Chapter 107 - The World Vs. Them

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"Shameless bastards," Tin's father, Tri Phiravich, said as anger filled him. He knew very well who they were.

The enemies outside who had the assignment of eliminating everyone within the medical facility were part of the United Nations' peacekeeping force. A secret security council meeting was held by the major powerful countries such as the United States, China, Russia, Great Britain, and France. As for the reasoning for the extermination of two supreme rulers? They were considered a threat to the balance of power and stability in the world. Since both Tin and Can were both together, whatever it was that they wanted to do, they would be impossible to be stopped. They were considered as an unstoppable force. They pose a threat to the other major powers and their national interests in world affairs. If these two decided to disclose and punish them in regards to the matters of corruption, hidden secrets, and scandals within the United Nations, then the organization itself would lose its reputation and cause discord among the members. It took time for the major players within the organization to have control and spread great influence within it, so they were not willing to waste all of their efforts that took them to be in the highest positions of power that they were in right now. They cannot let the two of them make a move against them at all!

Of course, the major players within the organization would never dare make a move against the two supreme rulers. They knew what was at stake and the possibility of destroying them was just impossible. Still, they did not lose hope and kept their surveillance for any opportunity that they could use to eliminate the two. When they received the news that there was a major incident that happened to both the supreme rulers, it was certainly a once-in-a-lifetime blessing for these members. It was perhaps the only chance that they could defeat these two. So, with such crucial information that they received, the top player for each major country quickly met for a secret security council meeting and created an intricate plan. It was now or never.

These schemers put a lot of effort into their extermination plan until it was considered perfect as the risk of failure would be catastrophic. Failing was not permitted as death would be the price if it did happen.

All available resources and most powerful soldiers under their disposal were called for active combat. They knew that the other side had intelligence agents within, but so they were as well. Gathering intelligence and countering the others' moves were their specialty. How could have they survived with their atrocious evil deeds for this long?

Soon, the plan was executed and the mobilization of forces was done in utmost secrecy that the other party was left speechless and surprised.

"This was something to be expected, but they came here too soon," uttered with annoyance by the necklace that contains the spirit of Tin's grandfather.

"What's happening?" asked by Ae with confusion evident on his face. Not only him, but the others as well were unaware of what was happening.

"Someone must have told them," Grandmaster Khang frowned. They have planned carefully for this day, but someone has leaked their plans. Now, they were in a much more dangerous situation in such a period of a delicate operation. Who could be the traitor?

Grandmaster Khang looked around the building and momentarily judged all the individuals currently present. It was hard to determine at this moment. He could not waste time for interrogation.

"All long-range magic users, get in position and start the siege! Defense team, make sure not to allow targets inside to blow us off!" one of the commanding officers shouted.

"YES SIR!" the soldiers shouted back. Soon, the layers of defenses of the U.N. Peacekeepers were put up as the long-range mages began chanting hard-hitting magical spells.

"Meteor Fire!"

Simultaneously, within different groups, huge balls of roaring red fire appeared and flew towards the medical facility. With the amount of firepower from these elite soldiers who are above Rainbow Grade Level 1, the building should turn into ashes. Even if they were unable to kill those inside the building, it would cause a disturbance within the operation which could potentially be more harmful to the two main targets: Tin and Can.

Unfortunately, the U.N. Peacekeepers were not the only ones with surprises. Within the smoke and impact from those huge fireballs, the medical facility stood still without any damage or scratches. There was not even a smudge on it. It was still good as new.

The long-range mages were shocked. "How was that possible?" they asked as they looked at one another.

As for the senior officers in the task force, they could only frown. Their organization's intelligence did not tell them about the material or magic that the building was made of. It seemed that the other side created considerable effort for protection as well.

The commander who initiated the extermination gestured to the long-range mage units to continue bombarding the building with different heavy impact offensive spells. He wanted to see if the building could withstand a continuous assault from magic spells.

Although the structure of the medical facility had strong resistance to magical spells, it would not be able to withstand continuous bombardment. They were not sure if this building would still be standing before reinforcements arrived. They must act as well.

Master Khang was the only strongest person available in the building. With his rank as Beast Summoner Rainbow Grade Level 6, he should be able to handle most of the troops himself. Based on his assessment, he saw that there were four Rainbow Level 6 among them. Then there were eight Rainbow Level 5. From the initial intelligence that Tri received, there were only supposedly two officers who were at Level 6. Master Khang could handle both when it came to it, but having four at the same time would be quite problematic. Not to mention the number of Level 5s, just the combined number of level 6s would be enough to handle them. Master Khang and the people inside the facility could be overwhelmed in a short time. If only either Tin or Can was awake, they could easily destroy them. The U.N. did do their homework.

There was no choice and Master Khang could not stay here and do nothing. He faced Tri and said, "We'll stick to our plan and hold out as much as we can."

Tri agreed. Master Khang then turned to the others present and told them what could be done. Currently, no one knew in this room about U.N's extermination plan. In any case, these people were targets as well.

