Chapter 53 - The 6 Year Old Bidder And His Shameless Grandfather

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Everyone in their seats was ecstatic when the speaker has officially initiated the auction event. While the speaker continued his introduction, the guests started talking to one another more energetically.

"Apparently, the items being auctioned are truly exceptional. Some of them are never seen before at all! With all the elites here, the competition for the items must be extremely harsh," one of the female guests said to her friend.

Her friend replied, "Ahh, I wish I could get an item, but the chances are too slim. Compared to others, my family is nothing much."

"Ohh, do you know that the French royal family prince is here too!" the friend continued as she pointed at one of the V.I.P seats that were close at the stadium.

"That's Prince Axel Auriant! He is soooo handsome!" The two friends squealed and giggled as they talked about the French royal family member.

The person who is the topic of their discussion was calmly sitting down in his seat with his trusted advisor next to him. Unlike everyone else, Prince Axel did not wear a disguise which showed his fearlessness and great confidence. 

Wearing a white military general uniform with high-ranking medals of recognition that adorned it, the blonde and blue-eyed prince who has well-defined facial features was listening to the speaker in a proper manner.

(A/N: What I pictured him to be, but this is a different prince. Prince Harry of Great Britain.)

As a prodigy of the French royal family, Prince Axel showed exceptional talent in the military in such a young age as a strategist and a soldier. Winning countless battles and finally putting an end to what seemed to be an endless rebellion in the country, the prince earned the title of Magic Knight General only at the age of 21. No one in the history of the French military has ever done such an achievement. Due to this, Prince Axel is well-known and respected throughout the entire world. No one would dare offend him.

(A/N: That name is from one of the cast members of French drama titled: SKAM France. Check it out, if you have time. There is a gay storyline about him.)

Not too far away from Prince Axel is the future heir of B.S.G of Thailand.

Facing the slightly tense person next to him, a soft whisper with a tone of concern was uttered. "Ae."

When he heard his name, he looked at Pete with a slight smile on his face. "I'm alright Pete."

He momentarily paused and took a deep breathe shakily as he continued, "I hope to get the <Emperium> without much competition."

Then Ae looked down as if trying to prevent Pete from seeing his expression while his lips trembled and his eyes were forming tears, "If not....I don't...I don't really know what I'm supposed to do...."

Pete quickly caressed Ae's back and used his powers to transfer soothing and calming energy to him.

Comforting him, Pete whispered repeatedly with tenderness and care to his partner, "You'll get'll get it....."

Ae has been through a lot since he came back from Beast Gods' Dimension. Every time he would remember anything related to Can, Ae would start to cry and blame himself. Back in his residence, he refused to leave his room and eat. He even refused to see anyone even Pete. His health quickly deteriorated as a result and his depression became worse. When he was sent to the hospital after collapsing one day, he was in critical condition. Pete rushed to the hospital and witnessed Ae's poor state. Thankfully, he managed to survive.

Since then, Pete would always be by his side, no matter what. He would take care of him and nursed him back to health. Gradually thanks to him and support from family and close friends, Ae became better. After a few months, Ae has slowly recovered. Still, the pain in his heart and guilt was there. In the end, he decided to stick to his belief that he would not give up until he saw with his own two eyes that Can did die. With this reason, he decided that he would go back to the Beast Gods' Dimension and find him.

Earlier this year, he was informed that there was a magic tool called the <Emperium> that would grant him the ability to create a portal to another dimension. After persuading his parents, he was given a Legendary item that he could use in exchange for the <Emperium>. Currently, he was worried that someone else would take the magic tool and his chance to travel back to Beast Gods' Dimension. He did not want this to happen.

With Pete comforting him by his side, Ae calmed down a bit. He looked at Pete again and with a smile, he said, "Thank you, Pete. Thank you for being here with me."

Pete gently smiled back as he nodded while he continued pouring warm and soothing energy to Ae, "En."

When the speaker finished his introduction, he gestured a young beautiful model who was wearing a shimmering red silk dress and black high-heels to come to the stage while bringing the first item to be auctioned.

As the model pushed a cart that was covered with black fabric to the middle of the stage, the speaker enthusiastically said, "Alright everyone, now here's the moment that you've been waiting for!"

Everyone who was close to the stage looked intently and tried to guess what kind of item was behind that black fabric. Similarly, those who were seated far away from the stage like Pond and Can had to look at the huge screen while guessing.

Since this was just the beginning of the auction, Rare grade items were being auctioned first. The items later would be of higher grades. Of course, the best ones would always be showed last. Still, everyone was excited about what items will be uncovered throughout the event.

Without further delay, the speaker uncovered the first item. Most of the guest was filled with awe at the first auctioned item.

Based on their reaction, they knew what was the first item.

(A/N: Moonlight Dagger from Ragnarok Online.)

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see the first item is the <Moonlight Dagger>. This Rare grade weapon with sophisticated craftsmanship is meant to deliver quick decisive and fatal blows to the enemies. This dagger has the ability to drain 8% of the person's overall spiritual energy with one slash! Aside from this, it has survival capabilities as well! You'll have the ability to have short-distance teleportation three times before its one-hour ability cooldown.

