:I'm happy when I'm with you.I ready to stop my studies.

Mahir:Education is important for everyone.If you stop your studies now then you'll regret it for future so pls I'm also sad but we'll be separated for few years.

Bela:But Mahir...

Mahir hugged Bela sadly.

Atlast Mahir convinced Bela.Behir decided that both of them's course will end by 4yrs from now.Then Bela will go to London to stay with Mahir.
They took a oath that till then they will not talk through phone or will not communicate in any way.

Mahir was going to airport he was accomapnied by Bela.

When the time of flight taking off came.
Bela:Surely Mahir I'll miss you.
Mahir:Don't make me cry.We haven't stayed separated but for the first time we're going to br separated for yrs.

Bela:I can't Mahir, I can't
Mahir:But we should.Bela love remains in the heart even after we don't see, we don't talk, because that is the true love.

Bela's eyes were full of tears.

Mahir: Distance gives us a reason to love harder.Always remember Bela, we're under the same sky, looking at the same moon.

They hugged.Mahir kissed Bela on her forehead.

He went inside the flight and cried.He tried not to cry in front of Bela.
Mahir to himself:I'll miss you Bela, I'll miss you.....

Bela went back home.

Tims flied.
Years passed.
Within this time many changes took place.
Mahir's parents went to stay with him.Bela's parents too went there as they want to take care of the business there.
Bela as she was alone, stayed on her friend Shivli's home.
Behir's parents and Mahir stayed together on London.

Atlast Bela's course completed. Till this time Behir haven't talked to each other.

Bela:Tomorrow as my course is completed I'm going to meet and stay with my Mahir.Now by this time Mahir's course has also been completed.

Bela was so happy as she is going to meet Mahir next day.
She hasn't informed anyone about her trip to london even her parents.

She got ready to go early, went airport.She sat and slowly slept in the flight.

She was daydreaming about Mahir.

Then she reached her destination and took a taxi to go to the apartment where Mahir and Behir's parents lived.

On her way she bought a bouquet of roses.
She was going there as a surprise and it was Mahir's birthday too.

She reached in front of the apartment and heard everone singing Happy Birthday.

Bela (in mind):Birthday party started even before I reached but I'll eat the first piece of cake from Mahir's hands.

She excitedly opened the door slowly.

But her smile faded seeing something. Bouquet from her hands fall down.Her eyes became full of tears and was seeing something which she can't believe.....

Hope you guys loved this part.What made Bela's smile fade? Why did bouquet fall from her hands? What made her cry?

Are you guys excited for the next part

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