Chapter 16

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Avni - What exactly happened ?

Juhi - You want to know ? ( sternly ).

Avni nods.

Juhi - Then listen.

Your mother's father Haanish Parikh was very rich man, he was a rich diamond merchant. For the world he was a very humble person but he was an underworld mafia. He was having links with almost every mafia king. He was powerful, greedy, heartless, money minded person. Raghav Singhania, the man who is after you was your mother's fiance. Raghav is the son of a powerful mafia king Kabir Singhania and Kabir was the friend of Haanish so Kabir made a deal with your mother's father. Raghav wanted to marry your mother Neela Parikh so he proposed your mother but she rejected his proposal, he tried several times but Neela's answer was same. One day Raghav tried to force himself on Neela so that she can accept his proposal but Neela slapped him and insulted him in the worst way possible, this rejection was like a pang to Raghav, his ego was hurt, so he decided that he will get what he wants by hook or by crook.

He took his father's help and his father Kabir told Haanish that he will help him in expanding his illegal business and will trap some big clients for diamond deals but in return his daughter means your mother Neela have to tie a knot with his son Raghav. Haanish was a greedy person so he said yes for the proposal, Kabir and Raghav were happy that their trick worked. Haanish told his family members that a well reputed family have asked for Neela's hand, her family was happy but Neela was broken as she loved someone else. She loved Ashish Mehta means your father, Ashish was working as a servant in Neela's house. They both loved each other unconditionally but after listening about proposal both were shattered. Neela decided to inform about their relation to her parents but Ashish tried to stop her as he knew that they won't accept their relationship, still Neela talked to her father and told him that she loved someone else, she didn't told him about Ashish cos she wanted to see her father's reaction and.. ( sighs ).

Avni - And ?

Juhi - Haanish slapped her and told her that she will marry the guy that he have selected for her. Neela tried to oppose his decision but her father was so stubborn that he locked her inside a room and fixed her engagement with Raghav. Next day Raghav and his family arrived at Neela's home and represented themselves as rich traders infront of Neela's family as her family didn't knew that Haanish is having links with mafias. Neela was dressed up for the event forcefully and when she got to know about Raghav being her fiance, she was shocked to the core while Raghav was smirking evily as his plan was successfully executed. Neela tried to tell her father about Raghav's deeds and her father already knew that Raghav is a playboy but all he cared about was money so he suppressed Neela's pleadings and forcefully made her do the rituals. After engagement, Neela was sitting in her room and was crying at her fate. She loved Ashish but she was feeling helpless as her father wasn't ready to listen to her. In midnight, Ashish went inside Neela's room through balcony and found her in the most vulnerable state. Ashish somehow pacified her and Neela suggested that they should run away from there as Neela can't spend her life with an animal like Raghav. Ashish opposed her decision initially but he gave in after seeing her shattered condition. Neela packed a small bag with some jwelleries so that they can survive in the new city until they get some work. They both were about to run away but some goons came behind them, they were Haanish's men who saw them leaving. Neela and Ashish managed to dodge them and successfully escaped from them.

Kabir and Haanish left no stone unturned for searching Neela and Ashish but they both disappeared in thin air. Ashish and Neela left Delhi and came to Mumbai for creating their own small world full of love. They were living their life happily, Ashish started a small business and Neela helped him in establishing themselves but Raghav was burning in fire as Neela betrayed him that too for a servant. He decided to avenge his destruction.

Soon a baby girl blessed Neela's and Ashish's life ( a tear escapes from Juhi's eyes but she rubs it off ). She was their first baby, they both used to love her alot and named her as Juhi.

Avni looked into Juhi's eyes and found hate, immense hate for her parents.

Juhi - Juhi was 3 years old when Neela got pregnant with their second baby, their happiness was having no limits as they were living a happy life but their happiness was temporary as Raghav came to know about Neela and Ashish and he was determined to destroy their small happy world. He came to Mumbai and searched the entire information about Neela and Ashish. One fine evening, Ashish was coming home after a very tiring day in the office, he was very excited to meet his wife and kids. Neela was 8  months pregnant with her second baby, so he wanted to spend some time with his family but his excitement didn't last longer as he met with an accident.

Avni was having tears in her eyes, Juhi was also sad after remembering her childhood memories with her father but soon her sadness turned into aggression when she thought about Neela.

Juhi - It was a murder, Raghav's most trusted man Vinay planned this murder which was displayed as an accident. It was the start of Raghav's revenge. Neela's happy family broke into pieces with Ashish's death but she composed herself for her kids. After somedays she gave birth to another baby girl who was the copy of Ashish. Neela named her as Avni. Three of them were living happily with each other  when that dreadful day came and ....

Avni looked at Juhi who was lost somewhere.

Avni - And ?

Juhi - Everything was destroyed Avni. Juhi was waiting for Neela outside her school, Neela didn't came to pick her up. The school's peon tried to contact her but Neela didn't received his call. After waiting for sometime,  some men came towards Juhi and asked her to come with them. Juhi denied them so they made her unconscious and took her with them. When Juhi woke up she found that she was lying on a bed in some unknown room and a man was sitting on the couch, Juhi was crying for Neela but the man beat the hell out of her.

Avni - Who was that man ? ( teary eyes ).

Juhi - Raghav. He told me that Neela was given choice, she had to choose her one daughter. The daughter whom she will choose will stay with Neela and the other one will be captivated by Raghav. Neela chose her younger daughter over her elder daughter.

Avni - It's not possible. ( teary eyes ). Neela ma can't do this.

Juhi - This is the fucking reality you bitch. ( yelled at her ). Your mother chose you over me. She threw me in this hell. I am suffering here since childhood and now you will suffer. ( rudely ).

Avni - It's not possible. Juhi, I think Raghav have created some misunderstanding between you and Neela ma so that you can hate her.

Juhi - Misunderstanding ? ( chuckles ) He showed me the proof, he showed me a video in which Neela was choosing you not me. Cos of her I  am suffering and now her sweet adorable daughter Avni will suffer the most. Just think, how will you feel Avni when you will get marry to a man who is of your father's age. Just think, how much happiness I will get after seeing your helplessness.

Avni - Juhi, I am sure that there is some other story. Neela ma can't do this with her own daughter.

Juhi - No Avni. This is the reality of your Neela ma. In all these years, Raghav tried to capture you but Neela protected you from him then why she wasn't able to protect me. Why ? ( sternly ).

Avni - Raghav wants to marry me for taking revenge from Neela ma.

Juhi - Yes, but at the same time you are like an eye catching candy for him. ( smirks ). He is obsessed with you just like he was obsessed with your Neela ma.

Avni - Juhi, please think once more Neela ma won't do this with you. Never.

Juhi - Your Neela ma is a selfish woman and I hate her. Now just get ready cos today I will welcome you in this hell. ( smirks ).


Outside the mansion

Goon - Sir, we are here.

Neil - This is the mansion where Avni is trapped. Come let's go.

》 》》》》》》

Here it ends, do drop your views.

Much love
Thanks ♥️

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