After explaining the capabilities of the <Moonlight Dagger>, more people became interested in the item. Soon bidding started.

The speaker continued, "The starting bid for the <Moonlight Dagger> is $300,000." Although this price seemed to be expensive for those who did not have wealth, for the elite, this price was not too bad.

One by one, the guests started bidding and outbidding the others.





Some time of intense competition has passed and the bidding ended for the first item. The auctioned item fetch a whopping $900,000. It was almost three times the original bidding price. The lucky one who got the item was hidden due to the green robe that he was wearing, but it was evident that he was happy about getting the item.

Seeing how the people here just casually threw money, Can just dejectedly sighed. He could buy his family a brand new home and car with that amount of money. Thankfully, Pond found a way for them to earn actual money. The two of them were also auctioning several items in this event. Earlier, Pond ordered one of his black ravens to manipulate one of the staff members of this event and slip some of their 'useless' treasures to be auctioned. Now, Pond and Can's job was to make sure that the items that they auctioned would get as high amount of money from the bidders as possible.

After waiting for some items to be presented and auctioned, it was now time for one of the 'useless' treasures that Pond and Can auctioned to show up. To be honest, after getting countless treasures in the Beast Gods' Dimension, all the items that were auctioned here so far were ordinary. So, unlike everyone in the audience, both Can and Pond were more interested in trying the free snacks that they got. They would then compare which snack was better and why.

When the 'useless' treasure was uncovered, everyone including the bored French prince became excited.

(A/N: Golden Ornament from you know already!)

"I present to you, the <Golden Ornament>! This wonderful and beautiful intricate Epic grade bracelet with the Worldly Green Emerald Stone as its decoration was created by a nameless craftsman. It has the ability to teleport a group of people in any area around the world within 15 minutes. The teleportation ability of this item can be used twice before its 3-hour cooldown. After being teleported, the bracelet will create a huge group defensive barrier for 30 minutes. The good thing about this item is that it does not even require spiritual energy. The only condition to use it is that you must be above Rainbow Grade Tier 2." 

Listening to the explanation, everyone was tempted to get the item. Now that the world seemed to be becoming more unstable, each powerhouse needs to gather as much power as possible. This item could be used to turn the tide of a battle due to its group teleportation ability that can be used as a surprise attack and its defensive barrier that could save people's lives. With these reasons, even though the requirement to use it must be above Tier 2, everyone would like to get it in any way possible.

The tension in the atmosphere seemed to increase as everyone looked at the item with much desire.

Smiling, the speaker faced the audience and said, "The starting bidding price for the <Golden Ornament> is $30,000,000!"

Can quickly looked at Pond in disbelief. This item is worth $30,000,000!? Then the next other items that they have could fetch more money! Then does this mean that he would be a millionaire!?

Immediately Can's heart started beating fast while his breathing became irregular. Now, he did not have to borrow money from his family and friends. He could also repay Tin, if he wanted to! Can become really happy that his moneyless life would be finally over!

Raising one hand, a person in the V.I.P. seat said without any hurry, "$30,000,000."

Suddenly, everyone became quiet. When they looked at the person who said it, they could only dejectedly look at one another as they sighed. It was Prince Axel.

No one would dare bid against the powerful French royal family prince. According to rumors, when one bids against a French royal family member, that person would disappear. Even though it was only a rumor, no one would dare risk it and offend the most powerful royal family in Europe. This entire family of Magic Knights is all in the Rainbow Grade. Prince Axel was the second most powerful in his family next to his father. Currently, he is a Rainbow Grade Tier 3 Magic Knight. Would someone dare provoke him? No one will. Only an idiot or someone who does not want to live in this world anymore would do it.

With the chattering around the stadium, no one seemed to be brave enough to outbid the French prince. Expecting such outcome, Prince Axel was satisfied as he looked at the speaker.

Seeing that everyone became quiet after a minute, he decided to end the bidding for the bracelet.

Yet, all of a sudden, he heard a loud conversation from a child and an old man from the audience.

"Grandfather, that bracelet looks really nice. Can you buy it for me?" the voice that came from a child wearing a black cloak said. This child was then grabbing the black cloak of a person next to him as if nagging.

"Aiya! why do you want an ugly bracelet? You have a way more beautiful bracelet that you can wear at home," the grandfather loudly said as he patted his grandchild's head helplessly while he seemed to ignore everyone's stare at them.

Everyone, "...."

"I'm not going to wear it grandfather, I'm gonna use it for my Ring Toss Game Set that grandfather gave to me for my birthday." 

(A/N: Ring Toss Game Set)

"That's good then! My lovely grandchild could only wear the best kind and not mediocre ones. If my grandchild really wants it, then this old man will buy it for you! But promise your grandfather that you'd only use it for your game and nothing else?" the old man happily explained as he continued patting the child.

Everyone, "...."

"Yes! My grandfather's the best!" the child gave his grandfather a warm hug.

Everyone, "...."

As the old man continued to pat the head of his grandchild then squeezing him with a hug, he faced the speaker and said with a sort of condemning tone, "$31,000,000. Hmph!"

Everyone, "....."


Hello everyone! So, I was in the mood to write another chapter, so here ya go!

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