In Defense of Kalos

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3rd Person POV

Officer Jenny: *announcing over intercom* Giant Mysterious creeping vines are overruning the city, and there has been major damage centered around Prism Tower. Avoid that area during evacuation. Again: There has been major damage around Prism Tower.

Ruby: What's a Prism Tower?

(Y/n): *looks and indicates it* The tallest building in Lumiose City, as well as the headquarters of the Lumiose City Gym.

Weiss: There's something near the top of the tower.

(Y/n) pulls out his binoculars to try and see.

(Y/n): It looks like.... Zygarde, the legendary Poke'mon of Order, but it's different somehow.

Blake: Different how?

(Y/n): Well, it's red for one thing, and it wouldn't attack a whole city without a reason to.

(Y/n) steers Lunala to a nearby roof and Charizard X lands as everuone clambers off on the rooftop.

(Y/n): *to Lunala* Thanks Lunala, we'll take it from here.

Lunala simply nods and flies off into another wormhole. (Y/n) then pulls out a phone from his backpack, he also notices all but the poke'balls on his belt are gone, teleported back to Professor Sycamore's lab.

(Y/n): Oh right, only six Poke'mon at a time can be carried. Oh well, I need to make a call.

Amidst the chaos, Professor Sycamore is helping a girl named Mairin, when he hears his phone go off, he grabs it from his pocket and answers it.

Sycamore: Hello?

(Y/n): *over phone* Professor Sycamore? It's (Y/n).

Sycamore: (Y/n)! Thank goodness, I was worried when you and your Poke'mon left without a trace.

(Y/n): *over phone* Yeah, long story. Listen, what's going on? Who's behind this?

Sycamore: After the Kalos League ended these vines start growing and destroying the city. I can't say for certain who's behind this, but I'm helping a girl named Mairin who was travelling with my former assitant Alain.

The camera switches back to (Y/n)'s position with Team RWBY.

(Y/n): I remember him, where is he now?

Sycamore: *over phone* Headed to Prism Tower, I have no proof, but I suspect that a group known as Team Flare may be behind this.

(Y/n): Well, only one way to find out. We need to head for Prism Tower.

Sycamore: *over phone* Agreed. I'll meet you there myself.

(Y/n): Got it. *hangs up phone* Ready team?

RWBY: Ready. *grabs their poke'balls* Come out!

Fenris: *appears* Houndoom!

Snowflake: *appears* Ninetales!

Spooky: *appears* Liepard!

Scorchimp: *appears* Infernape!

Charizard X: *ROAR!*

(Y/n) and Team RWBY go to the edge of the rooftop, (Y/n) then spots some kids also headed for Prism Tower.

(Y/n): Let's go.

As the group starts running towards the tower a message comes over all the news and intercom feeds.

Weiss: Guys, look!

Lysandre: To my beloved Kalos region and the entire world: I am Lysandre. Team Flare is with me to do my bidding.

Yang: Well that confirms what Professor Sycamore told us.

Ruby: Yeah, but why do this at all?

Lysandre: I have an announcment. We are here to remake the world. Into a place of pure beauty and peace! Team Flare's purpose is to transform our world into an exquisite example of creation!

A picture of the red Zygarde on top of Prism Tower is then shown as Lysandre keeps talking.

Lysandre: This Poke'mon's name is Zygarde: a Legendary Poke'mon who will preside over the new order of the Kalos region. So, as leaders of this new order, we have decided to join forces with this powerful guardian of creation. Zygarde is angry at the behavior of both people and Poke'mon.

(Y/n): Somehow, I highly doubt that.

Lysandre: The discipline of this world has been lost. Humanity is out of control. We have forgotten how to share! Without sharing, people begin to steal from each other. When that happens there is not enough for anyone!

Blake: I'd cop that to just plain human greed, than lack of sharing.

Lysandre: In order to live in peace without stealing, we must reduce the number of beings on this planet. Only the chosen ones will move into our bright, hopeful future! We of Team Flare, alongside with the fury of Zygarde, will be the ones who will make that judgement! The new order will do away with the chaos of the world and bring about the beautiful future we desire!

Yang: *amused* Pfft! He can't destroy the world.... *slight concern* can he?

Blake: Forcing your beliefs on others is wrong.

Weiss: Blake's right. We have to stop Team Flare at all costs, for everyone's freedom to choose.

(Y/n): Let's go. If the Zygarde is at Prism Tower, chances are, Lysandre is nearby.

Ruby: Let's beat these punks.

The group race for Prism Tower as quick as they can, but while dodging the destructive red vines and helping people out of jams, it's a little while till the group near Prism Tower.

Weiss: Is it just me, or are the vines getting thicker as we get closer?

Ruby: Team Flare are surrounding Prism Tower to make a fortress, so no one can see what they're up to inside.

Yang: That's great, but what about when Team Flare sick their red Zygarde on us?

(Y/n): I refuse to believe Zygarde would willingly partner with some misguided, yet dangerous people.

Blake: You mean Team Flare are controlling it somehow?

