EPISODE 6 [Comfort]

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None's POV

"It feels impenetrable!" Taehyung grumbled, nevertheless kept moving forward to maintain his staunch personality, ultimately reaching the tenebrous part of the woods and kept hollering "Is anyone there?" None answered.

He was conspicuously afraid to go any further, but he did it anyway. For the sake of his friends and for the sake of that girl, whoever she was, he went deeper into the woods.

"Did I hear a rustle?" He wondered trying to confirm his own ears and gyrated his optics in the hope of spotting someone.

Rustling noises

"Yeah, I was right! I heard a rustle and I guess it's coming from that side," he maffled and proceeded towards the left.

After 3 hours

"I didn't find anyone, I am so sorry!" Taehyung confessed huffing as he was running out of breath from all the hard work he did to find that girl.

"Me neither," Hoseok admitted staggering back to join the others.

"Uhm me neither," Jin added.

Jungkook and Yoongi looked at each other.

"I'm sorry! I was debilitated, but trust me I tried searching for her. Well I gave up when I was cent percent sure that I wasn't going to find anyone at all," Yoongi said in a crabby manner rolling his eyes.

"Well...sad and sorry to say, that unfortunately I also didn't find anyone," Jungkook said extremely dispirited.

Everyone looked at the another and there was a moment of utter silence. Jungkook wasn't sure if he made everyone disappointed in him or worried about that girl, but he was sure that he didn't make anyone happy.

In the motel

Jimin's POV

"Hyung, hyung! Please calm down, everything will be alright!" I kept on consoling Namjoon hyung, but I don't think that worked much though.

He was profusely sweating and was taking frequent deep breaths, which clearly meant he was not feeling alright. Probably he was getting mixed emotions, maybe he was fretful about the conditions of others or maybe he was feeling guilty.

I tried really hard not to disclose anything about the call Taehyung received but it is impractical for anyone to even consider beating his observation. He straight way asked where are the others? Why are you alone here?

So, I had to delineate him the complete occurrence. I am really bad at making up things, so I just told him about the actual incident and then I repented for that. Yeah!, that's me. I never know where to say what, so I literally, all the time, end up mystifying every situation.

Now I can't control Namjoon hyung. My bad!

"J-Jimin please call them, I can't bear anymore, please call them!" He begged wincing and almost tried sitting up. Therefore, I had to oblige him to lie down. He was sick and weak, getting so edgy at such moment can be life taking.

I called them as he demanded, but they didn't pick up. I called them again, but they didn't pick up. So, I sighed and chucked my phone against the table.

"Th-they aren't picking up, right Jimin?" Hyung asked beginning to fidget with his fingertips.

"Hyung please calm down! They are okay, I bet. Jungkook is with them, why are you worrying? They will come back safe," I kept giving out the false hopes and tried to conciliate him but he didn't seem to turn calm until they returns.

Good thing that they came back in the next 10 minutes.

"Are- are you all okay?" Namjoon hyung yelled even before they visited his room to take a look.

"Hyung, shhh! This is not your home, I will go and talk to them, okay? Now lie down" I berated hissing at him.

Once he seemed calmer, I walked out and spotted the guys entering their particular rooms.

"Excuse me everyone! Namjoon hyung is turning wild, he is so worried about you all. Please come to see him after you're done checking on your own rooms, okay? I'm there," I said.

"Why have you vouchsafed this event to him? Do you not know this wasn't like your ordinary daily titbits? Anxiety and excitement is not good for him now!!" Jungkook yelled at me.

"As if I don't know that, but what was I supposed to do? Before even I spelled anything, he asked me where were you all! So I just told him offhandedly," I replied being as cool as a cucumber.

"You are really bad at making stories," Taehyung commented.

"Of course I am. Now do your jobs fast and please come to meet him if you don't want him dead. He is hella excited," I told them and walked back to Namjoon hyung's room.

"Are they coming? Are they all okay? they didn't get any bruise, gouge, abrasion or any injury right?" Namjoon hyung continued posing without a single interval.

"Hyung! Take a break, take a break and breath, give me the time to answer!" I exhaled trying to calm him down.

"O-oh yeah, s-sorry!!" He lowered his face.

"Hyung I get it that you're worried about them, for a matter of fact I am also worried but try to keep yourself level headed. This is not the first time, why are you so much afraid about the consequences? Is it because you are blaming yourself?" I asked curtailing my voice as much as I can to make it sound assuaging.

He nodded.

"Then stop blaming yourself, it's not your fault, why are you not getting that you have no hand in those creepy calls.

If someone is trying to mess with us, then it's them, not you, why are you ruining your health, both physical and mental by blaming yourself and having gloom-ridden conceptions?

Do you think we really blame you for all of this? Definitely not, you're a part of us and you are not the one to blame. Please stop taking all of it on your head alone, we will find that as*hole and get him chastened, okay?" I told him hoping that he could really eliminate the unseen monolith which he was holding over his heart.

"Thanks Jimin," he uttered.

I was about to say something more to him, but Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung strolled in.

"How are you feeling now Namjoon?" Yoongi hyung asked.

"Hyung! Are-are you okay?" Namjoon hyung sat up getting excited again.

"HYUNG!" I had to yell.

"Oh s-sorry" Namjoon hyung apologized and calmed himself.

"We're okay Namjoon, are you alright?" Hoseok hyung said sitting beside and caressing Namjoon hyung's barnets.

Namjoon hyung nodded.

"Doesn't look like though!" said Taehyung as he arrived into the room.

"Yeah, hyung you really look pale and weak. You should take proper care of yourself," Jungkook advised on entering the room following Taehyung.

"It's okay guys, I'm fine!" Namjoon hyung said smiling indistinctly.

"That's a fib, you're not fine hyung. Why are you lying to yourself and us like that? Are you really concerned about us? Are you thinking what will happen to OUR vacation? Then let me state that you are more important to me and us than this vacation.

Hyung, please look after yourself. That's the only way you can keep us contented, not by blaming yourself for all that's happening," Taehyung said holding Namjoon hyung's hand.

I never knew Namjoon hyung could get so verklempt until today. He literally hugged Taehyung and not sure but seemed like he was sobbing.

"Th-thanks everyone, I am lucky to have you all," Namjoon hyung intonated.

"It's okay hyung, everything will be alright again, don't worry!" Taehyung consoled as he hugged back and kept patting Namjoon hyung's shoulders.

We all looked at each other and exchanged smiles of comfort. Even though we still didn't find the root of the mysterious calls, yet the atmosphere felt so mild and relaxing for us at that moment.

"So if Namjoon hyung is feeling okay now, I just wanted to say that we all are fine, none got a single injury and...uhm I don't know if this is a good thing or bad thing, but we didn't find any girl. In fact we didn't find anyone at all," Jungkook stated.

"Oh, well!" Namjoon hyung expressed as he pulled himself back from the hug.

"Let's stop talking about this and go for repast, it's getting late now," Yoongi hyung suggested.

We all nodded and followed him for dinner. After it was over, we headed to our own individual beds. That was the end of the day, no other creepy call bothered anyone.


Sorry for the late update lol, I wasn't really well last day, and also I had a bunch of homework, so I really didn't get the time to write this. Now, coming to apologies. Sorry for typos, grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Hope you have enjoyed this episode.

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