Chapter 127 - Marco's Resolution

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A white smile. A grinning wide smile from the human mist. Maririn was sure that it was the cursed black mist. It was Athena's revenge against her own people.

The traitor's sacrifice.

It was behind her brother waiting and mocking. Challenging her.

The black mist in a form of a man has its hands behind its back. Was it truly the cursed mist that the gods feared? Has it already have its brother under its curse? Does she even understand how the curse works?

Her focus on the black mist was quite intense that she did not even realize that she was stabbed and that she was bleeding from it. It was not a terrible wound since her opponent was below her level. It was nothing but a mere scratch.

The 1st clone of Can stopped from his tracks when he saw that his attack did not do much even though he put a quarter of his overall spiritual energy into his it. He quickly retreated a good pace away. This person was certainly on a different level. She did not seem to be bothered as she just stood in mid-air.

She did not look at him. It was as if he was insignificant. A passing wind. Noting. Invisible.

Still, that did not stop him from attacking. If a quarter of strength was not enough, then he would be using almost all of his spiritual energy. He quickly collected his remaining spiritual energy into one offensive attack. He could die from this attack, but this was his only opportunity. While this woman was distracted, he would kill her.

As the spiritual energy flowed from his body into his lance, his surroundings seemed to vibrate. The intensity was immense like a mountain about to break. The lance felt heavy in his arms due to the amount of spiritual energy he infused it with. It was also due to the fact that almost all of his spiritual energy within his body was gone.

He must act now while he has a chance.

Taking a deep breath as beads of sweat fell from his forehead, he leaned back and stretched his right hand behind him that was holding the lance to gain momentum. Like an arrow released from its bow, he threw his lance to his target. It was as fast as lightning with a force so destructive that it could shatter any landscape. It was so fast that even he could not even track it.

"For my brother," he said.

The lance hit its target. It did not miss, but it did not kill.

Eyes widening, the first clone could only whisper, "Impossible..."

The girl with the red hair has her left hand extended. She was gripping the pointy end of the lance with it. The power and force of the lance that was imbued with most of the first clone's spiritual energy were still raging. Yet, even if this was the case, Maririn was holding it like it was some kind of toy.

As soon as it was held, she then easily redirected it away from her. Like a passing wind. Harmless. Nothing but a mere breeze.

When the lance was redirected, it landed in one of the mountains. Its thunderous intense strike caused the mountain to be flattened. All of the creatures living on it were now ashes.

The first clone was unable to speak. He was shocked. Just what kind of monster was she?

The fatigue finally sat inside him. As the last drop of his strength disappeared, he fell to the ground. He was conscious but he did not have the strength to get back up. It was only thanks to his will that he was still awake.

Tears fell from his eyes. He failed his brother. He failed to avenge him. They were mere flies to a predator.

"I'm sorry...," he whispered.

Maririn did not care about the state of "Can." She was not bothered by him to begin with. It was the black mist that bothered her.

The black mist was certainly planning something. She was not even aware that this curse has consciousness, to begin with.

She must eradicate it, if she could even do that to begin with.

The black mist stood there behind her brother still smiling.

How was his brother unable to realize its presence?

No time for discussion, his brother was in trouble!

"Marco!" Maririn shouted.

Marco did not question her. It was like an instinct to him as they both switched places instantly. She must have noticed something was wrong. They have a special trick unique to both of them. If in trouble, they could easily switch places if they are within close range with one another.

When they traded places, Maririn was facing the black mist that was still smiling already facing her. Was it able to determine that they were actually switching places?

"Phoenix Fire!" she raised her hand close to the mist's face.

The strongest and the purest form of fire: Phoenix Fire. It was a Mythical grade technique that could cleanse any form of evil. That includes malicious curses.

This technique was handed down to her from her father. She was considered as the sword of the empire.

From her hand, a small phoenix formed. It's color vibrant grayish blue. Despite its grayness, it was blinding like the sun. Extending its wings, the phoenix grew larger to the point in which it could engulf the evil black mist. It was roaring like it was about to devour everything on its path. As it began to spread, its power grew stronger. For Maririn, this purest form of fire was the hardest spell to control. Even his father was unable to master it in his prime. The Phoenix Fire was raging ready to devour everything. Yet as it spread its fire and consumed a large portion of the land around it, the trees and other plant materials remained. They did not turn into ashes, for the Phoenix Fire's purpose is to destroy evil. Maririn's target was the malicious black mist.

The fire engulfed the man in clouded black mist. It was vicious.

Maririn felt some kind of relief for a bit. She was going to put an end to the curse that plagued her people for too long. The purest fire that was past down to her would be destroying the curse of the traitorous witch.

