Chapter 28 - Field Trip

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When Can finally arrived home, the first thing that he did was check the structure of the house to see the damages that were caused by the termites. Surprisingly, nothing has changed. Everything looked the same. It was like there were no termites to begin with. The pest control company that exterminated the termites must be really good!

The only thing that was different in the house was his mother and sister. They seemed to be dispirited as if they were done living in this world.

"What's wrong with the two of you?" Can curiously asked as he placed his suitcase near the stairs.

"Nothing, just wished we stayed longer in that....." Before Ley could finish her complaint and slip of her tongue, her mom immediately nudged her.

"We are just tired that's all," Can's mom glared at Ley. The latter closed her mouth and tried to change the topic.

"How was your stay with Tin?" Ley asked as she started imagining different scenarios in her mind.

Can reminisce the things that he did while he stayed in Tin's mansion. He definitely had a good time. 

"It was good," he said as a quick smile formed on his face.

Can's mother and Ley looked at one another. They knew something good must have happened between the two, but they decided not to ask.

The Rathavit family continued to catch up on things that happened to them especially Can's competition last week. Of course, the mother and daughter duo excluded to talk about their trip to Japan. On the way back to their house, the duo already created a perfect story for Can if he started asking what they did during the weekend. Can, of course, believed them. Overall, the happy, loving, and warm atmosphere in the house once again returned.

The next morning after making breakfast for his family, Can went to the university as usual. The only difference this time was that he has to meet his self-proclaimed master in his office. Can is well aware of this person. Frankly, everyone should know Old Man Khang the moment his name was heard. He is one of the few Tier 6 Rainbow leveled individuals in the world.

The little beast summoner was a little nervous but excited to meet Old Man Khang. Can did not know why such a celebrated person wanted him to become his disciple, because other than the fact that he could form unlimited contracts with beasts, there is nothing else special about him. Surely, he could have picked someone who is way stronger and more special than him. Of course, he would not complain why Old Man Khang chose him. This is actually a perfect opportunity for him to expand his knowledge and learn new things about Beast Summoning from the best master he sort of knew!

Following the directions that were given by his friends, he managed to get in front of the office of his new master on time.

When he was about to knock on the door, a voice from the inside was heard.

"Come in!"

Can was startled but he was sure that it was his new master who just spoke.

When he opened the door, he saw the old man in his seat with a serious expression on his face as he was writing something on a piece of paper on his desk. The first impression that Can had about his new master before meeting him for the first time was that he was a very dignified and honorable figure as opposed to the ridiculous rumors surrounding him. Yet, the moment that he saw him though, he felt that those rumors about him were true. Wearing a wool fedora hat, brown leather jacket, long sleeve tactical shirt, khaki pants, and a whip, he resembled Indiana Jones! 

Compared to the other lecturers of the campus who usually wear formal attire in the university, his master definitely looked ridiculous. The rumor about him wearing ridiculous outfits was true! Now he wondered if the other rumors about him were also true.

"What are you staring at? Close the door," the old man said who was almost done with what he was doing.

Can stopped trying to remember about the other rumors about his master as he closed the door.

The old man quickly stole a glance at the little beast summoner then went back to what he was doing earlier after Can turned around to face him.

"Come here quick," Old man Khang demanded.

Can approached the old man, not knowing why he suddenly called him quickly.

The old man took the paper he was working on and showed it to Can.

"What do you think of this art that I just drew?" he asked.

Can was dumbfounded. He thought that his new master was doing something serious, but in reality, he was just drawing a weird symbol. In any case, he still observed the drawing. In the drawing, there were parallel lines and in between those lines was an "X" mark. There was also a zigzag line on each side of those parallel lines.

"I've never seen this kind of symbol before, but it looks interesting," Can answered.

The old man nodded as he placed his artwork on the wall behind him with a piece of tape. Can who was staring at the artwork could not help but label his master as bizarre.

"You probably already know who I am and I already know who you are, so there's no need for an introduction. You just have to know that from now on, I'm your only master. Whatever I tell you to do, you have to do it. I don't want any complaints coming from you. Do you understand Can Rathavit?" the old man said as he faced his new disciple with an authoritative tone. Can felt the sudden change in the atmosphere as his master became serious all of a sudden.

"Yes, I-I understand," Can replied without any hesitation as he stuttered a bit.

"Call me master from now on," the old man said still with a stern voice.

"Yes, master," Can answered as his adam's apple bobbed.

"Haha! Good, now time for our first field trip as a master and disciple!!" the old man said as his sudden tone of voice changed into a playful one. When Can saw this, he could not help but become confused. Was his master playing with him?

"Tao Gunka show yourself!"

(A/N: This is Tao Gunka from Ragnarok Online.)

In an instant, a giant stone totem with four unique faces showed up in the middle of Old Man Khang's office.

Tao Gunka is a legendary beast that could teleport an individual or a group of people in different parts of the world or its owner's dimension in an instant. This particular beast is considered one of the best miscellaneous beast when it comes to transportation.

Can could not help but admire this legendary beast. Aside from Thanatos, this is the only second time he was able to actually see a legendary beast in person.

Old Man Khang saw the glimmering eyes and admiration of his disciple, so he could not help but feel smug.

He scratched his nose as he said, "Alright, Tao Gunka, teleport the two of us to Phoenix Garden."

Facing his disciple, he warned him about first-time teleportation with Tao Gunka.

"You might feel nauseous since it's your first time teleporting, but you'll be fine."

Before Can could even nod, his surroundings just turned white. The blinding light caused him to close his eyes reflexively. The moment he opened them, he was not in the office anymore, but in a huge garden. When he tried to walk forward, he felt nauseous. He felt like vomiting, but thankfully he did not vomit. After a few minutes, he felt better. It definitely did not feel good teleporting.

