Chapter 67 - Cruelty

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Arriving at the university late in the afternoon, Can scanned the area while flying above in the sky. He noticed that there were not a lot of changes since he left. The golden statue of the founder of the university still stood proudly. Tall and large buildings that represented its prestige were still standing. There were new constructions that were being implemented as part of the university's ongoing expansion. Students come and go as they talk and laugh with one another. Still, observing closely, he did sense a divide amongst the students as they walked using separate paths. The beast summoners walked only with the other beast summoners and their allies. Similarly, elementalists walked with their own and their allies. For those who joined the Worshippers of the New World, he could not tell.

Descending from the sky, the Great Black Raven landed in front of the building where the office of Master Khang was located. With Pond by his side, Can went in after saying farewell to their ride.

Soon the two reached their destination. Can was nervous. He was not sure how he would react when he sees his master. He hoped he would not be too emotional although he expected that he would be once they meet. At the same time, he was not even sure how his odd old master would react when he sees him.

Taking a deep breath as he closed his eyes momentarily, Can knocked on the office door of Master Khang.

"Master Khang, it's Can. May I come in?" Can said with a nervous tone in his voice.

After waiting for a few moments, no answer came inside. There was only silence. Can tried once again, but it was the same result.

He looked at Pond then looked at the doorknob. Gripping the doorknob slowly, Can turned it and pushed the door.

As he entered the room, as expected, Master Khang was not there. While he looked around at the unchanged room, he noticed the dust that already accumulated on his master's desk as Pond slid his index finger on it and a black mark became apparent on the finger. It seemed that what Techno told him earlier was true. His master must be spending most of his time in Phoenix Garden.

Without wasting any time, Can asked Pond to move aside from the center of the room in order to call Tao Gunka. Reaching for the small totem similar to the appearance of Tao Gunka from his storage ring, Can would use it to summon the beast. It was a gift by the old man before he went to the Beast Gods' Dimension.

(A/N: Tao Gunka from Chapter 28. )

Loading some of his spiritual energy on the totem, Can summoned Tao Gunka.

As the small totem illuminated the entire room then faded within a blink, a giant totem appeared in the center of the room.

"TAAAAOOOO GUNKAAAA," the giant totem beast happily exclaimed as if excited to see the person who summoned it.

"Tao Gunka?" ("Eh? Where is that boy?")

With a smile on his face, Can said with enthusiasm, "I'm over here Tao Gunka!"

Since Tao Gunka was facing the door, it did not see that Can was standing behind it. 

At every turn it made, Tao Gunka said repeatedly, "Tao..Tao...Tao."

When it was able to finally face Can, Tao Gunka happily said, "Tao Gunka!" ("It's nice to see you, kid.")

"It's nice to meet you too! It's been a while, Tao Gunka," Can said as he chuckled.

"Taooo Gunkaaa." ("Master would be glad to see you.")

"I hope so too. How is he?" Can asked with anticipation that his master was hopefully okay.

"Tao Gunkaa. Gunka." ("He hasn't summoned me for a while now, but I know he has been staying in Phoenix Garden at the moment.")

Noticing another presence of a person, Tao Gunka turned to Pond and asked, "Tao Gunkaa? Tao?" ("Who is this? New boyfriend?")

Immediately, Can shook his head. He was about to say something when Pond interrupted him when he said "Yes, you're right." As he glanced at Can, he winked at him as he introduced himself to the giant totem.

"I'm Pond. I'm his contracted god beast."

"TAO GUNKA!? Taooo Gunkaaa!" ("YOU'RE A GOD BEAST!? You must be really powerful!")

Thumping his chest with his one hand, Pond arrogantly said, "Yes and I'm the strongest beast god."

"TAO GUNKA!" ("Oh you're amazing then!")

"You flatter me too much," Pond said as he scratched his nose.

As the two suddenly seemed to have found a new comrade, they started having an enthusiastic fun conversation with one another. Meanwhile, Can's mouth twitched. It seemed that the most talkative beasts that he has known had become best buddies in an instant that they met. If they continued with their conversation, there would be no end to it.

At the same time, Can forgot to clear up the misunderstanding between the two after getting distracted by their unending conversation. This would be proven fatal for him later.

Thankfully, Pond realized sooner why he came here with Can. Finishing up his conversation with his new comrade, Pond said, "Sorry, Can. We should go already and meet your master."

Can nodded with a chuckle and asked Tao Gunka to transport them to Phoenix Garden.

Soon Tao Gunka released its ability as it illuminated the room with white light which blinded the two visitors momentarily.


Arriving at Phoenix Garden, the two landed in an unknown part of the dimension. The spot was different from where Can would usually land when he was with Master Khang.