Her father warned her not to engage with the black mist if ever she meets it. He tried to destroy it but he was unable to. The curse was just too powerful. His failure in this mission became one of his biggest shame. It just caused a further rift in an already fragile empire of Beast Gods. His supporters were dissatisfied. His enemies became much bolder.

Maririn would put an end to this curse then unite and save her people.

After some time, she finally let go. The amount of spiritual energy that was consumed was just tremendous. She had to take deep breaths as if she was gasping for air. Blood dripped from her mouth. Sweat covered her entire body. She felt somewhat weak. Still, the relief was there.

That curse should have been destroyed by now...


It was a slow forced inhuman laugh.

It made Maririn weak. She shivered.

"That's not possible," she whispered.

Immediately, Marco stood next to her.

"We must go now! I've opened the portal," Marco said while holding the twins in both arms.

Maririn was in shock still, so Marco had to drag her.

"It should've disappeared, Marco," she said as she stared at the black figure still smiling at her. The black mist was left unscathed as if nothing happened.

"We got what we need, Maririn. Let's leave."

As soon as they were about to enter the portal, the man of the mist disappeared and reappeared just behind Marco. It was so quick that Maririn and Marco were unable to react.

The grin on the man of the black mist grew wider. His hand extended and touched Marco's right arm.

As soon as Marco's right arm was touched, he stopped from moving another step forward. The arm flailed down letting go one of the twins. It was Kat. As soon as Kat fell to the ground, a small hole in the ground appeared. It swallowed Kat then the hole disappeared.

"No!" Maririn shouted.

Unfortunately, she has no time to think about the baby. Her twin brother was in trouble. She must help him.

She saw it. The touch of the black mist that could kill.

"Marco!" she shouted.

"I... I can't move...," Marco said as he tried to struggle.

They were next to each other.

Maririn would just have to drag him to the portal with the twins.

Maririn dragged his brother by another arm. To her surprise, she could not move him at all. She used more spiritual power to drag him. No avail.

" You're coming with me!" Maririn panicked.

Seeing the situation that they were in, Marco could only weakly smile. It seemed that the black mist did get him.

"Take the other baby and leave," he said.

"No...," he whispered. "You're coming with me."

"Take her now! There's no time. Just leave me!" He was growing desperate, if she doesn't take this chance, she might also get dragged and get cursed.

Maririn shook her head as she increased the use of her spiritual energy to a dangerous level. Still, nothing.

Both of them began to cry.

"Leave me and take the baby," Marco just looked down.


The man in black that was holding Marco's arm was just smiling.

"Go on, Maririn. Leave your twin brother to his suffering and ultimate death," it spoke.

"Or must I keep you both here?"

The twins shook. Was the black mist toying with them?

"Go on. I'll let you leave, while I still am in the good mood, but I'll keep your brother here for safekeeping. He...he...he," the black mist said tightening his grip on Marco.

Marco winced in pain, but he did not show it to his sister.

"Take the baby now and leave."

Maririn's lips quivered but she knew that she could not do anything against the black mist, "Take me instead of him."

"Ah!" the man of the black mist said amused.

"The heroic sibling! The protector and the sword of the Alethranian empire. Truly magnificent indeed... unlike the brother."

The smile on its face grew larger to inhuman size, "The useless one. The weak one. The disappointment. The one who would not amount to anything... he...he...he."

The black mist could use its victims' memories to stir their emotions. That the twins knew.

"Your father emperor despises the weak. You constantly wonder when he would approve of you or would it even matter if you prove yourself to him?"

"'My son is a disgrace. Why couldn't he be like his sister...'"

"'If only Maririn was a man too, I wouldn't have any of this problem. I would have less gossipers behind my back and undermining my rule.'"

It was spoken by a familiar voice both Maririn and Marco knew. It was their father: the emperor.

Was it true? Or was it only a manipulation?

"Your father emperor only cared about his image and rule. You are merely tools. You already knew this deep within, yes? You just refuse to accept it."

"Liar!" Maririn shouted.

"Maririn, please. Just leave me here and take the baby," Marco interrupted with obvious pain he was trying to hide.

Was he in pain because he was being tortured physically or was it what the black mist said to them?

"He's clearly lying... father wouldn't say..."

"Maririn! There's no time!" Marco felt frustrated. He just wanted to, at least, protect his sister once. Whether what the black mist said was true or not, it did not matter to him. He just wanted to save his sister and fulfill the mission to save their empire. That was it.

Maririn bit her lips. She took the baby from his left arm and turned. "I'll return for you."

"Good! That's good! That's what I want you to do!" the black mist jumped in joy still holding Marco by his arm.

She glared at the black mist with a fist tensing and bleeding from the nails digging inside.

As soon as she entered, the portal closed.

Marco was left by himself. Alone with the curse to suffer.



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