Confession and Rejection

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~Aphmau's P.O.V~
As we finally got to my house i stopped and thought more about that kiss earlier...It was something i haven't felt before. Something i didn't want to feel. However before i could say anything else i was interrupted by Garroth. "Lady Aphmau....before anything i must tell you something....For the time of you being here in this village i have become more found of you...Everyday you lighten my day up...even when i seem to be down and skeptical you bring me's strange for me to feel that...especially for my lord. But i can't help what i feel. It's nature....What i want to say is you. And believe me it took me a lot to even say that in my mind...let alone submit to the feeling. It's odd no doubt but i guess that's what love does to you...I don't expect you to like me back let alone love me but i can't help it anymore." he said holding my chin. My mouth hung a bit as i looked into his teal eyes. Had i known i wouldn't have talked to him...but right now is no time for any sort of relationship. He only smiled sweetly at me awaiting my response but sadly i had to break it to him. "....Garroth....i'm sorry but right now i can't deal with a relationship" i said. His smile didn't drop but his eyes closed and it seemed his eyes were on the verge of tears. "'s alright like i said...i understand...but otherwise what is that you wanted to talk about?" he spoke breaking me out of my thoughts....Rejection and or giving rejection hurt....a lot....
(picture done by Swampy-Squid )

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