EPISODE 9 [Behind everything!]

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Jungkook's POV

We returned from the bistro, and continued with our diurnal activities. That day was doubtlessly the most normal day for all of us. Nothing, except the discovery of that mysterious android took place. And that's the reason I decided to keep my discovery a secret from everyone except Tae hyung.

Though, I and Tae hyung decided that we'll let the others know about that android before heading to bed, but I altered the idea. The day was too good for us, for everyone. We all were too happy after all those creepy ones. So, I informed Tae hyung about the change in plan muttering in his ear. He didn't seem to oppose, rather he jibed with me and suggested keeping that a secret until next morning.

I promised him to do so. Further, we played various games, chatted for hours, had our flavor some supper and then went back to our particular rooms.

I thought making Jin and Namjoon hyung a little happier on such a delightful day like this would be a great idea. So, I told Jin hyung that he can sleep with Namjoon hyung for that night only if he wants to, but he has to come back to my room the next day.

He swore he will continue sharing my bed from the following day, but for that day he decided to sleep in Namjoon hyung's room. Both of them looked so happy and their happy faces provided me a sense of ease and comfort.

I walked back to my room alone. It felt a little empty without Jin hyung but I didn't care much, and rather tried picturing Namjoon and Jin hyung's happy faces, which took away all the emptiness.

Not too late I received a message, I checked it and immediately after that drowned in slumber. I was really tired, not because I was thinking too much about the case or anything, but I was just tired, so I fell asleep.

The next morning

As usual, I woke up before everyone else. After few minutes only Tae hyung came out of his room. We exchanged a glance and smiled at each other. He cleansed his face and sat beside me handing over the android I found yesterday. I took that in my grips and examined it from every possible angle. However, I didn't find anything fishy about it.

I was going to ask something to Tae hyung. But before I could vocalize anything,Yoongi hyung walked out followed by Jimin and Hoseok hyung.

Namjoon and Jin hyung woke up very late, maybe they were having the time of their lives. I didn't mither.

"Did you sleep well hyung?" I asked Jin hyung.

"Thank you, Jungkook! Thanks a lot for letting him split the night with me," Namjoon hyung said smiling.

I stayed mum and smiled back softly.

The pleasure on both their faces were very much perceptible.

After we all had our morning refreshments, I asked for permission from everyone to talk about that mysterious android.

Strangely, none seemed to oppose, neither did anyone look pissed. I don't know why, but everyone was very eager to see that model instead.

So, I handed over the model to them and one by one all of them examined it and its every possible aspects.

While others were busy examining the model, Jimin hyung suddenly aimed a question at Tae hyung.

"Are you in love with him?"

"What?" Tae hyung asked.

"I am noticing that you are staring at him from the time we arrived here!" Jimin hyung said pointing at me.

"You mean Jungkook? Oh, yeah I guess I'm in love with him. Jungkook do you love me too?" He said smirking. I knew he didn't mean what he said and I also knew why he was staring at me but I couldn't say the reason infront of the others.

"Jungkook is also stealing occasional glances at you, are you two dating?" Jimin hyung asked again.

"N-no it's nothi-" I couldn't complete my sentence as Tae hyung interrupted.

"Get back to what we were doing, and stop imagining things which are surreal!" He domineered audaciously.

Jimin hyung didn't carry on with his comments anymore, neither did Tae hyung.

Maybe they would have continued, if Jin hyung didn't return the model to me at that very time.

I took that back from Jin hyung's palm and placed that on the centre of the table.

"So, as you all know, none of us had this kind of android version ever before, at least not when we arrived here, in this motel. It suddenly appeared yesterday. Uhm therefore, before jumping to any conclusions, I want to ask if anyone of you are familiar with this model? Be very honest and please let me know if this belongs to you," I said.

None committed to the phone belonging to them, everyone only motioned a 'No, it's not mine' attitude.

I sighed and looked at Tae hyung who shrugged, in an attempt to gesture "what can I do in this?"

Hence, I finally told what I had to.

"I am going to trace the fingerprints on it. Now I have all of your fingerprints over its surface, so there must be one pair of fingerprints from us which is present here innumerable times. And as I assume, you all just held it today for the first time, so the fingerprints that will be in the maximum number, will be the fingerprints of the owner," I said.

