EPISODE 16 [Epilogue: Answers]

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Jungkook's POV

I shook my head in an effort to circumvent all types of sentimental thoughts and tried to focus deeper into the case instead.

"Hyung, answer few of my questions!" I urged and he followed.

"Ask!" He permitted.

"When Minjun hyung was auditioning where was Namjoon hyung?" I asked.

"When Minjun was auditioning, Namjoon hyung was not there, he reached there tardy by three hours. Minjun's name was in the beginning of the participant's list, maybe his name was called after three or I guess four contestants. Namjoon hyung's name was at the bottom. But after Minjun was done with his performance he decided to stay back because he wanted to witness the whole auditioning process and the presentation of others.

After three hours Namjoon hyung arrived there. Minjun recognized him right away, as I told him earlier once that Namjoon hyung is my best friend. But luckily, Namjoon hyung didn't spot him, he just auditioned and left. After Namjoon hyung left, only two participants were remaining, they auditioned and it ended.

The next day all winners were announced and the castings were also declared by the judges. The appraisers chose Namjoon hyung as the male lead, Yu-Na noona as the female, and a role of some side character was allotted to Minjun.

Minjun got furious. He began experiencing animosity towards Namjoon hyung and after Namjoon hyung left signing the contract, he charged the judges dragooning them to clarify what was exactly wrong in his performance. And as I told, the judges committed his performance was flawless, but Namjoon hyung's performance was a little better. Still, they promised him if Namjoon hyung can't make it on the day of audition, they will select Minjun as the male lead. And that's when he decided he will have to bring an end to Namjoon hyung's life to get the character!" He answered.

"Have he ever tried auditioning before?" I asked him back.

"No. He wanted to audition though, but our family didn't permit. So, he wanted to audition furtively and decided to brag to us, and gloat to others about that when he gets the chance. He kept it a safe secret till...this very day. He had to open up about the truth to me today, his bad!" He replied snickering.

"But why would someone plot on killing a person just to get a role in a film?" I grilled.

"Jealousy is dangerous Jungkook!" He hummed.

"I don't think so, it was not only jealousy, there's more to the story, right?" I enquired back.

"Well, first of all his passion was acting and his dream was thespianism, so he didn't want to miss the chance at the cost of anything. Moreover, this was the only audition which was gratis with no entry charges, so he knew this wouldn't have been known to everyone if he took a chance there, as rapidly as the other auditions do. And..."


"The company which was to sponsor that production house promised payment to all the employees, cash rewards to every participant and 60% of their profits from the past three years to the leads and their guardian, as a payback of some huge amount of loan the production house helped the company with few years ago.

Over that, the company manager and the production house director are friends. So they keep a close contact and it was kind of like a collaboration. The production house lead suggested that if they could arrange for some rewards, less amateur and more professional participants will apply which would have lead to improved quality of the movies and hence more reputation, more awards, more fame, offers and others. And that uncle, that rotter was an employee of that production house, so he was going to get payment anyway, but he needed more, his greed had no limits.

He never pictured that the company owner could be so wealthy, so affluent, he never suspected the company owner to be a millionaire. So even 60% of the company's total income was more than what he have witnessed throughout his whole life, and that greedy creature wanted that. He wanted Minjun to be the lead as according to him Minjun was the apposite individual for this work, then planned on pretending to be his guardian, Minjun was nothing to him but his bait.

He used Minjun so that he could make profit of a huge sum, get that whole amount only to himself, as he knew Minjun would have never opened up to dad about his participation for a film audition until the successful release of the movie, so he would have handed over the money to uncle only.

Uncle wanted that money, out of rapacity and also partly because he wanted to bribe the judges for an upcoming award show conducted by that production house to choose the winner as the next manager. As the actual manager is about to resign in few years, because of some unknown reason, and he wanted to take over that production house...that's it," he explained taking a deep breath.

"How did he convince Minjun hyung?" I enquired.

