Welcome to Beacon

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(Y/n) POV

     After what happened at the docks I was invited by Blake to stay at Beacon Academy but because of her teams living situation, I was forced to sleep in the ballroom for the time being. The next morning though, I was awoken by a woman with platinum blond hair and a crop whip in hand.

Glynda: Mr. (L/n). I'm Glynda Goodwitch, and I'm here to escort you to Professor Ozpin's office.

(Y/n): Alright, just let me finish with breakfast and I'll follow you.

      I let all my Poke'mon out and get them their breakfast and tell them to stay in the ballroom until I return. I follow Glynda to an elevator and we ride it up to an office where a man with gray hair and spectacles and holding a coffee mug was sitting.

(Y/n): Why do I feel like I've been brought in to keep quiet about something?

Ozpin: *chuckles* It's nothing like that, I assure you, Mr. (L/n). I just want to know about how you are able to control so many monsters?

(Y/n): Ok, two things. A: They're not monsters. B: They are my friends, I don't control them. C: Refer to points A and B.

Ozpin: My apologies. It's just there are no creatures like them anywhere. *while looking at video screen* It makes me curious, what kind of world has creatures like these?

(Y/n): Well, must keep some professional secrets, right.

Ozpin: Hmph, right. Well, my next question requires a straight answer. Why are you here?

(Y/n): .....Honestly, *Ozpin nods* I don't know, I was brought here for a purpose, I just don't know what. All I know is I'm here now and my friends and I will help in any way we can.

Ozpin: Well, that's good enough for me. You will need to take a Initiation before officially joining us but welcome to Beacon Academy.

(Y/n): How does this Initiation work?

Ozpin: We'll explain it later this morning. Meet me at the cliffside bordering the forest after breakfast.

(Y/n): Fine.

      I head back downstairs and see a large crowd peeking around the corner into the ballroom. I see Blake and her friends and I too peek around the corner when-

(Y/n): OH! *ducks* Charizard, it's me you crazy dragon!

Charizard: *realizes and blushes apologeticly*

(Y/n): You're fine, buddy. No harm done. You're just stressed from everyone *turns to students* staring at you!

     Most of the students freaked out and ran off, only Blake stayed.

(Y/n): *turns back to Charizard* Hey, they're just curious. No need to fret. Go blow off some steam on your breakfast.

     Charizard calms down and finishes his breakfast, I turn around and see Blake hesitating to walk into the room.

(Y/n): Come on in, they won't bite.

Blake: Sorry, these friends of yours are all new to me.

Eevee: *excited* Eevee!

     Eevee runs over to Blake and jumps into her arms.

Blake: *giggles* Hey you. Bet you're feeling better after last night huh?

Eevee: *affirmative* Eevee.

(Y/n): How about you? Any revelations from last night?

Blake: *whispers* Only that the White Fang are up to something and no one knows why.

(Y/n): Hey, easy. They may just maybe being manipulated. We shouldn't totally write them off, but I agree that there is more going on than we found out last night. We'll find out what it is and, if you ask for it, I'll stand with you to beat them back.

Blake: *sigh of disbelief* I don't think I've ever met anyone like you before.

(Y/n): I like to think I'm not the only one. For now though, I've got a Initiation to prepare for, we'll talk more later. *raises hand* Ok friend?

Blake: *blushes then hesitantly high fives (Y/n)* Yeah, we can talk after.

(Y/n): *nods* *turns to his Poke'mon* Okay, everyone battle time.

Poke'mon: *excitement and agreement* *Roar*

     An hour later, everyone is back in their poke'balls and I head out to the cliffs where Professors Ozpin and Goodwitch are waiting.

Ozpin: Welcome, Mr. (L/n). Now for this Initiation you must go into the forest and find an abandoned temple on the northern end of the forest. Destroy anything that stands against you or you will die.

(Y/n): What do I do when I find said temple?

Ozpin: There are several relics there. Take one, then make your way to those cliffs and guard that item and we will grade you based on your performance.

Glynda: We will be monitoring you the whole time but we will not intervene. You are on your own the second you leave this platform.

(Y/n): Sounds simple enough. When do we start?

Ozpin: Now.

      Suddenly, I am launched by the steel plate I was standing on and sent flying into the forest.

(Y/n): *thoughts* Well, guess we need to land safely first. So.... *outwardly* Corviknight, I choose you!

Corviknight: *appears confidantly* Corvi!

(Y/n): *lands on Corviknight's back* Great catch. Let's land in the forest.

     Corviknight nods and drops Eevee and I off on the forest floor.

(Y/n): Great job, Corviknight. Please return.

     Corviknight returns and I take a look around.

(Y/n): Seems peaceful enough, but I don't know what's lurking out here.

Eevee: *a little scared* Eevee.

