EPISODE 2 [Who's it?]

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Namjoon's POV

I wasn't able to shut my lids at ease for the whole night. To be very upfront, I envisaged someone's arrival. I didn't know who I was waiting for but I waited. Maybe because I demanded that call to be a bog standard, regular call and not some deviant anonymous one!

Well, nah! None showed up. It's not like I didn't think of presuming that call as just a prank but I don't know why my reasoning didn't cooperate. But above all, the thing which mattered the most was that ultimately I couldn't get an up to par good night's sleep.

I am not a person who would get perturbed by some vapid threat calls because I have already had enough of those obnoxious rings throughout my life.

In the beginning it creeped me, but eventually I got accustomed to it. Well, if anyone is wondering why the criminals or just say pranksters dialed my number then I must state that Jungkook used to read in the same academy as mine, we were fairly intimate. And now he is a cop.

Maybe the criminals acknowledged the fact that Jungkook and I were close pals, so they probably tried to suppress Jungkook using me as bait. Or maybe the footage I had in my phone, yeah the one about Jungkook, maybe they wanted that? I don't know, at least I couldn't figure out any other rationale.

Whatever the reason might be, I'm very much used to such jejune threats, which all the time only spiralled around harming or harassing me, my family, my friends, my students, ruin my career, ruin my life, ruin this, ruin that, blah blah blah. But that was it, just empty threats, they never proceeded further or maybe just didn't have the guts to, oh and also Jungkook saved me recurrently.

But, this time it wasn't a typical threat. More importantly, it didn't even coincide with a threat, it sounded more like a...request? And the request was extremely cranky, like why would anyone suddenly enjoin me not to sleep at night and why would they tell me they would be visiting wherever I am when they aren't going to visit for real?

For once, I thought the person was talking about visiting my native home. But if that was the case, then he surely would have replied when I queried him about his identity.

I can't think anymore, I am having a headache. I guess I shouldn't have listened to Jungkook when he wanted Jin in his room. Just because he's the youngest, I couldn't deny his desire. Another reason was, Jin seemed very exhilarated about spending this vacation with his best friend.

Jin has already spent several vacations with me, so it was a different experience for him. Hence I didn't want to cause harm to his enrapture, and ended up agreeing with them when they wanted to share the same room.

My hyung Yoongi could have shared my room. But I knew he wouldn't, as he had his own secrets which only Taehyung was aware of, and that was the only reason hyung never went on any trip or literally anywhere if Taehyung wasn't included.

I don't know why Taehyung was the only one who knew and not me but whatever, that's the reason hyung shared room with Taehyung. Jimin and Hoseok randomly picked their room and co-incidentally liked the same one, so they shared.

It was only me who was left alone and had a room all to myself. I wasn't complaining primarily, thinking how it would also be better in case I need to prepare notes for my students, in such a halcyon and secluded surrounding. But who knew this call was lingering for me? Anyway, I'm too tired now, I'll just wait till next morning and let the others know about what I encountered.


Namjoon's POV

The alarm didn't buzz, but I wasn't able to restraint my anxiety anymore. I knew none would be awake at this hour, at least not when they're on a vacation at such an isolated as well pacific place. All of them works their fingers to the bones throughout the year, and gets very rare off days.

Jin, Jungkook, Hoseok, and Taehyung hardly get day offs, they are on duty almost the entire year and works 24×7. Hyung is currently doing various courses in higher studies so technically he doesn't have any off day if he himself doesn't choose to take a break, and I have no idea why he never chooses to take one.

Jimin and I are both coordinators of some kind of institutions, but Jimin takes a lot more stress on himself than I do, as I look after only the English department but he does coordinate the whole system. It's really very arduous for him.

So, naturally this vacation was an escape for all of us from our daily typical tedious lives. However I couldn't help myself, I was having a plethora of anxieties at that point.

Ignoring the wait for alarm, I modestly made my way towards Jin and Jungkook's room and pummeled on the door. After 3 to 5 minutes, Jin unbolted the entrance. I knew Jin would be opening it, as Jungkook is not a type to rise early when he's not on duty or is not in charge of carrying out any official duty.

Though Jin was a little amused to see me at such an odd time of the day, still he knew me very well. So he was assertive about me never doing anything without cause, therefore he didn't cross examine and just decided to follow whatever I was pronouncing.

After half an hour...

After several hours, when everyone was up, I urged all of them to visit my room. They did without exhibiting any doubt or presenting any demand for authenticity.

Once, we all gathered at my place, I observed their faces very scrupulously, though I couldn't spot any unnatural mien on anyone's phiz, even not hyung.

But yet there was one thing which didn't fail to lay hold of my attention. The rope marks on hyung's arms. I thought of asking him what were those. However, I didn't dare to do such in front of all the others, probably it was also not a good idea. After I was done observing their countenances, I described what happened with me the previous gloomy hour.

"I got a call from an unknown number last night," I said.

"So? Do you not get calls from unknown numbers? In fact don't we all do?" Jimin commented raising one of his eyebrow.

"Is that all you wanted to say this early?" Hoseok asked a little miffed.

"Namjoon are you even okay? You get frequent abnormal calls throughout the year, why is it that this call is becoming a matter of concern? It's just one of those hundred calls," hyung added.

"No, it was not a threat call. If it were, I wouldn't have even cared, but it was different. The caller didn't speak for approximately three minutes once I received and after those vague three minutes, the only thing he said was 'do not sleep tonight, I'll be visiting wherever you are'."

"And?" Asked Jimin.

"Well, none knows we're in this motel," I answered back.

"He was probably talking about visiting your place of origin?" Jungkook enunciated after so long.

"He wasn't, if he was then he would have surely replied to me when I asked about his identity. And also why would anyone visit my native home at such an odd time? Over that, if he did and found me absent from my native home, he would have called me back! Isn't it?" I replied very casually, not that I was much proficient in solving mysteries or anything, but these were just my intuitions.

"How about calling the number back?" Jungkook suggested.

"I don't think he will pick up, but if you want to, you can do it. Go ahead," I said handing over my phone to him.

He called the number back to satisfy his soul but as expected, the feminine voice professed

'The number you are trying to reach, does not exist.'

"Wow!" Was the only word that Taehyung breathed.

"I already was sure about something like that happening, that's the only reason I didn't call the number back. But what now? It still seems very ordinary to you all?" I asked.

"Not to me!" Jungkook replied.

"Of course! You're a cop, everything seems fishy to you," Hoseok remarked rolling his eyes.

"Common! It's not that simple?" Jin remonstrated.

Everyone exchanged glances with each other and sighed. We didn't talk anymore about that matter, rather got involved in preparations for morning meals and performing other stuffs. But I clearly realized Jungkook was very much into the case. However, except Jin, none sadly encouraged him.


I wrote this during my online class lol, so there would be all kind of mistakes starting from grammatical errors to typos, please ignore those and forgive me for my mistakes and just enjoy the story! The next episode will be very interesting I promise!

Episode 3 coming soon...

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