"Luring him, forcibly indoctrinating him constantly about the huge sum of profit they both would make if he could manage bagging the role. As well by threatening that he would stop sending the pocket money every month for his addictions named alcohol and gambling. And threats of breaking off every bonds with him if he fails to bag the role, alongwith few underestimation like if he fails in the audition, he would never get chance anywhere else or he's an acting failure such things," He acknowledged me with severe regret in his voice.

"Even if he did conquer the production house, how would that have profited him? I know that's one of the most eminent as well lavish productions but still, he wouldn't have taken over the world!" I shrugged, curling my upper lip in disdain.

"But that's what he thought! It is hard to understand and decode his mentality from our point of view!" He sighed once more.

"Hmm well what were the judges doing when Minjun hyung was confronting them?" I enquired.

"Um they were, uh yeah, I think they were having their coffee!!" He replied after thinking a little.

"Did Minjun hyung visit any motel three years ago?" I asked again.

"Why are you acting like you don't already know the remaining truth?" He asked smirking.

"Oh-oh y-you're right!" I replied stuttering, getting a little agitated.

"It's time to tell the truth to everyone, right?" He asked staring at me.

"Y-yeah!" I replied.

After few more general as well casual interrogations along with conversations, I deeply breathed preparing myself to walk out of the room and bear an upcoming storm of confused enquiries.

Hyungs were still then banging on the locked door, and yelling our names.

I unlocked the door walking out of the room facing hyungs' curious faces and impatient stares.

"Jungkook, if you are feeling alright, can we please have an explanation behind all these?" Hoseok hyung asked.

I nodded.

I looked at Tae hyung who was standing against the wall crossing his arms, he gestured me to begin and I did.

I explained the Tae hyung and Minjun hyung's twin facts, following that I explained the whole auditioning thing of Minjun and Namjoon hyung, and the wicked intentions of Minjun hyung for his own acquisitive benefits, proceeding I described about how Minjun hyung switched positions with Tae hyung.

"But who was that female and unknown caller?" Jin hyung suddenly asked, interrupting my explanation.

"It was Minjun hyung!" I replied.

"Huh?" All the three of them exclaimed at the same time.

I nodded "Yeah, it was Minjun hyung. I guess you all remember when we, I mean I and Yoongi hyung found the SIM cards of the dead phone this morning and I inserted those?

Now, let me explain. While I inserted those SIMs, I was finally able to switch the phone on and I found an app that caught my eye, that app's name was 'voice changer'. And that app usually takes maximum three to four minutes to change someone's voice.

I opened it and discovered the voice changer app had only three options, number one- smooth voice, number two- sonorous voice, and number three- opposite gender's voice.

Now if you're wondering if that app had only three options why did he not install an advanced app, I must state his model didn't support any advanced app. It only supported the app he had installed, and he didn't have that much money for buying a new model. And, very naturally he definitely didn't ask for money from his family, or he would have needed to explain things to them, which he wouldn't have done. And for privacy reasons his uncle didn't lend him his own smartphones or any other device.

On the first night, means on the 11th of April, Minjun hyung called Namjoon hyung and set the voice to the first option, so that his voice won't sound threatening to him rather very much concerning. And he did that because he wanted to make Namjoon hyung weak, really really weak, as he intended on carrying out the murder with methanol and methanol works really fast on already infirm people.

Not only that, to change positions with Tae hyung, he had to drag all of us out from the motel. So, he very craftily called Tae hyung and begged for help setting the voice to the inverse gender's, means female's. He specifically called Tae hyung cuz he needed to exchange positions with him, so no matter what, Minjun hyung had to drag out Tae hyung however possible. And that seemed like the best way to him, as none of us would have doubted him, and definitely as a cop, I would have ran to him- sorry her!

And he knew I surely would have taken Tae hyung with me, as he was the one who received the call! But, if Namjoon hyung came with us, Minjun hyung was sure he would have spotted Minjun hyung, as Namjoon hyung's observations were really a thing.

So he- or should I say she. Well, he even took precautions saying we shouldn't include Namjoon hyung with us, and that was another reason for making Namjoon hyung intentionally weak. So that Namjoon hyung couldn't join us in the fabricated female's rescue.