(Y/n): Don't worry, we'll be okay. North is that way, so let's go.

      Eevee hops on my shoulder and we start heading north, after some time we come to a clearing.

(Y/n): Hmm, something's watching us.

      Suddenly, a massive black creature leaps out at us, I grab Eevee and dodgeroll to the left. The creature looked at us and it was ugly, black with white bone like protrusions.

(Y/n): I guess you're the ugliness balancing out this beautiful forest. Lycanroc, I choose you!

Lycanroc: *appears* Lycanroc!

(Y/n): Use Accelerock!

      Lycanroc attacks with tremendous speed and power, the attack hits this monsrosity and knocked it off balance.

(Y/n): Now, use Metal Claw!

      Lycanroc came back with Metal Claw and sliced off the head of this monster, the body slumps to the ground and turns to ash.

(Y/n): If we're lucky they'll all be that dumb. Great work Lycanroc, return.

       I continue through the forest and come to find I am lost and decide to take a calculated risk.

(Y/n): Alright, Noctowl, I need your help.

Noctowl: *appears* Noct.

(Y/n): I need you to look for a man made structure, like old ruins of a temple, and watch out for those black creatures.

      Noctowl has the unique ability to fly silently through the air even while flapping it's wings, Eevee and I keep moving and while we came across some signs of human activity, nothing that suggests where a temple may be. Finally-

Noctowl: *calls*

(Y/n): Good to see you're okay. Did you find what we're looking for?

Noctowl: *affirmative* Noctowl.

(Y/n): Alright, lead the way.

Blake POV

     I was able to tap into the video feed and watch (Y/n)'s Initiation, my team walk in.

Ruby: Hey Blake. Are you still reading?

Blake: No, I am watching (Y/n)'s Initiation, Weiss was able to help me get the feed.

Yang: What is it about the guy you like?

Blake: *blushes* I-I don't know. I mean he's not arrogant, or selfish, or even plain mean. He's just... nice.

Weiss: But those creatures he has at his command and his sudden appearance does make me a little suspicious.

Ruby: Let's watch him and see what we can learn about him.

     The girls gather on my bed and we continue watching the video feed.

(Y/n) POV

       Noctowl continues to lead us through the forest until we come to a clearing and I see a temple ruin laid out before me.

(Y/n): Wow, interesting. I wonder what kind of history is carved into these.

       I spot several pedistals with objects atop them.

(Y/n): Hmm. Well, if this is chess then, *picks up the king piece* checkmate.

     Suddenly, Noctowl let's out a warning call and I turn around and see trees being pushed to the side. I grab two Poke'balls.

(Y/n): Venusaur, Electivire! I choose you!

Venusaur: *appears* Venusaur!

Electivire: *appears* Electivre!

     Just then, three very large bear looking monsters with very long spikes coming out of their back.

(Y/n): Alright, no messing around. Venusaur, use Frenzy Plant! Tangle them up!

Venusaur: *exertion* Venusaur!

      Massive, spiked vines erupt from the ground and wrap around the monsters making them unable to move.

(Y/n): Great! Now Noctowl, Extrasensory! Eevee, Swift! Electivire, use Thunder!

      All three poke'mon hit their marks with Electivire finishing all three with his final attack.

(Y/n): Whoo! Way to go!

      I then hear the sounds of massive wingbeats, I look up and see a very big raven looking monster.

(Y/n): Venusaur, Electivire, return. Noctowl, find the cliffs! Run!

     Eevee jumps on my shoulders and I start making a run for it, the cliffs soon come into view when I hear that creature call out and I turn around just in time to see it launch several feathers like harpoons from a cannon. I realize I'm not going to get out of the way in time, suddenly-

Noctowl: *exertion* Noctowl!

      Noctowl used Steel Wing to block the ones coming for me, but the attacks took their toll and Noctowl fell unconscious.

(Y/n): No, Noctowl! Take a good rest, leave the rest to me. *pulls out Poke'ball* Alright, this is it my closest friend, I choose you, Charizard!


Charizard: *appears* *roars aggressively*

(Y/n): Flamethrower!

Charizard: *exertion* *Flamethrower attack*

      The stream of fire hits the massive bird dead on, but not enough to destroy it. The monster recovers and retaliates with another feather strike, before I knew it Charizard had quickly put me and Eevee on his back and took flight. Charizard quickly rose above the monster and I am amazed at how fast Charizard is.

(Y/n): Don't let up, Flamethrower! *grabs Poke'Ball* Now Castform, use Sunny Day!

Castform: *appears* Castform. *exertion* Cast!

     The sun grow harsher and brighter, which in turn, powers up Charizard's Flamethrower. The monster retaliates and charges us.

(Y/n): Dodge it! Castform return.