As soon as Can opened his eyes, he suddenly felt goosebumps all over his body. The atmosphere has become intense and chaotic rather than being peaceful like before.

Looking around, he was frozen from his position. He was shocked and speechless. Right now, the scene that he was witnessing was very similar to the nightmare he had last night. The only difference was that this nightmare that he was in was real.

Instead of being greeted by fresh air, the smell of blood and smoke that was mixed with burning flesh, buildings, and crops wrapped around their noses. The garden that showed rare beauty as a blooming flower has now decayed and rot. The heavy rain has already stopped, but the sky was still shrouded in darkness. The ground that was a source of life has now become a filthy place full of corruption and a resting point for the dead. Those voices of helpless cries gradually lessened, but they continued to echo throughout the now miserable place.

"What the f*ck has happened here?" Pond could not believe what he saw. There were dead beasts everywhere he looked.

"Is this still the Phoenix Garden you spoke of?" Pond asked as he looked at Can. He did not receive an answer. His master was just staring at the direction of a burning building not too far away from the two of them.

All of a sudden, Can ran towards the direction of the said burning building then he stopped in front of a dead beast not too far away from the entrance.

"Can, be careful! It's dangerous. We don't know the current situation," Pond worriedly said. Still, it seemed that he was not heard. Can abruptly kneeled which scared Pond for a moment because he thought he was hurt.

"Can, what's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Pond asked as he became anxious and scared about Can's well-being. Still, he did not get a response.

As Pond looked down at the dead beast that was in front of Can momentarily, he noticed the item that laid next to it. It looked quite similar to the ham and cheese hot pockets that Can have brought in Beast Gods' Dimension. Does Can know this pitiful small dead beast?

"Do...kebi...., I-I'm back now. Your fri-end is h-here now," Can was on the verge of crying as he mentioned with a muffled voice the name of a very close friend of his. With his shaking hands, he carefully held Dokebi to his chest. There was no more warmth in him. Can was in denial at first and thought that Dokebi might be just cold after playing in the rain and mud. He just needed some warmth. That was all he needed he thought.

Yet, Can could not feel any movements that were full of energy and eagerness from his friend like before. There was only the flow of blood and a cold silence.

"I'm sorry, Can." Pond was heartbroken when he witnessed the sadness in his master's eyes.

Can looked up to face Pond and anxiously whispered while his slips quivered, " might be some..something in my storage ring to help....him. There must be so-something," Can paused for a moment as he carefully handed Dokebi to Pond, "We...we gathered a lot of things in Beast Gods' Dimension....there should be something useful."

As if becoming hysterical, Can quickly grabbed and checked every item in his storage ring. Seeing such behavior by his master, Pond could not seem to handle it. He knew that there were no items that could help revive the dead little beast.

"Can....I'm really sorry." Pond kneeled and tried to comfort Can, but his master refused.

"No, no, Pond. There must be something useful....," Can said as he breathed more rapidly and becoming clumsier as he grabbed more items from his storage ring.

"There must be something...," he repeated this phrase a couple of more times. As the more unhelpful items were being taken from Can's storage ring, the more frustrated Can has become.

Pond could not take it anymore, so he told Can softly, "That's enough Can. He's gone."

Can stopped what he was doing as he faced Pond. Finally, the tears from his eyes could not be prevented anymore from the cruel truth. It finally occurred to him that his friend was gone. He, once again, took Dokebi from Pond's hands and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry Dokebi," Can whispered.

Pond felt powerless as he hugged Can.

Far away from them, the twin apostles reported that there were two intruders.

"Any information about our guests?" the first apostle, Adam, asked while dragging the body of Stormy Knight from the muddy ground to a certain location.

The tenth and the eleventh twin apostles named Jasdero and Devit said calmly in unison, "It's Can Rathavit and his contracted beast. Recently became a Rainbow Grade Tier 5. Threat level is moderate."

(A/N: Jasdero and Devit. They're twins so they should look the same. Picture is not mine.)

"Ahh, Isn't that Master Khang's dead disciple? He came back from the dead?" Adam smiled as he faced the twins. His interest was piqued. At such a young age, Can already reached Tier 5. He knew very well that only exceptional ones can attain such level. Can was certainly one of those. Still, it was a mystery how he lived despite the reports of him being dead.

The twins looked at one another then nodded at Adam.

"Interesting," Adam continued as he said while he slowly scratched his chin , "Since the two of you are already Tier 5, you could handle them without a problem, but if you may....try to recruit the disciple to our side.  Include the twelfth apostle, Prince Axel, in your trip for backup."

Once again, the twins nodded. Before they left they said with complete reverence, "May the new world be in everlasting peace."

Adam nodded as he repeated the phrase, "May the new world be in everlasting peace."


Another update!

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