Chapter 18 - A Losing Battle

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As Tin and Can arrived into the coliseum, two familiar people saw the two of them.

"Tin! Can! I've been looking for the two of you," Pete said happily as he saw that Tin and Can were together.

It has been a while since Pete saw the pair in person. After hearing the headlines about the two on social media today, he wanted to see the two of them immediately but Tin dragged Can somewhere so he had to wait for them to come back. He had a hunch about their relationship, but he did not know that they already developed that fast already. When he would text Tin about his well-being these past few days, he did not mention anything about Can. He just learned about the two just today through social media! How can Tin hide his love life from his childhood friend! It is unfair! When Pete and Ae just became a couple, the first person to know their relationship was Tin. Even though Pete knew that Tin did not like Ae, he still told him about his relationship because he is his important childhood friend. Although Pete was being petty about it, he was still happy that Tin found someone whom he liked. Can is a really good and caring person just like Ae. He hoped the two would stay like this.

Speaking of Ae, the heir of B.S.G has been silent since he read the headlines about Tin and Can being together. He did not know if he should be happy about it. For him, Can is like a family and a brother to him. He does not want him to get hurt. In his experience interacting with Tin, this ice prince was a selfish and cold-hearted bastard. Ae does not really like his personality at all, but after seeing that the two were happily chatting to one another as they entered the coliseum, Tin might actually have changed for the better. Did he really change or was he scheming something?

"Oh, Ae! Pete! How are you!?" Can immediately approached the two the moment he saw them. When Tin saw Can rushed towards the two, he immediately clicked his tongue in annoyance as he walked behind Can. These pests.

"We're good! I saw your first match today. You did great," Ae praised Can as he messed up Can's hair briefly.

"Stop it, Ae!" Can said as he joked around with Ae while trying to stop him from messing his hair. Ae stopped afterwards.

"Congratulations, Can. You did really well," Pete said as he chuckled.

"Thank you!" Can quickly blushed. He was quite happy to see his other close friends. It has been a while since he saw them because he was busy training for the competition these past few weeks.

"By the way," Pete quickly grabbed his brown leather shoulder bag. He opened it and took out a blue potion. It was a spiritual energy recovery potion.

He then handed it to Can and said "Here."

"This should help replenish your spiritual energy," Pete explained.

Can took the potion from Pete and looked at it. It was a high-grade potion.

He hesitated and gave it back to Pete. He cannot take it since it an expensive potion. Besides, he already recovered all of his spiritual energy. Since his battle with Trump only used 3% of his spiritual energy, he was able to recover completely. Even if he used 50% of his spiritual energy, he could easily recover them. After becoming a high-level beast summoner, his spiritual energy capacity and recovery speed have increased incredibly and abnormally.

"I'm okay Pete. I've already recovered all my spiritual energy. Thank you though," Can said as he refused Pete's offer.

Pete tried to persuade Can to take the potion. "Well, I made this specifically for you though. You can use it when you need it. Consider it as a celebratory gift for winning."

"But...this is high-quality grade potion? It is expensive to produce," Can continued.

"It's no problem at all. I have plenty. Don't worry about it," Pete said as he kept his enthusiastic smile.

"Come on Can, Pete really worked hard on this potion just for you. He would sulk if you refuse, so just accept it." Ae looked at Pete with admiration. The two of them have spent a lot of time in Pete's wooden cabin to brew potions and to do some other....stuff.

Can looked at Pete who was nodding. He has no choice but to accept Pete's gift. Pete is really nice. Ae is a truly lucky person to be able to find an angel like Pete.

As Can took the potion and put it in the small backpack that he brought, he became curious about Ae's match.

"Do you have a match today?" Can asked Ae.

"No one has issued a match yet, so I'm just watching other people's matches with Pete," Ae explained. None of the competitors has the guts to taste the terrifying power of Ae's completed Seven Deadly Sins Beasts.

"How about you Can, did someone issue a match against you?" Ae asked.

"Hmm..." Can took out his new phone which caught Pete and Ae by surprise. How can he have such an expensive new phone? All of a sudden, both of them thought of Tin. The two of them looked at each other then at Tin. The main culprit avoided the stares that he was getting from the annoying couple and just smirked.

"I have one match.............RIGHT NOW!" Can panicked after checking his notifications from his phone.

"Go," Tin said as he touched Can's back gently.

Can looked at Tin and nodded.

"Thank you, everyone. Wish me luck!" Can said as he rushed towards the first platform where he was once again assigned for a match. 

The three who were left eventually decided to seat together after Pete insisted Tin to seat with them to watch Can's upcoming match.

As Can approached the first stage, the crowd was once again bustling with enthusiasm and excitement. After Can's first match, other people's matches were a little boring. Although some were amazing, they were not as great as Can's first battle. Now that someone has decided to challenge him then that person must not be ordinary. This match must be another mouth-dropping battle.

When Can finally arrived on the stone platform, his opponent was already looking at him in contempt.

"I thought you got scared and ran away," the mysterious lady said mockingly while her arms were crossed.

"Why would I run away? Also, I don't even know you," Can retorted. This lady covered in a face mask and fancy clothing is rude. When Can saw his notification earlier about his opponent, he had no idea who she was.

"I'll make sure you'll remember me," she said as she smirked although her expression was hidden due to her black face mask.

Seeing that the two competitors are on the first stage, the commentator immediately announced their names, "We will now begin the duel between our new Rank 8th, Can Rathavit and a new challenger, Pineare Pannin."

