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~Time skip two days~

Seth's POV

I jump out as the pole crash together. Tinikling is one of the weirdest units. Jumping in and out of poles? My mind goes off track, as I start thinking of Pole Dancing(inside joke). I jump in, and trip on the fast-moving poles.


I find Sam hovering over me, him smirking down at me. Normally, I'd find this comforting and laughable, but it sends me into a panic, my heart threatening to burst through my ribcage, battering, pummeling my chest. I quickly, but still carefully, push him off of me, scrambling away. I leap to my feet and dash away backward, as fast as I can, trying to get away from Luca-

It was Sam. Not Lucas.

Sam never tried to dominate. Lucas always did.

It didn't-

I couldn't-

I wish-

"Wow, kid! You should try out for track!" My eyes snap open. The gym teacher is staring at me, a grin slowly spreading across his face.

"Y-you think so?" The teacher... Mr... I can't remember... Whatever. He nods, looking very enthusiastic.

"Kid, You ran so damn fast, you could outrun the flash!" I smile. I think I'm starting to like this teacher.

"Thanks, Mr..." I hesitate.

"Alphin. Mr. Alphin. You're Seth, right? The transfer student from Wales?" I nod.

Sam's POV

It hurts, realizing what just happened, but I still don't know what happened.

One second he was dancing like a maniac, yet still looking adorable, the next he's under me. Then he's suddenly on the other side of the room, chatting with our gym teacher. I never noticed before, but Mr. Alphin isn't normal. At least, not mortal. Don't tell Seth, but deities smell weird. Well all of them in general, angels and demons as well, have this different.. Energy and sense around them. (Although sometimes they do smell because they forget that humans need to shower). Some like Seth's are more hidden but when I met Jack I sensed something different right away. Jack had some energy that made you want to crawl in a corner and cry. It makes you feel so bad, you have to concentrate on not breaking down in front of him. He's such a nice guy, it's awful. I just wonder how he feels due to his power. (rip jack 5 frickin times) You can fight the urge back sometimes it's just plain difficult. Chara had a energy that made you want to get along with everyone. And why would you want to fight that? This was different. He felt like you should obey him because you are lesser than him and he knows it. And it wasn't a calm buzzing in your ears like the others. It was a piercing shriek. I guess I hadn't noticed before because. One, our gym is old and I thought it was just the rusty fans. Two, he's a teacher and is above the system from us, and three I hadn't met a deity yet. As I feel this power seep through me, my mind emptied. All my thoughts and emotions were just gone. Everything falls away as one command enters my brain, filling me to the brim, overflowing me with one word.


Everything ceases. My heart, my breathing, my cells, everything came to a sudden halt. I gasp out the rest of my air in panic. My eyes widen as the blood stops flowing. I raise a hand and start clawing at my throat. Seth rushes over.

"Sam what ha-"

Black ants crawl across my vision, blue and red blobs joining them as I slowly blackout, pain overwhelming my remaining senses.

Seth's POV

As I hold the handsome(and possibly dead) mortal in my arms, I realize something. He reeks of deity. I can only match that smell with one other. I whirl around to face Mr. Alphin. He smirks at me.

"So, Apprentice of Death," I growl at the title. "How may I help you?"

"Demon of Direction, let my boyfriend out of your grasp. Pholia Alphin." He glares at the name.

"Mr. Alphin, please. I'll let him go if you do me a favor." I groan, hating this game.

"Let him live, he'll be quiet as we speak." Pholia snaps his fingers (Mr. alphin, I don't feel so good...) and releases Sam. I hear a heartbeat and a shaky breath. I use a bit of CPR. He's alive but unconscious.

"What's your task?" I impatiently ask. A chuckle rolls out of his sly mouth, a crooked and malicious smile edging onto his face.

"Let's see here..;" He walks around me, and I realize something. All of the students are gone. Vanished. Poof. It's like they fucking just disappeared. The bell probably rang, but it still makes me wonder...

"Get on with it, Pholia. No one likes waiting, you know that for sure. Considering you just fucking take whatever shit you feel like, not waiting or bothering to even try to fit in." Mr. Alphin sneers at me, reminding me in just the wrong way of Ken and his cronies.

"Mister. Alphin. And I'll give you something especially nasty for that." A smirk widens, birthed from his cocky sneer. "You're running out of time, Death-Born." I laugh.

"Haven't heard that in a while!" Pholia rolls his eyes.

"Just shut up. As I was saying," He clears his throat. "you're running out of time. Do me a favor, and I could try to give you more." I perk up. Bastardized demon or not, he gave a good offer.

"And in return?" Pholia grins with cold sadism.

"You have to-"

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