One more reason was, he feared Namjoon hyung's sagacity and felt antsy about getting caught. However he knew no matter how much of an intellect Namjoon hyung was, if he turned sick or frail, he never used to apply his wit as it made his head hurt.

Tae hyung was Namjoon hyung's best friend, and he knew all about Namjoon hyung, even his medical history. And naturally he have told that to his brother too, or maybe Minjun hyung eavesdropped during phone calls or other times and then he used those informations against Namjoon hyung.

Minjun hyung knew a simple threat wouldn't have affected Namjoon hyung nor will any eldritch occurrence, it needed to be something nonpareil or peerless, something different. So, he decided to come up with the most weird thing ever, do not sleep at night!

He knew Namjoon hyung would have thought about that in fact overthought about that as Namjoon hyung had the tendency of overthinking about every tiny matter, especially at night.

So it would have benefited Minjun hyung in both ways. Firstly if Namjoon hyung actually followed his order, he would have fallen sick because staying late up at night was not healthy for Namjoon hyung because of his weak immunity, at least that's what his medical report said. And even if he didn't follow the order he would have thought about it which would have caused him staying up at night even without his concern, which basically happened and Minjun hyung knew he would have eventually fell sick in that way.

Then after his demise everyone would conclude he died of illness or because of fragileness due to food poisoning.

And he was right.

Finally, that day we went to rescue her, and that's the day Tae hyung got kidnapped by him. From then on Minjun hyung began to live with us instead, but we couldn't understand or realize!" I explained.

"Oh so that's why Taehyung seemed a little eccentric that day, but when we confronted him, he just behaved like it was nothing," exclaimed Jin hyung.

"Yeah, and he also drank coffee that day, remember? That was very shocking for me honestly! But now I know why," Hoseok hyung said exhaling.

"Well, why did he stop calling after two nights though?" Jin hyung asked.

"Because he had only three sim cards, his new but not so advanced android gifted by his uncle only few weeks ago on his birthday was a two sim phone which he never used to call anyone. But still Tae hyung found it vaguely familiar because he might have taken a look at it once or twice while his brother remained absent or whatever.

And then from somewhere he collected a random another card. He called from two of the unknown numbers on the first two nights and saved the third number for calling us in that feminine voice!" I satisfied his curiosity.

"Oh! Okay" he suspired.

"And why did he choose the smooth male voice and not the opposite gender's one to creep Namjoon and us?" Hoseok hyung displayed another query.

"Because he wanted us to doubt each other. In that way we would have spent the days not investigating deeper or thinking about any odd possibility or any possibility of the involvement of any outsider, rather we would have remained engaged in blaming each other while he would have used that chance to carry out his plan smoothly. And he chose the smooth voice, naturally because that wouldn't have sounded threatening rather very bizarre which would have caused Namjoon hyung to overthink, because threat calls after a time stopped bothering his thoughts as he has had enough of those!" I expounded.

"Mhmm!" Hoseok hyung realized the context and let out a frustrated nod.

"Now let me continue!" I told them and kept continuing my story.

"So after Minjun hyung made his way into our motel, he was already having the methanol with him, which he obtained from his dad's laboratory. As you all might remember Tae hyung's dad is a scientist.

Well, now as I told that when Minjun hyung went to confront the judges they told if Namjoon hyung can't make it on the day of shooting then only Minjun hyung would receive the role. He immediately decided on what he had to do! He had to remove his only obstacle which was Namjoon hyung to bag that role. As he knew after being with Jin hyung for so many years Namjoon hyung's biggest dream has rested on acting as a lead role, and he would not have delayed or given up that opportunity for anything at all.

But he also knew that carrying out homicide for such an intellectual boy wasn't his cup of tea, he needed to come up with something very smooth. And that's exactly when he saw the judges having coffee. He remembered he had many sugar pouches with him.