"Yeah, that's a really good idea!" Yoongi hyung complimented.

Everyone else agreed with my conception.

But unfortunately, I failed to recognize any of the fingerprints. I went in my room and traced it for as long as I could, however in vain! All the fingerprints were so terribly confounded, and most of them were blurry. So, even though I tried, I didn't succeed.

I came out with a frustrated face and admitted that I wasn't able to figure it out.

"What kind of cop are you?" Tae hyung taunted.

I ignored him and looked at the others. They didn't seem to complain, rather they consoled me. Infact Tae hyung also admitted he was just joking, and didn't mean it literally.

That was the end of the mysterious android episode. We didn't talk anymore about it. We had our lunch and went for a short walk, to admire the beauty of landscapes and to enjoy the cool breezes. Namjoon hyung didn't recover fully still then, so we thought maybe he will like it outside, he did I guess, he really liked it outside.

Once we returned to our motel, we all entered our rooms and each of us took a relaxing hot steam bath.

"Let's take a visit to Namjoon hyung's room, he will feel less solitary then. Also it might cheer him up and can help him recover faster?" I suggested to Jin hyung.

Jin hyung was more than ready. I mean that's the most expected and natural behavior from him after all. What type of irresponsible boyfriend would say 'No' to the proposal of visiting his partner for providing comfort.

"Yes, yes, yes, sure! Why not?" Very naturally he piped up, getting almost hysterical.

I sighed and replied "Okay, let's go, and let's take the others with us as well. Go and inform Jimin and Hoseok hyung, and I'll go call Tae and Yoongi hyung."

"Okay" Jin hyung said and left to call for Hoseok and Jimin hyung.

I walked to Tae and Yoongi hyung's room and apprised them about the visit to Namjoon hyung as well.

Tae hyung said Yoongi hyung was feeling a little queasy, so they will come but a little later.

I agreed and walked to Namjoon hyung's room. Jin, Jimin and Hoseok hyung were already there and Namjoon hyung seemed to be in a buoyant mood with all of them encircling him.

"Jungkook, come in!" Namjoon hyung screamed out of excitement.

I laughed at his excited yell. He was looking really cute and innocent and his scream made him look more guileless than ever.

I giggled and replied "You look so jovial today hyung!"

He let out a little laugh and replied "thanks to all of you for being there for me when I need you the most!"

"Of course! We are always here for you, available every time you need us," Tae hyung said as he and Yoongi hyung strode in the room smiling.

"How are you Namjoon?" Yoongi hyung asked.

"I'm okay hyung, are you fine?" Namjoon hyung asked back.

"Why? Am I not supposed to be fine?" Yoongi hyung queried, clueless.

"No, I mean your rope mark- never mind!" Namjoon hyung said realizing he was not supposed to talk about that secret.

To manage the awkward situation I interrupted saying "Tae hyung said you were appearing malaise, so are you feeling better now Yoongi hyung?"

"Oh yeah, I guess I am," he answered cordially.

We began comforting Namjoon hyung and I'm pretty sure he liked it. But, happy moments doesn't last long, indeed they don't.

It was approximately half an hour or less since we all gathered at Namjoon hyung's place, and was comforting him, when suddenly Yoongi hyung started feeling dizzy. On asking, he committed about getting waves of giddiness.

"Are you okay?" Jin hyung asked.

Yoongi hyung didn't reply. He held his head and stood at a corner taking a support against the table affixed to the masonry wall.

"Hyung? Hyung are you okay? J- uh Tae, is he okay? Please tell me, what's wrong with him? What is he feeling?" Namjoon hyung asked having kittens again.

I and Jimin hyung ran to make him lie down back.

"Don't get worked up please! You yourself are not well," we both berated.

He lied down but his anxiety didn't seem to fade out.

And not even minutes after, Yoongi hyung lost his equilibrium falling down on the cold floor comatose, accidentally breaking the glass of water which was placed on the table.

Soon Tae hyung sprinkled some water over his face from his own flask which contained a very last few drops in it. Fortunately he came back to his senses anon.

We all held him firmly and carried him back to his room, made him lie on his bed and turned off the lamps walking out, leaving him to catch some z's.

