Princess of light and hope

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" It's a Healthy baby girl" said the maid as she gave the little small child to her mother. The mother's tears of happiness was showering the healthy girl. She looked like her father a lot. Her father came in as he heard the announcement. He was so proud to have a baby girl, but felt a little bad since he didn't have a baby boy. But he cried of happiness none the less. " Oh my love. She's beautiful" he said as he saw his raven hair on her and that her skin was just like his. He was a proud king he was and a harsh at times but loved everyone in his kingdom. Though a thought came into his head. " Alison please you may go" he said. The maid bowed and left the new parents with there baby girl. " Albert? do you have something in mind?" asked his tired wife. As he looked at her his gaze turned to his child. He saddened as he knew he had to inform the Shadow lord. " I must send a messenger to the nether to tell the Shadow lord" he said. His wife's eyes widened. Now she remembered the treaty they had. She had hoped that This little girl would a boy. But she happy either way. She knew that once The Shadow lord knew of this princess that the treaty would be in place. " Albert i know that when she turns 18 she will have to marry the moment lets please enjoy our daughter's birth." she said with a smile. As both parents looked at there daughter, they saw that her eyes opened. " Oh Rose she has your eyes." he said plainly. " what shall we name her" he asked her. She smiled as she looked at him. " I want her name to be...Jessica like her grandma" she said. Truly she wanted to name her Irene after her great ancestor a powerful Magik's user. But Jessica was the name of her mother. " Alright as you wish my love" he said and kissed her but heard a soft giggle. They looked at there daughter only to see her hands admit a soft pinkish glow as this happened the flower next to the bed grew larger and bigger. " hehe well it look like She got Magik's like you" she said plainly and smiled at her husband. " Alison Come in please" he said and the maid came in. " Yes Sir?" she asked as she always did. " Announce the birth of my daughter. I am sure a lot of people are just dying to hear if she born. Also since you helped my wife in labor take the week off" he said. The maid shocked she never got a FULL week off. " Alright sir as you wish...Happy birthday little one" she said and left to announce the birth of the new princess. The citizens threw a big party for the new princess. As days went by the king knew he had to tell The Shadow lord. Though he did not want to marry off his daughter to the Shadow prince he knew it would be a way to stop the ongoing war between good and evil. So he got ready. He stood in the portal and like that was now in the nether. Guards were already Guarding the place and held there spheres up. But as the king lifted his hood they put down there weapons. " Ah Light King. Are you here to See the Shadow lord?" said one while the other guarded the portal. " why yes...i have important news" he said. The guard nodded and said something to the other while he escorted the King to there lord. As he entered he was greeted with a child giggle. He saw up ahead a little boy with dark brown hair red eyes and skin as white as snow. This was prince, and the prince took notice of the visitor. the prince smiled and went to his father's side. His Father was staring out his window to his kingdom in the nether. " Daddy king is here" said his little boy tugging on his clothes. The king snapped out of his thoughts and turned around. "My it's nice to see you again" he said in a cold voice. The king nodded and gave him a small signal. The shadow lord understood what he had meant by this. " Victor please go to your room we need to discuss things." the lord said to his young son. His son only being three years old wobbled all the way to his room. " so you had a kid....mind telling me the details?" the Shadow lord said. " I had a girl. Her name is Jessica" the king stated. He really didn't want to do this at all but couldn't go back on his word. "oh so our treaty is held as i assume. We agreed that at the age of 16 she and my son will meet and at the age of 18 she and him will marry. right?" he said. The king nodded in agreement and went on his way. He regretted doing this but as long as his daughter didn't fall in love with another boy she would truly love this kid. As he went out of the nether and into his room he saw his wife dressing her daughter in a lilac dress. " did he remember?" said his wife as she played with her little one. He stayed silence but the Queen knew it meant he had remembered. But as time went by they only worried about there little girl.

~ 6 Years later~
" Daddy, Mommy i made a friend" Said Jessica as she ran hand in hand with a young Mief'wa male. " Oh and what his name?" said her mother. " M-m-my n-n-name is...T-T-T-Tim..." he said shyly. Aphmau giggled at the action. " I met him in the outskirts of here" she said. Her mother was puzzled no known Mif'wa was around here nor a Mif'wa Village around anywhere. " Um son where is your mother" she said. he looked at Jessica before looking at her mother. " on the side of the water" he said without the stuttering. She took a moment to think and realized what he meant. " has anyone taken care of you?" she said. Again he looked at Jessica and Jessica gave him a nod. " you...made my mother become red....took me away......they took me here and...since then i been living on the outskirts" he said. Rose took a moment to swallow the lump in her through. From what she could tell was that his mother was killed and then was kidnaped as he was traveled across the sea they dumped him on the outskirts. Her maternal instincts kicked in and hugged the little boy. " Come on son lets go to the castle" she said and held his and her daughters hands. Once in the king turned around and gave her a questionable look. " Jess take him to your room and i will be there in a bit" she said. Jess nodded and took Tim's hand and went running to Her room. " What was that about?" he asked her. She sighted he sure didn't want anyone to love his daughter. " I am adopting him. His mother was killed and he is an orphan" she said. His expression softened as he knew his Wife meant good. " Alright" he said and she left. As she got close to her daughters room she heard giggles. " Tim your a brother" she said. Rose smiled at the comment. " Oh...a brother...can i be your brother?" he said softly but enough for her to hear. She busted in and smiled. " Of course you can be her brother son. Now come on we will design your room." she said and took Tim to a new room...Jess seemed to be having a good life until the age of 13 when she knew what was going on. She fled without an explanation. Many Guards and Shadow knights were sent on a hunt to find her. But to no avail they could not find the lost princess. The war had started over.....Princess please come back.

I closed the book i found in the library. There was no way i was going to go back. No way no how i ran away 5 years ago. There is no way i was going back. I do admit i feel bad that i left my mom, dad and my brother, and that the war had started over again. But right now i had other things to worry about. I left the library and went back to my camp site. " Time to move " i said to myself and packed my stuff. I was heading north. Up ahead a saw a man and i chased after him but as i lost sight of him I saw two guards up ahead. " Um hello um have you seen someone pass here" i said. One looked at me and the other stared of into the village. " No sorry ma'am" he said. I sighted all i wanted to know if a village was nearby but thanks to that chase i found one. " i was just looking for a place to settle down in but i don't think i will be aloud" i said and continued to walk. My plan was for them to take pity and let me stay. Honestly i was really tired of moving from place to place. " Wait...i think we have a place for you" said the one with the full armor around his face. " with the Villager Emmalyn. She must have a place for you" He said. I nodded and headed towards the village. I looked around and yes there she was reading a book. " um sorry interrupt but do you have a place for me?" i said a bit ashamed She smiled and pointed at a door which i assume was a room. She went back to her book. I needed to know what she was reading. " Pardon again but what are you reading" i said. She looked me as if i was the only person who was interested in knowing about books. " About the lost princess. They made this new book just about a week ago. Saying that her Father had just died, and that his last word were "Jessica can read this in books....come back my sweet girl....i miss you" and died on his bed. Her brother has taken position as head guard and Her mother is still queen" she said. My father has just died? " What? no...He couldn't have died no" i said. She looked at me puzzled at first." what are you saying. Do you know the princess?" she asked. Shoot if she found out oh my no. " i'm just saying that is hard to hear" i said plainly. " well i am gonna get some books and go to my room thank you" i said and gabbed the books based on the princess they all carried a little message for me. I dropped my bag on the floor and sat on my bed and opened the books...
Father....i'm sorry but i can't go back

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