Chapter one

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Luna flipped, training, with her Eevee. She landed, twirling, on her left foot. "Use Swift"Luna called. Eevee swooshed, his tail, mid leap sending yellow stars at Luna. She twirled, around them, smiling. Luna leaped, from star to star, before jumping off the last. Eevee threw, a shadow ball, under her, catching Luna. She bounced off, landing, on her feet. "Done"Luna called. Mairin clapped, amazed. "Your getting better but that tail swoosh Eevee does should be a little quicker and you should twirl faster when dodging the stars as they hit the ground then turn into sparkles I saw one nearly hit you"Aria advised. Luna nodded, picking, her Eevee up. "We'll train hard"Luna smiled. "That's why I'm helping train you"Aria chuckled. "Luna wouldn't it be cool to turn Eevee into a Leafeon"Mairin beamed, holding her Chespin. Luna could, see the performance now, her Leafeon using leaf storm and other grass types moves as she leaped across the stage. "No way Vaporeon, Flareon, and Jolteon are cool ones"Keldeo grinned. Luna thought, about the three, Vaporeon making its appearance with a Bubbles storm. Flareon using, fire type, moves across the stage. Jolteon with another Pokémon both making fireworks with their attacks. "No now Glaceon would be cool"Aria grinned. Luna could, imagine the performance, her Glaceon would be using ice beam appearing from inside if it. "Wait a minute what about Espeon"Mairin frowned. Luna thought, about it, her Espeon would make all the jewels and ribbons into fashion accessories. "Now Sylveon would be a good one"Aria smiled. A Sylveon would, make a good performance pokemon, Luna could see it now her Sylveon gracefully moving around the stage using fairy type moves. "Wait aren't we missing one"Alain asked, from beside the fire. "Umbreon"Luna said, her voice like the rustling wind. "Who'd want an Umbreon their scary"Mairin said, nervously. "Maybe"Luna said, quietly. "My Eevee is male so I would probably turn it either into Jolteon, Vaporeon or Umbreon the others I would want female"Luna said, quietly. "I must agree"Aria said, quietly. Luna brushed, her Eevee, smiling.

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