(A/N:  I was looking for the name of the girl in one of the episodes of LBC where she asked for a ride with Tin then Tin refused her. She is the opponent of Can in this chapter. I looked at MyDramaList and this is the only person who seemed to match that description. If I'm wrong please tell me! I wasn't focusing on the female characters, so I'm not really sure. )

The referee shouted begin then left the stage.

As soon as the referee left the stage, Can decided to make the first move. He summoned Valkyrie and formed a small defensive barrier for both of them. When Valkyrie showed up, everyone in the audience could not get enough of the beautiful and magnificent angel beast as they started taking pictures and videos of her. She became an instant celebrity for many.

"Pfft, so what if you have her? She's not that special," Pineare sneered.

She took a deep breath and raised two of her hands. Both of her palms started emitting dark lights. These two dark lights started to expand and created two rifts that looked like black holes. From those holes, dark purple aura started to come out. Immediately, a suppression aura was felt by summoned beasts below the Epic Rarity. Two intense huge red dots from two holes can be seen. Those were eyes staring at Can.

"I summon The Dark Master of Endless Towers, Naght Sieger and The Dark Guardian, Entweihen Crothen!" 

(This is Naght Sieger from Ragnarok Online.)

(This is Entweihen Crothen, also from R.O. Not as scary as Naght Sieger. )

The two beings slowly came out from the two black holes. Fear and shivering feelings were sent to the spectators as the appearance of the two demonic skeletal beings became more apparent.

Naght Sieger and Entweihen Crothen are both Epic Rarity Demon type beasts. Although both of them are not as special as Valkyrie, they are both found in the middle part of the Epic tier which is still quite impressive. When both of their powers are combined, they are on a par with Can's angel beast. Naght Sieger specializes in offensive shadow attacks while Entweihen Crothen specializes at stunning or trapping her enemies. Coordinating both of their movements and actions is key in order to give them a higher chance of successfully defeating their opponents who might be more powerful than them. In Can's case, since Valkyrie is against two demon beasts with great harmony of powers, he is in a disadvantage already.

"If you have an angel by your side, I have two demons on mine," Pineare arrogantly announced.

Without waiting for Can's reply, she immediately coordinated an attack towards Can's angel beast.

"Shadow Slash!"

Naght Sieger teleported behind Valkyrie and raised both of his two deadly swords. As he was about to slash Valkyrie, the angel beast detected his movements and flew away above him. 

"Don't think you can escape that easily," Pineare cautioned.

"Evil Thorns!"

Entweihen Crothen touched the ground with her skeletal hands; Huge black spiky thorns emerged on the stage. These thorns quickly pursued the angel to immobilize her. As Valkyrie tried to escape from the pursuing thorns, Naght Sieger caught up with her and started attacking once again. Quick blows from the swords and spear could be seen. The exchange of attacks between the two was fast and decisive. It kept everyone tightly on their seats as they focused their attention on the two beasts. Eventually, the two had to break up their fight since Valkyrie tried to fly away once again to escape the still-growing thorns that are slowly covering the entire stage. This was Pineare's plan. She wanted Can to get distracted while she was trying to slowly cover the stage with thorns to allow her to trap both the Valkyrie and Can faster.

Can was able to figure out what she was planning. He commanded Valkyrie to retreat next to his side and form a stronger and bigger defensive barrier.

"Holy Dome!"

After Valkyrie swiftly retreated next to Can, she struck the ground with her enchanted left hand and formed a defensive holy barrier around her. Her wings expanded and covered Can with them for increased protection. Even though Valkyrie is an offensive type of beast, she still has powerful defensive spells. Can was thinking of using the method he used against Trump where he waited for Gopanich to become exhausted, but it seems it was going to be useless this time. He was stuck.

"Already hiding? You're no fun!" Pineare smiled evilly.

"If you think this defensive barrier will save you, you're wrong!" she continued.

"Demons' Bombardment!"

Both Naght Sieger and Entweihen Crothen dashed forward and attacked the defensive dome. Naght Sieger continuously hit one particular side of the dome simultaneously like a madman while laughing. As seconds passed by, his attacks became faster. With the help of Enweihen Crothen, the attacks became more powerful and vicious. Small cracks on that particular side of the dome started to show. Fortunately, Valkyrie has the capability to repair the defensive holy dome barrier, but this can become a problem. The primary weaknesses of the Valkyrie's holy dome are the amount of energy it takes to maintain and repair the barrier when it is damaged and also a concentrated attack on an area of the dome. As the dome gets more damaged, Can has to release more spiritual energy.

Since Can has fast spiritual energy recovery speed compared to most beast summoners, he might actually have a chance to win by staying within the defensive dome while trying to exhaust the spiritual energy of the enemy. Of course, Pineare knew his plan. After issuing a challenge against Can, she quickly did a background check with the help of her family's connection. She concluded that Can is not the type of person to attack since he does not like hurting beasts! He is known for his obsession and love for beasts on campus. She was able to prove this when she witnessed the battle he had with Trump earlier. His battle plan is to exhaust his opponents and then remove them from the stage with minimal strength as much as possible. Truly kind-hearted but weak! 

Knowing Can will not attack any time soon, Pineare decided to summon another beast to finish him and Valkyrie off.

"Ice Titan, Ktullanux!"

(A/N:This is Ktullanux from R.O)

With an additional opponent on the stage, Can is now facing a losing battle.


I'm already working on the next chapter. I'll release it tomorrow. 

Anyways, help me out here guys. I am trying to find out the name of the girl in that one scene where she asked for a ride with Tin but the Tin shoved her. Was it this girl? Her name is Pineare Pannin Charnmanoon. I'm not really sure if it is her.....Again, I was ignoring the female characters on LBC so help me out XD.

Anyways, THANK YOU!!!! :)

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