(Y/n): Probably, I've seen it done on far more powerful legendary poke'mon than Zygarde. We'll need to find whatever control the baddies are using and destroy it as well.

RWBY: Right!

The group finally reach near the bottom of Prism Tower and see a group of kids and two adults, one of them is Professor Sycamore, up against some Team Flare members.

(Y/n): All right. Five Flare's, five of us. Go.

Weiss: Snowflake, Blizzard!

Snowflake: *aggressive* Ninetales!

The bitterly cold wind freezes The Team Flare Poke'mon upon contact, this confuses everyone on the ground and causes them to look up.

Yang: Scorchimp, Mach Punch!

Blake: Spooky, Night Slash!

Ruby: Fenris, Flamethrower!

Weiss: Snowflake, Moon Blast!

(Y/n): Charizard, Dragon Claw!

All Poke'mon execute their moves on their targets pefectly knocking out all Poke'mon.

Ruby: Freezerburn!

Weiss hops down in front of the kids and adults and uses her glyphs to create a ice patch, Yang the leaps down and slams a flame engulfed fist onto the ice making a huge cloud of mist. The whole team then took down all the Team Flare trainers and (Y/n) hung them inside a net. The trainers see what happened as soon as the fog cleared and they are all impressed.

(Y/n): Professor, is everyone okay?

Sycamore: (Y/n), I almost didn't recognize you.

(Y/n): Yeah, yeah, reminisce later. What are you all doing here?

A boy with glasses and blonde, who (Y/n) recognized as Clemont, the Lumiose City Gym Leader spoke up.

Clemont: We're trying to find our friends Ash and Squishy.

Ruby: Who?

*distant SCREECH!*

The group looks over and sees that a green Zygarde has appeared and is facing off against the red Zygarde.

(Y/n): A second Zygarde?

Bonnie: That's got to be Squishy! I know it!

Before (Y/n) can speak two energy beams blast towards the group and (Y/n) gets in front of Bonnie and Serena, while Team RWBY protect the others. (Y/n) looks back and sees two more Team Flare members have arrived.

Aliana: Sorry we can't allow you to stop our plans.

Bryony: Prism Tower is now off-limits to outsiders.

Yang: *confidant* You're welcome to try and stop us, *slams fist into palm* please.

Suddenly, Bonnie runs away from the group towards the two battling Zygarde's.

Clemont: Bonnie! Wait!

Aliana: Stop her Liepard! Use Dark Pulse!

Aliana's Liepard uses the move and sends a dark energy beam towards Bonnie, but-

(Y/n): Charizard!

Charizard: *determined* *uses Flamethrower*

Charizard's Flamethrower blocks the Dark Pulse easily and the adult in the Blaziken costume is quick to Bonnie's defense.

Aliana: You're not going anywhere!

(Y/n): What are you doing, kid?

Bonnie: I've got to get to Squishy, I promised to take care of it.

There is a short silence while (Y/n) seems to think in his head about what to do.

Blaziken Mask: I will protect her. I promise.

(Y/n): .... Then go. We'll hold off Team Flare.

Bonnie: *smiles* Thank you, mister.

Bryony: We said you're not going any-

Ruby: Hey, your fight's with us, losers!

Bryony: Impudent child. Druddigon, use Hyper Beam!

Bryony' Druddigon launches a super powerful energy beam.

(Y/n): Yang, Ruby, together!

Ruby/Yang/(Y/n): Flamethrower!

Fenris, Scorchimp and Charizard X all use their Flamethrower attack and easily counter the Hyper Beam.

Aliana: Liepard, use Shadow Ball!

The move heads for Fenris while it recovers from using Flamethrower.

Clemont: Luxray, Thunder Fang!

Clemont's Luxray jumps in front and bites through the move and lands in front of our heroes from Remnant.

Clemont: (Y/n), right? I can shut down whatever technology Team Flare's using to control these vines. I need to get inside Prisim Tower.

(Y/n): All right, let's deal with these punks first.

Aliana: We're more than a match for unworthy trainers such as you.

Weiss: Who gave you the right to steal away everyones freedoms and dreams?!

Bryony: Humanity is sick and we must cut out the infection.

(Y/n): Not on my watch. Charizard X, let's show these fools what fighting for dreams really means.

Charizard X: *aggressive ROAR*

Aliana: Liepard use Dark Pulse!

Bryony: Druddigon, use Hyper Beam!

(Y/n): Charizard X, Flare Blitz! Go!

Charizard envelopes itself in extremely intense blue flames and charges, he easily bull rushes through the two energy beams and tackles into the two Poke'mon, knocking them out. The two Team Flare Admins recall their Poke'mon, but are suddenly frozen in ice up to their waist, courtesy of Weiss.

Ruby: Nice one, BFF.

Weiss chuckles and accepts a high five from Ruby.

Clemont: Wow! You're Charizard is amazing even for a Mega-Evolved Poke'mon.

(Y/n): Thanks. He's my number one partner and buddy.

(Y/n) then see's Professor Sycamore leaving with Serena and Mairin in tow.

(Y/n): Professor? Where are you going?

