I want to know

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~ Garroth's P.O.V~
I really was so curious about Aphmau. After yesterday i was really hard not to though. Aphmau was keeping secrets and i wanted to know. I need to know if she was a danger. So i did the usual I got up and ate breakfast and as i finally finished i went outside. I was met with new roads to walk on so soft and smooth to. I looked to the right and i saw that everyone was out of the well...wait no the well wasn't even there. I looked to my left and saw her there, plowing the wheat. WHERE WERE THE FARMERS. I went up next to her and cleared my throat catching her attention. A few dust marks were on her and her hair looked slightly messy. I got to admit to myself...she was still beautiful even when she wasn't trying.
~ Aphmau's P.O.V~
" oh Garroth...what do you need" i said. Technically if i was going to stay here i wanted to help improve it. Also thanks to the Goddess of the moon i heard my brother calling my name. I knew he was coming and i needed to hide myself. Technically old me couldn't built mostly cause that wasn't lady like. But this me the real me could i need to hide myself...my princess self. " Nothing really did you do the roads and get rid of the well?" he asked, that helm made it really hard to hear him, which made me question his age. " Yes i did... i thought that since i started living here i will make you know improvement....though i do understand if you don't want that" i said, He was going to speak up when i heard footsteps running towards us. I looked up ahead and saw the other guard i had met that day. " Garroth i need to talk to you" he said and looked at me then back at him " in private" he stated. Well rude much but i understood and left to go gather my own materials to make my own house. I didn't want to bother Emmalyn that much with me, and i don't want her to dig into my magik's and my origins as well. She was a scholar i could tell...well she was going to become one. But i don't want her to know about me my origins and our kingdom. Our kingdom was a known legend...just a legend. They never really thought it was real, people just thought that they were story time telling kind of stories but no it was real. I'm willing to bet that if i told anyone what they thought about this kingdom they say its an old tale. Hu some scholars they are, i mean really has no one ever thought to even search for us. Yes i know that my kingdom was Held by Lady Irene herself and that her kingdom split ending in Lords around the area. But her kingdom still held with me as her granddaughter. Sure that was many years ago, But Irene herself aged slowly and so did my grandma, My mother and me were half human so we aged like humans but we had her qualities and her body features, I had her Magik's and her heart, and i really didn't care if i did. I wished i could be a normal human at times but i knew this was me. I wanted to meet others like me, other people who were descendants from the Divine warriors but so far i didn't know anyone. I shook the thoughts away and ended up in the woods, i chopped some trees down and had enough to make a house. I went back to the village as the sun was setting. I looked up at the moon and prayed that if my brother was out there somewhere that he be okay
...Brother please be okay~

~Tim's P.O.V~
...Brother please be okay~
I will don't worry Jessica i'll be there in a while. We stopped in a village, Sure it was night and all and we came in dark armor with White horses so it was logical that i was being threaten. " I SAID WHO ARE YOU and what are you doing here?" said the guard. I was on my horse and Hunter on his. " Is that anyway you talk to a prince?" i heard him say and pulled out his sword and battle axe and got of his horse. Both Guards took action and tried to attack but Hunter stopped both attacks. " ENOUGH" i said mostly waking up anyone near by. I took off my helmet and i heard gasps. " p-prince T-Tim..." i heard what i assume was the head guard. " Don't worry we are not here for trouble we are just here to talk to your lord" i said. Hunter put his weapons away and so did the guards. " yes. Guards tie there steeds here...follow me" said the head guard and escorted us to the lords house. He knocked on it and after a while The lord opened. " y-....Prince tim...Come in, come in" he said, me and hunter went in. After serving us some tea i spoke up. " Lord Charles have you told anyone about us?" i asked. I knew many didn't know about my kingdom and thought we were a fairytale but i knew some believed and knew we were here. " No sir we are afraid we will be considered to be something we are not" he said and sipped his tea. " what you here for?" he asked me. I looked at hunter who was nudging me to tell him. " Um have you heard or seen anything that has to do with my sister?" i said. His facial expression went to a sad one. " ...no i haven't heard or seen from her since....i last seen her on her 13th birthday. If i had i would have told you" he said. I knew this man had a heart of gold and wouldn't lie to me. But i couldn't trust anyone after my last trust. " alright thank for having us here" i said and got ready. Hunter followed behind and we both left to our horses. " Tim?" he asked. I began to walk up ahead and him behind. " yes what is it?" i asked him. Kind of in a cruel matter i will admit, he sped up a little right next to me. " do you trust him?" he said to be honest i didn't even trust hunter himself. " No...i don't trust anyone after...you know" i said. I didn't want to remember that day. the mere memory was burned into me, i was so young and yet i trusted them. THEY LEFT ME THERE ON THE COLD FOR THREE YEARS. " i can't even trust you...at times" i mumbled. Hopefully he did not hear

~Hunter's P.O.V~
"i can't even trust you...at times" Had he just said that. Those words hurt. He was my friend...my best friend at that. Those words really hurt me...I trusted him. I trusted him with my life with everything. I guess i have to ear that trust, I don't know why at all. " Hunter are you alright?" he said and turned to me. luckily my helmet was on so he wouldn't see my tears. " yes i'm fine lets just camp out here" i said and got of my horse. After setting up the camp i stayed up for my time to patrol. I didn't want anything to hurt him not at all. He was my best friend, the person i chose to protect. The person....who i loved.....

Nya what you think. About the story not about the ships. XD wait that is what the story is about. And yes Kawaii-Kathy does like Huntim. I ship it :D and if you do not like it THEN SCREW YOU ALL, Nya.

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