We all returned back to Namjoon hyung's room and consoled him saying Yoongi hyung was okay, and was sleeping.

"But Namjoon hyung needs water at midnight, doesn't he? In general also and these days more because of his midnight fever capsules, isn't it?" Jimin hyung reminded.

"He does, and he definitely does when he feels febrile. If he can't get water at midnight while he is sick, it will deteriorate his health and will make him weaker and obviously as you mentioned, the midnight capsules," Jin hyung answered.

"Oh no, it's too bad then! We definitely don't want Namjoon hyung get weaker!" Jimin hyung commented.

"But what can we do? The glass of water is broken, and also yeah, we have to pay for it too," Tae hyung said sighing.

"Please don't inculpate hyung or say anything to him for this disaster, he was weak and felt woozy. He didn't break the glass on purpose, please!" Namjoon hyung pleaded.

"Oh of course not Namjoon hyung. Don't worry, I was not blaming Yoongi hyung, I was only saying that we have to pay for it," Tae hyung clarified himself.

"You don't have to worry about the sanction, I can fill the fine!" I said.

"Well, any of us can pay the amount, but that's not important right now. What's important is what should Namjoon do now? It's a prone to peril situation for him if he doesn't take water and his pills at midnight, it can be lifetaking," Jin hyung resumed the discussion.

"Wait, wait! I remember I saw another random glass of water kept on the table of the terrace, should I place it here?" Tae hyung demanded for permission.

"Whose is that?" I asked.

"One of us, and I don't think anyone would mind if we give up our one glass of water for only one night, just for Namjoon hyung's sake," Tae hyung said.

"No no, of course not!" I replied.

"Can't we ask for just another glass of water from the servicemen?" Hoseok hyung propounded.

"I think bothering them at this hour is not decency," Jin hyung commented.

"But it's their job, isn't it?" Hoseok hyung said again.

"It is hyung, but still when we have an alternative solution in ourselves already, why pester them for this minor matter? I know they do get paid but still just because they get paid doesn't mean they always like it, we have humanity left in us, I think?

Over that, the emergency buzzers are having technical issues anyway, they're not working, that's why I had to visit the reception to file complaints last morning," Tae hyung said.

Hoseok hyung sighed and replied "Okay okay sorry, I was wrong."

"Can't we just leave a flask here?" Jimin hyung queried.

"Uhmm we were having four flasks in total with us. Three of them were emptied in the morning and the last one remaining with Tae hyung ended just now. And as far as I remember we don't have access to the purifier of the reception before 7 a.m. Also, it's too late now to go out only to fill a flask with water," I shrugged and Hoseok hyung sighed again.

"So, should he bring it?" Jin hyung asked Hoseok hyung.

"Yeah, yeah sure!" He replied.

"Okay then!" Tae hyung said and fetched the glass of water placing it on Namjoon hyung's table.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Namjoon hyung asked.

We all nodded and told him to recline.

Namjoon hyung was already too weak and his hyung's sudden health issue concerned him more. We tried to make him understand that Yoongi hyung was just worried about everything that was happening and in his innermost psyche, he was fuzzily stressed because of that call too. It's the consequence of that only, nothing else.

He maybe understood, but he didn't feel any better. So, we couldn't leave him alone there. On the other hand, I was feeling too empty because of all that was going around me, so I needed Jin hyung, and it was only Jin hyung who could have made me feel better, none else. So unfortunately I wasn't able to allow Jin hyung to sleep with Namjoon hyung for that night. After much deliberation Jimin hyung said he will stay with Namjoon hyung.

It was decided and we left Jimin hyung to be with Namjoon hyung, while we all returned to our own rooms.


I guess it's a little too long lmao, I don't know how my lazy ass managed to write this much. Anyway, I loved writing this episode, this is one of my favorite episodes. But, unfortunately there will be a tragedy in the next episode. Do not proceed if you're not ready to accept any kind of tragedy (please proceed lol, you should read the full story.)

Sorry for typos, spelling errors, grammatical errors or anything else. As this episode is really long, there will be more mistakes I bet, so please consider my inconveniences and forgive me. Love you all sweeties, be happy and healthy💜💜

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