Sycamore: To Lysandre Labs, if there's any information that we can use to stop them, it's there.

Mairin: Plus, my Chespie is sick there.

(Y/n) thinks for a moment then looks at Team RWBY.

(Y/n): Okay, Ruby, Weiss, go with the Professor. They'll need your protection more than we will.

Ruby: Okay, be careful you three. Fenris, come.

Weiss: Let's go, Snowflake.

Fenris/Snowflake: *acknowledgment calls*

Yang: What about us?

(Y/n): Yang, you and Blake get Clemont and his robot into the tower and destroy whatever Team Flare's using  to control the red Zygarde.

Blake: Us? What are you going to do?

(Y/n): *looks up at Tower* Lysandre must be stopped, no matter the cost.

Blake takes (Y/n)'s hand in hers and squeezes it tight for a few seconds, before saying.

Blake: Be careful.

Blake kisses (Y/n) on the lips, while Yang covers Clemont's eyes, the two seperate and go their seperate ways.

Blake: Let's go, Clemont.

Bryony: You'll never win!

(Y/n): *annoyed sigh* Shut up.

(Y/n) climbs onto Charizard X's back and nods to him, Charizard X then flaps his wings and takes off to the top of Prism Tower. Once there, he sees Alain, and the boy he assumed was Ash with their Poke'mon, battling Lysandre and his Pyroar and Mega Gyarados.

Lysandre: Gyarados use Stone Edge!

Mega Gyarados: *Roars*

(Y/n): Flamethrower, now.

Charizard X uses a very powerful Flamethrower and manages to stop Stone Edge before it can reach Alain and Ash.

Lysandre: What?!

(Y/n): Lysandre!

Charizard X flies down and (Y/n) hops off his back and lands on the ground in front of Alain and Ash.

Ash: Who're you?

(Y/n): A friend, now lets finish this.

Lysandre: *chuckles* Yet another hopeless trainer trying to stop the restart the world needs.

(Y/n): No, I'm helping these two protect the lives and dreams of everyone on this planet. You have no right to force what you believe on others, or determines who lives or dies. You're not God.

Lysandre: Very well, if you will not join us, you will die along with the rest of humanity. Gyarados, Hydro Pump!

(Y/n): Flamethrower!

Both Poke'mon launch their signature attacks and, surpisingly to the others...

Ash: *impressed* Their power matched?!

Alain: But water should always beat fire.

(Y/n) kept his focus on his opponent, not the least bit worried about the outcome of this battle.

(A/N): End music here.

Elsewhere, Blake and Yang are making short work of the Team Flare Grunts while Clemont and Clembot, Clemont's own robot and substitute Gym Leader, open the pathway.

Blake: Where to next, Clemont?

Clemont: We have to cut through the Gym to reach the source of the energy signal being used to control the red Zygarde. There might be company waiting for us.

Yang: Cool. More bells for me to ring.

Clembot gets the door open, Blake and Yang, along with their Poke'mon rush inside the gym.

Blake: Clear.

Yang: No bad guys yet.

As soon as Clemont and Clembot walk in, the stadium light turn on and the group sees they're surrounded.

Team Flare Grunt: This Tower is now the property of Team Flare. Leave now.

Clemont: I am Clemont, the Lumiose City Gym Leader, and I demand that you leave my gym at once.

Yang: What he said. Scorchimp, Flamethrower!

Blake: Spooky, Dark Pulse!

The two Poke'mon are quick to use their attacks and start taking out several of Team Flare's Poke'mon, while Blake and Yang used their weapons, Gambol Shroud and Ember Celica to shoot the trainers. In mere seconds, all the bad guys are knocked out on the ground.

Yang: Well, that was semi interesting.

Blake: We're not finished yet.

Clemont: Wow, I've never seen trainers like you before.

Yang: I'll take that as a compliment.

Blake: Where to next?

Clembot: There is a significant amount of electrcity being drawn from the Tower, and I know where to find it.

Clemont: Lead the way, Clembot.

Elsewhere, Weiss and Ruby are riding with Professor Sycamore, Mairin and Serena in a news helicopter headed towards Lysandre Labs. Weiss and Ruby check their weapons as Professor Sycamore explains.

Sycamore: Lysandre Labs is at the cutting edge of science and technology in the Kalos region. I've been working with a contact of mine to find out everything they've been studying there.

Weiss: Studying what exactly?

Sycamore: Given what's happening now, I'm confidant that this has been done by using the energy Poke'mon give off during Mega Evolution. Lysandre Labs is somehow using that energy to control the red Zygarde.

Weiss: And the way they did it is at this labratory for sure?

Sycamore: It's the only logical place it could be at.

Ruby: Then, let's hope we're not too late.

(A/N): And CUT! Great work everyone. Dinner is in the Mess Hall we'll get back to this tomorrow.

Hey! All you really wild readers out there! I just realized this finale might take a little longer ghan expected, so sorry about that, but I'm excited to finish this story and check it off my list once and for all. So, hang in there a little while longer. Have a great rest of your day/night and I'll see y'all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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