Chapter 113 - Breaches in the Walls

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As part of the defenses of the hospital slowly crumbled causing a breach on its walls, Commander-in-Chief Bran ordered his soldiers to enter and neutralize the targets.

"Kill them!" he shouted.

Quickly one of the brave soldiers tried to get in, but before she could get in, she was shot by a powerful magic attack. That soldier looked at the gaping hole in her stomach and turned around. She saw the woman with platinum hair's finger pointing at her. That finger has white steam coming out of it. It was Aurora who killed her.

"Anyone next?" Mrs. Rathavit threatened. Despite fighting several high-ranking officers herself, she still managed to sneak an attack.

"Take them down!" Commander Bran blurted out that saliva came out flying from his mouth. His face was tinged with red from his fuming anger.

With that, the attack against Mrs. Rathavit continued. This time it was more intensified. Not only with her but with Master Khang and Tin's father, Tri, as well. Commander Bran wanted to prevent, at least, the three of them from creating more interruptions. By doing so, the soldiers could have an easier time infiltrating the hospital and accomplishing the mission.

Now that Tri, Mrs. Rathavit, and Master Khang were occupied with fighting Commander Bran and the other higher officials, they were unable to prevent the soldiers from going in. Although they managed to keep the high-level soldiers busy, the number of low-level soldiers going inside the hospital was still a good amount. They were not sure if the people inside would be able to hold out that long. With the amount of manpower of the U.N. Peacekeepers, they could only hope for a miracle. They hope that Can or Tin would wake up already to help them out. If not, then they would be doomed.

"They're coming...," Ley whispered as her lips quivered. Her heart rate rose fast like horses wildly galloping in the field. Her body trembled as there was a very tight feeling in her stomach. She looked at everyone who was standing firmly in a defensive position waiting for the enemies to come. Beads of sweat were forming on their foreheads. Their bodies were tense as their heads move around looking for the incoming enemies. She knew that everyone in that room must be nervous as well, but they try not to show it unlike her.

Looking down at her shaking right hand, with her left hand, she gripped it to attempt to stop it from further trembling. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. It was then she began to summon her strongest contracted beasts as well as those that would be able to provide the others with great support.

"We have to get to that breach and barricade it! We have to prevent them from going inside as much as possible," Ae said.

"We're going to head there first," Bacsojin said firmly while holding her spear with the sharp point painted in emerald green. Everyone could feel the strong pressure from the spear itself but at the same time, it was calming to look at. If one gets close to it, one would feel some kind of fresh breeze that seemed to come from the top of a forested mountain. The scene from that mountain was great scenery to behold. It was alluring. It was tempting. Everyone seemed to be in a trance.

"Don't look at it. You'll fall in a trance," Basojin said as she hit the floor with the handle of the spear causing a crack on the tiles. Kengkla, Techno, Ae, Cha Aim, Earth, and Ley immediately looked away.

In contrast, Basojin's partner, Xu Xian, pulled out a blood-red sword. Of course, since humans were naturally curious the team wanted to take a look. Similarly, just like with Bacsojin's spear, they could feel the strong pressure coming from the sword. Unlike her spear though, when they looked at it, they immediately had to look away. They thought that they were being dragged by dead people in a river of blood and death where they were unable to get out. It was frightening.

Xu Xian only smiled as he hid the sword by putting it behind him.

"Be careful," Ae said.

"There would be more potential breaches coming, so don't let your guard down," Xu Xian replied.

With that, the couple headed towards the first breach. It was in the big hall on the first floor. The moment they reached the area, two soldiers saw them and rushed towards them. The other one was wielding a blade and the other was using a crossbow.

The soldier with the crossbow shot an arrow towards Xu Xian, but it was easily dodged by him. The soldier with the crossbow slyly smiled as the arrow that was dodged turned and divided itself into multiple arrows. Like a strong rain, they poured down on Xu Xian and Bacsojin. Like lightning, they struck with great power.

Thankfully, the two were fast to react. Bacsojin immediately cast a spell.

"Gaia's Vines!"

Green thick thorny vines emerged from the floor and covered both Xu Xian and Bacsojin. As the arrows came down they hit the thick vines but they did not manage to penetrate them.

The soldier wielding the crossbow was stunned. That attack already consumed half of his energy and the two were unscathed.

When the rain of arrows finished, Xu Xian who was closest to the enemy soldiers initiated a counterattack. He tore the vines that were protecting him with a slash of his sword. Fast as the wind, he managed to be face-to-face with the soldier wielding a knife. The two fought, but it was quick.

