Chapter 10

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Avni's POV

Why am I getting attracted to him ? He is the reason why I am here. I am not able to contact my mom, I am not able to enjoy my freedom and he is the reason behind my suffocation which is eating me up. I wasn't able to see his wounds, I wasn't able to see his red teary eyes. Why ? Why is he affecting me so much ? He is a ruthless mafia king but he never manhandle me, he always gives me respect and care for my emotions. Why is he so good with me ? After knowing about Akhil his reaction was so heart wrenching. It felt like I have given him this wound intentionally. I never knew that he is this much possessive for me but love can't bloom between us and I want my freedom cos I am scared. Scared that I will loose myself to him, he have the passion to conquer my heart but I am afraid of giving my heart to him. Why have he kidnapped me ? He's not even torturing or forcing me for accepting his love, he is behaving so nicely but I want to go away from him before I get connected with him more emotionally as his world isn't meant for me.

POV ends

Avni soon drifted into sleep but after 2 hours she woke up when she heard some gunshots.

She was trembling with fear, sweat beads formed on her forehead, her body was shivering profusely. Her hands became numb. Since childhood, her mother have protected her in her safest cocoon and now she doesn't have capability to face any problem cos she is dependent on her mother. Today she is missing her mother's comfortable arms as she is facing all those things that are out of her comfort level.

The sound of bullets was increasing,  even the winces of men whose bodies became the victim of gunshots were audible. This was enough to give shivers to Avni.

She snuggled more into herself and hid her face in her knees. She was sobbing and was praying that this time comes to an end.

After sometime the sounds were stopped but Avni was curled into herself as she was literally scared of the current happenings.


Neil's POV

After the powerful encounter with opposite gang, I captivated most of our enemies as they tried to mess with our gang and I ordered my men to take special care of our enemies as they deserve some warm hospitality from our side and I really hope that I will get to know the reason why they want Avi.

She is an innocent soul who never did anything wrong with anyone then why these assholes are after her. I am trying my best to figure out if Avi is related with them in anyway but I am not getting any lead. I am damm sure that there is some missing link as they are trying to capture her as if they want to take some sort of revenge. They won't come after her just because she saved my life, there has to be some other story behind their hunger towards Avi.

While thinking about Avi, reality strikes me that she would be scared if she heard these gunshots as she is very pampered child so these incidents are very new and dangerous for her.

I immediately ran into her room and when I opened the door the site infront of me clenched my heart. There she was curled into herself and sobbing like a baby. I was feeling guilty for captivating her but I don't have any other option with me.

I am sorry Avi but I can't free you or else those hungry beasts will make your life a living hell.

A lone tear escaped from my eyes as I can't see her like this but I quickly wiped it off as I want to console my babydoll and for that I need to be strong.

POV ends


Neil went towards her and gently patted her head, Avni slowly lifted her head and faced him, his eyes were displaying utmost affection for her. Her red puffy eyes were breaking his heart but he composed himself and wiped her tears softly. He kissed her forehead and took her in his protective arms. Avni clings to him like a baby while he was caressing her back gently in order to provide her comfort. Soon her breathing became normal and Neil made her lie on the bed. He positioned himself beside her and pulled her closer to him. Avni's head was on his chest and her arms were wrapped around his torso, their legs were entangled with each other which made them completely inseparable. Neil held her softly yet protectively and covered themselves with a duvet and pulled her more closer to him. Soon, Avni drifted into sleep as she was feeling comfortable in his warmth and Neil was caressing her long hairs. He was admiring the beauty sleeping his arms and a wide smile appeared on his lips.

Neil - I love you Avi and I will love you forever.

He kissed her hairs and soon drifted into sleep.

In morning, Neil woke up first and saw that Avni was sleeping like a baby, he smiled and separated their entangled bodies. She frowned a bit as if she missed his warmth. He kissed her forehead and left her room.


Neil went to interrogation room and saw that their convicts were in terrible condition as Neil's men have given them good amount of dose.

Neil - ( to one of his man ) Any progress ?

Goon - No sir. They aren't speaking anything.

Neil - Leave them for now. Let them recover from the recent attacks. When Avni will leave for college then I will confront them personally. She is already very scared due to last night attacks.

Goons nodded and left the room not before tying them properly.


Avni's POV

As I woke up from my deep slumber, I found that the other side of bed was empty which means Neil have already  left. I sighed and sat on the bed, thinking about the last night events. The way he handled me was something I can't explain. It seems as if he knows me very well. He knew that I will be scared that's why he came to check me if I am fine or not. The care that was reflecting in his eyes showed how he was affected after watching my condition. He is wrong still he is right, he is criminal still he is a knight in shiny armour. He is imperfect yet perfect but I can't fall for him. What's going on with me ? Why am I feeling these strange emotions that too for Neil ? I have to run away before I get trapped in this strange web of emotions.

POV ends

Avni got ready for her college and went downstairs. She saw that Neil was sitting on the dinning table and was waiting for her. She went there and sat beside him.

Neil - Good morning munchkin. ( smiles ).

Avni - Good morning. ( smiles faintly ).

Neil - Are you Okay now ?

Avni nods.

Neil - Good. Have your breakfast and go to your college.

Avni had her breakfast silently while Neil was waiting for her departure as he has to confront his enemies.

As soon as Avni left for her college, Neil messaged her bodyguards to keep a check on her safety.


After attending two boring lectures, Avni and Akhil were sitting in cafeteria. Avni was formal with Akhil as she didn't want to see that dangerous site of Neil once again. Akhil on the other side got a small hint that she was behaving like this cos of the bodyguards that are  surrounding her for the entire day.

Akhil - What's up with your bodyguards dude ? You can't even roam freely. ( sighs ).

Avni - I know and I want freedom from them. ( sighs )

Akhil - I can help you in getting your freedom. ( smiles ).

Avni - Really ? ( excited ).

Akhil - Yes, in classroom I will tell you  how can you dodge them.

Avni - Thanks Akhil. ( smiles ).

Akhil - No sorry no thank you, that's what the tagline of friendship Ms. bestie. ( winks at her )

Avni smiles.


Here it ends, do drop your views.

Much love
Thanks ♥️

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