By the way, collecting things from motels or hotels or anywhere was not Yoongi hyung's habit but Minjun hyung's. I doubted Yoongi hyung when he stated the sugar pouch belonged to him, and he likes to amass things, as I saw him that there were three sugar pouches that were left unused on the first day we arrived in this motel, but he didn't claim those. Then he was surely lying. Actually he was helping Minjun hyung.

It was Minjun hyung's sugar pouch that he collected from a motel three years ago and used that in the most wicked way possible. He mixed the methanol with the saturated sugar, and made the pouch a little puffy so that the poison won't lose their property getting stuck to the paper and resealed it. And that's the reason it felt wet that day when we touched the pouch. Methanol is a liquid poison, which looks like water, and is colorless and odorless. So naturally, when Yoongi hyung told that was his melted sugar, none of us doubted him!

Oh and if you're wondering how did he bring that in, then I should state, while we returned from the woods that day, he was already having that with him and he just placed that in the chiffonier when he entered the motel and none noticed him," I explained the second part.

"Y-yoongi?!!!" Jin hyung exclaimed personally affronted.

"Now, nextly, on the day when we went to visit the cafe, I noticed that android and asked Tae hy- sorry Minjun hyung if it belonged to him. It very much belonged to him but he denied, because he had to pretend like Tae hyung and not Minjun hyung, so he said he didn't know whose it was.

Next night, when we all decided to visit Namjoon hyung, I went to call Tae- well now Minjun and Yoongi hyung, but they said that Yoongi hyung wasn't feeling well, so they will be coming a little later.

But Yoongi hyung was perfectly fine. They came late because they were mixing that poison with the glass of water placed on the table of the terrace.

As methanol is colorless and odourless and also sugar is soluble, their work became easier. Then arrived Minjun and Yoongi hyung, and Yoongi hyung on purpose pretended to faint and broke the glass so that the glass could be replaced with the poisoned water.

Hoseok hyung suggested to tell the serviceman, but they didn't follow, and they very well knew midnight water was a must for Namjoon hyung, so they just put the poisoned drink and left.

Before midnight Minjun hyung went to the terrace and tried burning the evidence or in other words the sugar pouch, but unfortunately it dropped into the jardiniere and the terrace caught fire. Later that night Namjoon hyung drank the water, well- poisoned water and passed away, that's how Namjoon hyung died!" I told and took a deep breath.

"B-but then why did he say J?" Hoseok hyung asked.

"Oh, Jin hyung hand over Namjoon hyung's phone please!" I ordered him and he did hand over the phone to me.

I scrolled through the contacts and stopped at the name Jack.

"Jack!" I mumbled and called the number.

Suddenly Tae hyung's phone rang.

I hung up and put Namjoon hyung's phone on the table beside me.

"Namjoon hyung and Tae hyung were best friends, so they frequently used nicknames for each others. But they both liked being called by their real names in front of outsiders. Well, they probably used their real names only when they were with us or someone very close.

That night Minjun hyung went to check if Namjoon hyung was still alive, or was he struggling to survive. And before passing away Namjoon hyung spotted Minjun hyung, but he didn't know it was Minjun hyung though. To be honest, till today none of us knew. Namjoon hyung thought it was Tae hyung, so very basically he tried to spell his nickname, which was Jack! Hence, J!" I explained.

Everyone looked at each other and none breathed a word.

After minutes of silence Jin hyung wondered feeling deprived of honesty on getting his trust misused.

"Why Yoongi? Why?"

"It's because of his secrets!" I replied.

Jin hyung stood up and grabbed Tae hyung by his collar.

"If you still don't breathe a word about Yoongi's secret, I am going to make your life a living hell!" He groaned gritting his teeth.

"Let me breathe then!" Tae hyung replied, putting Jin hyung's hands away from his collar.


I didn't expect it to be this long lol, well, I thought I will answer all the questions in this episode only, but nah! Let's wait for one more episode and I promise all the questions will be answered.

Sorry for grammatical errors, typos and spelling mistakes. I hope you all can forgive me for my inconveniences

See you in the next episode, stay happy, healthy and safe. Love you all 💜❤💜

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