It did not take several rounds of exchanging moves; Xu Xian got the upper hand. The soldier wielding a knife was taken aback as soon as he saw the sword that Xu Xian was holding. He got distracted by the river of blood and death that was trying to grab him. That distraction cost him his life. Xu Xian did not hesitate and thrust his sword through the soldier wielding the knife.

As for the soldier with the crossbow, Bacsojin did not let him use it as she immediately threw the spear towards him.

Before the soldier could react, he witnessed the scene at the top of the mountain. He thought it was beautiful, then all of a sudden, he blacked out. His head was already pierced by the emerald green spear.

Blood splattered on the floor as the two soldiers fell down.

"More coming. I'll cast a barricade to temporarily blockade them. We need to give everyone as much time as possible," Bacsojin said as she stepped on the body of the soldier with the crossbow and took her spear that was stuck in his head. She did not show any emotion as she did it. She was used to the bloodshed.

Seeing this scene, although Xu Xian was somewhat stunned when he saw just how cold-blooded Bacsojin was, he did not say anything. He understood as to why she was like this. She survived alone for centuries. Throughout that length of time, she had to kill in order to protect herself.

This time, he will be the one protecting her.

"Understood," Xu Xian nodded. He went in front of Bacsojin to protect her.

Meanwhile, Bacsojin began casting a long spell to put up a barricade on the hole in the wall.

"Gaia's Pearled Wall"

Slowly, the hole in the wall was being covered by chunks of white strong substance.

Still, the soldiers still went inside. Yet, as they went in, they were met with resistance from Xu Xian who would slash with his sword and use fire spells to stop the soldiers from going in.

"Breach on 2nd Floor Room 215."

"Another breach," Ae whispered.

Kengkla and Techno stared at one another and nodded.

"We'll cover that area," Techno said.

Ae was hesitant at first, but he thought that there was no choice.

"I'll leave it to the two of you then," Ae replied. "Be safe."

"We'll try," Techno said jokingly.

"Let's go, Kengkla." he continued as his expression changed to a more serious one.

"Good luck," Kenkla told everyone, then he left with Techno to go down to the second floor.

When they arrived in room 215, there were three soldiers already inside. Two were Rainbow Level 2 and the other was Rainbow Level 3. Both Kengkla and Techno were Rainbow Level 3, so they already have an advantage. So, with the summoned beasts that they have, they did not hesitate and initiated an attack.

As for the soldiers, they were prepared as well. The two opposing forces began to clash in that huge room. At first, it was noticeable that both Kengkla and Techno have the upper hand. Unfortunately, since they were taking a lot of time to take down the enemies, more soldiers were going in. The increase in numbers of soldiers began to overwhelm the two. It was evident at this point that they were losing, but they were not giving up. They knew the risk and they were willing to take it together.

"Breach on 3rd floor Dr. Christy's Office."

This time it was Cha Aim and Earth who moved to create a barricade. They did not say anything when they left. As the two were demonic elementalists and were personal bodyguards of Tin, they were very competent at fighting, so they were able to overwhelm the enemy soldiers smoothly. After defeating the present soldiers in the office, they began to create a barricade using a forbidden technique. They have no choice, but to do it as they were in a critical situation. Sacrificing some of their life essences, they were able to build a strong barrier. Those who tried to touch the barrier would turn into ashes until their bones were the only thing remaining.

As for Ley and Ae, who were the only ones remaining to guard the entrance of the emergency room, they both remained vigilant.

Ae noticed that Ley was slightly shaking as she was gripping her hand to stop it from shaking.

"We're going to be okay, Ley," Ae said calmly as he touched her hands.

Ley, although not all of her anxiety disappeared, she felt a little better by Ae's comforting words and gestures. Her shaking lessened. "Thank you."

Ae smiled and nodded.

Soon, another announcement blared out.

"Breach on 1st Floor Room 101."

Both Ley and Ae looked at one another. "We need to get there."

Closing her eyes and taking a quick deep breath, Ley replied, "Got it."

As the two made a quick plan of what to do, they heard another announcement.

"Breach on 2nd Floor, Room 243."

They were shocked, yet before they could recover, more announcements were heard.

"Breach on 1st Floor Room 105."

"Breach on 1st Floor, Room 109."

"Breach on 2nd Floor, Room 250."

"Breach on 2nd Floor, Room 268."


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