"HAHA! Don't worry you'll get used to it after a dozen times," Can's master reassured.

Does that mean I will be teleported a lot of times?

"Now, follow me and I'll show you around my precious garden," Master Khang said as he started walking and describing the garden.

Master Khang's Phoenix garden can only be accessed through teleportation by Tao Gunka. The garden covers a huge area of land as far as the eyes could see. This garden is home to different plants of common to even mythic rarities. Since the garden is quite vast, the workers that maintain and nourish the garden are the old man's contracted beasts. Just like Can, Old Man Khang also has the ability to form unlimited contracts with beasts. These workers are also divided from common to legendary rarities. This place could be considered as one of the most valuable places on Earth due to the resources that are found here. Even though this place could only be accessed through Tao Gunka, it was still heavily guarded by several legendary beasts.

As Can started looking around, he could not help but further admire the garden and his master. This magnificent place could not be even compared to the Magic Beast's Garden of the university, which was already considered one of the best source of various rare plants in the country. It was just astonishing since it surely took an incredible amount of effort to even build such place and gather all these various plants.

While Can was admiring his master's garden, Old Man Khang was instructing one of the workers to gather a small pouch of Uncommon level seeds of Singing plant. The tiny worker devil type beast named Dokebi immediately nodded and went to the seed storage room to gather the seeds. After getting the seeds and putting them in the pouch, he quickly went back to his master.

"Can," Master Khang called Can as he grabbed the pouch from Dokebi.

The little beast summoner faced his master and saw a pouch flying towards him. Thankfully, he managed to catch the small pouch in time.

"Do you see that vacant plot of land over there?" Master Khang pointed at the direction of the said plot.

"I want you to plant those seeds that are inside that pouch. You used to work in the Magic Beast's garden right?"

Can nodded as he opened the pouch to look at its contents.

"Now go on and start while there's still sun," Master Khang said as he sat on a beach chair next to an opened huge beach umbrella that was set up by Dokebi. He then wore black sunglasses and fell asleep.

So his master is just going to rest while he does the labor?

Without any complaints, Can walked towards the empty plot of land and started digging. In this world, planting seeds are not as easy as one would think. When a person plants seeds, he or she has to do certain steps to successfully allow the seeds to grow smoothly.

A seed in its initial stage is dormant or asleep. In order to activate it or to wake it up, a person must provide a specific amount of spiritual energy. If the person provides too much or too less, the seed's development into a mature plant could be easily destroyed. This is the reason why it is important for an individual to know what kind of seeds he or she planting. In Can's case, his master did not provide such information.

The planter must also know that the purer the spiritual energy that is being transferred to the seed while activating it, the faster its growth rate and the better its quality could become.

The spiritual energy's purity is affected by a person's state of mind, natural ability, and the core that is the main source of spiritual energy.

Since planting seeds deals with spiritual energy manipulation and precision, it could help with a person's leveling. Master Khang knew that his disciple is at the peak of level Green and about to break through to level Blue, so this could help him level up. This is, of course, not only the reason why he made Can plant those Uncommon level seeds. It is a test.

Master Khang is currently testing Can's spiritual energy's purity and capacity. Through this test, he will be able to determine whether Can is truly gifted and not just another one of those mediocre beast summoners of the university.

Can went on and started sensing the seeds in order to help him identify the amount of spiritual energy they required. Even though he does not know what kind of seeds they are, he has the capability to sense what the individual seed's requirements. When he finished sensing the seeds' requirements, he started pouring a specific amount of spiritual energy in each individual seeds as he placed them in the small holes that he dug earlier. After using all the seeds from the pouch, he covered the seeds with soil. He then proceeded to water the seeds. 

By the time he finished, it was almost 6:00 p.m.! It took Can ten hours to plant all the seeds. Even if that was the case, Can still had half of his spiritual energy, so he did not feel tired at all. After seeing the seeds become small sprouts already, there was this feeling of joy inside of him since he worked really hard today to plant them. Somehow, planting felt refreshing and satisfying for him even though he was covered in mud. He wiped the beads of sweat that he had on his forehead with the back of his hands as he went back to meet his master. 

Although Can felt happy and satisfied, his master felt the opposite. During the whole time that he was observing Can, he felt that his disciple's performance was too poor. Uncommon level seeds of the Singing plant should have taken Can a maximum of one hour to activate and plant the seeds. Even an average beast summoner would only take four hours to do it. Since it took him ten hours to plant the seeds, Master Khang at least expected that those seeds turn into mature plants already, but they did not. They were only sprouts.

 Did he overestimate Can?

While contemplating if he should keep Can as his disciple or not,  Dokebi came back running to him as if in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" Master Khang asked as he looked down at the small devil worker.

Dokebi started uttering indistinguishable sounds that Master Khang was able to understand.

"You meant to say that we did not give him the uncommon level seeds but the legendary level seeds of the Heavenly Dark Thunder Fruit?" Master Khang asked to make sure that Dokebi was not mistaken.

Dokebi nodded repeatedly.

Master Khang suddenly received a striking and disturbing realization that gave him a moment of chills all over his body.

For Can to only take ten hours to activate those amount of legendary level seeds and even allow them to grow into sprouts are something that even Master Khang himself could not accomplish within a week.

This is truly terrific!

Master Khang could not help it but laugh loudly and obnoxiously. This sudden strange action of the old man did not only make Can feel disturbed but also workers on the field. Their master is truly weird!


Sorry if this chapter took some time to be released but here ya go! Also,Thank you guys for your comments XD I love reading them especially all of your speculations!

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