"We're being attacked by the U.N. Peacekeeping forces to eliminate us. There's no time for further explanation and...well i'll try to explain everything if we manage to survive. But one thing is for sure, it's either them or us. So, whatever available tools you might have...," he looked at Can's mother briefly, "...or hidden power, this would be the right time to use it. Your very lives would depend on it."

Can's mother tensed up as she frowned towards Master Khang. "What did he mean by those last words? Does he know her? Her true identity?"

Tri continued with coldness in his voice and glint on his eyes that were full of ruthlessness, "Your task is very simple. Make sure you don't let anyone get in. If there's one insect that comes inside, crush it by all means."

The intensity and nervousness that everyone felt were further expressed right after. Xu Xian and Bacsojin were already busy looking through their weapon stash from their storage ring. Both of their powers combined could be considered as Rainbow Level 5 and they could par with Rainbow Level 6 if they must.

Kengkla, Techno, Ae, and Ley began summoning their most powerful beasts. For Kengkla, Techno, and Ae they were all Rainbow Level 4. Ley was merely a Rainbow Level 2, but she would not be considered the weakest. Knowing that she might hinder everyone, she has decided to take the support role that would provide buffs or strengthening abilities as well as heal. Since the medical staff was busy inside the operating room, they would not be able to help out in the battle. Ley took upon himself to also take the healer role. Although she has participated in battles before, at university, she was not considered a fighter. Her real-life battle experience was close to zero.

Soon, both Master Khang and Tin's father head out for an ambush as they hid their powerful aura from the enemies. With the cover of thick black smoke from the continuous bombardment, they began targeting high-level officials who were distracted. Master Khang silently released the small but terrible multiple numbers of rainbow-colored scorpions.

Passing through the defensive barriers without the soldier knowing, the small scorpions that had the sizes of a coin attached themselves to the soldiers' clothes then crawled up to their necks.

As his little minions were in target position, Master Khang who was making a full show of distraction for the soldiers suddenly disappeared.

"Mind Control Sting!"

When the command was initiated by the old master, the scorpions stung the nerve on the neck of their victims. Immediately, the soldiers began feeling sudden sharp pain then the next second, they could not control themselves.

Master Khang went on and gestured to the controlled soldiers to attack the other soldiers. Within those minutes, chaos descended upon different units. Those who could not withstand the mind control began killing the others.

The scene was filled with confusion. They did not know what happened and were unsure why their comrades were killing each other all of a sudden. Soon, senior officials figured out the reason and sent the medical team to handle the scorpions.

One could not just remove the scorpions from the victims as they could kill them instantly. It would have been simple for the expert medical team to handle one, but with multiple cases happening while in the middle of extreme fighting, it was simply almost impossible to resolve. Not only that, but they were risking their very lives as well as they were not sure who had the scorpions!

Meanwhile, amidst the chaos, Tri has begun ambushing multiple Rainbow Level 4 soldiers as they were easier to kill. Hands covered in some kind of black smoke, he punched the air towards his targets. The black smoke from his hand would form into a solid invisible force and kill the target instantly. At times, he would also ambush some Level 5s, but it was more difficult to accomplish. Still, he managed to kill a lot within 45 minutes.

Of course, the officers who were Level 6s and Level 5s would not allow them to continue their ambush, so they went ahead and focused on defeating them first.

"Continue the bombardment! Call reinforcements!" the old commander-in-chief of the troops shouted with displeasure. It was expected that a lot of these soldiers would die anyway, but seeing that these elite soldiers were handling themselves poorly was a horrible sight to see.

"All other Level 6 commanding officers, with me! We're taking Master Khang down! All level 5 commanders, take Mr. Phiravich," the commander-in-chief continued. He knew that the only powerful people who were considered problematic were the two. The rest of the people inside the medical facility should pose no problem at all. With that, his team swiftly moved and attacked Master Khang putting him at a serious disadvantage. As for Tin's father's situation, it was the same. They were now being overwhelmed and had no idea how to proceed forward. Unless, of course, another powerful level 6 would come in to join them...

"Mom, is everything alright?" Ley asked. Her mom has been silent this entire time while sitting down. Ley knew that her mom must be afraid since both her children were in danger. Of course, Ley was also afraid. Her mom was not as powerful as the others. She would not be able to defend herself if anything happens.

"It's okay mom, we'll survive this," Ley said, but even her voice betrayed her. Looking at the situation outside, she could tell that Master Khang and Tin's father were getting overwhelmed. Meanwhile, she and the others could not do anything because they were too weak to go out and participate. They could only observe inside the safety of the medical facility which would not last from the continuous siege.

"I must go," her mother whispered to her while her eyes closed.

"W-what do you mean?" Ley became worried as well as confused by her mother's words.

"I'll join the fight outside," she said as she faced her daughter with a solemn expression.

Ley was shocked to see her mother's personality changed as well as the physical attributes in her eyes and hair. One of the eyes was violet and the other blue. Her hair turned platinum white.

Then without further explanation, she disappeared.

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