       Charizard and the monster do some serious aerial maneuvers, I almost threw up on some of them.

(Y/n): Fly high!

      Charizard starts climbing and we hit the clouds and Charizard manages to lose the monster.

(Y/n): Alright, time for hit and run.

      Charizard nods and goes into several strafing runs against the monster where we would pass by at high speed while using Flamethrower.

(Y/n): Man, this thing's a lot tougher than it looks. Alright, I've got an idea. Get it to follow us then dive.

     Charizard strafes the monster with Dragon Claw and gets it to follow us, Sunny Day is still in effect as we dive, we reach halfway to the ground when-

(Y/n): Now Charizard, Overheat!

      Charizard turns around and blasts the monster with everything he had and the beam of fire slices straight through the monster and turns to ash as it falls towards us, Charizard comes out of it's dive and gets us to the top of the cliffs where Ozpin and Goodwitch were waiting for us.

(A/N): End music here.

(Y/n): Whew. That was a thrill alright. *pets Charizard* You've really shown me how strong you've become. Excellent work, my best friend.

Charizard: *growls softly and nuzzles (Y/n)'s cheek*

Ozpin: Exemplary work, Mr. (L/n). You have excellent leadership and battle tactics. Well done. The relic, if you please?

      I hand over the relic and I ride on Charizard and we follow the bullhead back to Beacon. We land near the landing pads and I ask Ozpin.

(Y/n): So what happens now?

Ozpin: Well, we'll have a dorm built for you and your, friends. Then you'll start training with us, if you should choose you may even team up with other huntsman or huntresses in training when doing missions.

(Y/n): Cool. Now, I'm starved, when's lunch?

Ozpin: *chuckles* Just head to the cafeteria.

    I head to the cafeteria and since I ran out of Poke'mon food, I ended up cooking for all of my, I think, 500 something poke'mon.

(Y/n): Whew, finally. Here you go Charizard and Eevee, eat as much as you can handle.

     They both start digging in when Blake and her team walk in.

(Y/n): Hey girls. What's up?

Blake: Congratulations on getting into Beacon.

(Y/n): *sarcastically blushes* Stop it.

Ruby: Oh my gosh you and your Poke'mon were amazing! The way their powers took down one Grimm after another and your dragon was so cool with that final attack! It looked like a volcano had erupted or something! How do these guys have powers? Which one is your best, or your favorite?

Yang: Easy there, little sis. Give the guy a chance to talk. Sorry, she's easily excited.

Weiss: You were capable, I'll give you that.

(Y/n): Thanks. Care to join me for lunch?

Blake: Yeah.

Ruby: Oh yes please! *goes to various Poke'mon* Hi there! I'm Ruby! You all look so cool and adorable. Ohh! I can barely contain my exictment!

Yang: Seriously though, nice job during Initiation. You didn't even need to fight yourself.

(Y/n): Normally I don't have to but I'm not afraid to throw down myself if the situation calls for it.

Yang: Good to know.

Weiss: Did you capture all of these creatures?

(Y/n): Yeah, with the help of these. *shows the group a Poke'Ball*

Blake: How do these work?

(Y/n): Well most of my Poke'mon were caught by first battling it to tire it out then I throw one of these and, well you saw what happened in the field. I became friends with them afterwards. Other times I became friends first then they want to come with me. Some are even restored from fossilized remains of ancient Poke'mon.

Yang: Wow, that's so cool.

(Y/n): Thanks.

Weiss: Are they okay with being in those tiny balls?

(Y/n): Like people, Poke'mon have different personalities and moods. Some enjoy it, some don't, it's a trainers job to recognize and care for their Poke'mon. Plus these makes transport for certain Poke'mon easy, whether they're slow or just really big.

      Just then my Alolan Ninetales hops on the table and first licks me, then goes over to Weiss, then sits and stares at her for a few moments.

Weiss: *nervous* Um?

(Y/n): Don't worry, she's just checking you out.

     Weiss calmed down as Ninetales grew a happy expression and nuzzles her cheek.

Weiss: Well, I guess this one's pretty cute. *blushes*

Ruby: (Y/n)!

     We all look and see Ruby covered with several of my smaller Poke'mon.

Ruby: I'm in love with all of your Poke'mon!

     We all get a laugh out of this and we enjoy lunch together, Eevee is growing really attached to Blake, while Yang is getting attention from several of my Fighting Type Poke'mon. Overall, I think this world will be alright for me.

(A/N): Well, what do you think so far? I like it and I hope you enjoy the rest as it comes out. This has been a pet project for a long time so I hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you next time. PEACE OUT!!!

   Oh before I forget, tell me which Poke'mon is your favorite and who knows it may get a special chapter all to itself. Let me know in tye comments and have an awesome day.

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