Prologue - The Mandalorian and The Veteran

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3rd POV

Two people are currently standing outside as beeping is heard. The first person is a man clad in silver armor with a brown cape that's around mid-leg level and is tattered at the end. Currently, it's pushed to his left as he has a silver jetpack on his back. He also has an odd looking symbol that is on his right pauldron. It appears to look similar to that of a rhino's skull yet the horn is much longer. He has a blaster holstered on his right thigh, an IB-94 blaster pistol to be exact, and has a silver spear on his back, specifically on his left side and it's next to his jetpack. This man is what's known as a Mandalorian, but they're almost scarce these days. 

The woman next to him is just slightly shorter, standing at 5'8" with black hair in a braid that flows to her right, light colored skin, and has beautiful brown eyes. She too has some armor but in a different color to that of the Mandalorian's, it being a dark blue color, and that the style of her armor is also quite different to his, yet serves the same purpose. She also has her own blaster holstered to her right, along with a heavy-repeating blaster that's slung over her shoulder, with the barrel pointing downward and to her left. But something that's most prominent of the woman is that she has a tattoo that runs horizontal around the middle of her right bicep, along with a barely noticeable one that's right around her left cheekbone. Her physique is also quite impressive, especially since she's a woman, which this along with everything else about her just screams that she was a veteran, now bounty hunter. But the Mandalorian also has quite the physicality just like his partner, but he's just slightly more bulkier than her, but people wouldn't be able to tell due to his armor.

The man then pulls out a tracking fob as it continues to beep as he moves it left to right, both he and his partner looking for their bounty.

Both the Mandalorian and the woman listen closely to the continuous beeping of the fob. The Mando then points it towards a settlement several feet ahead of them. He then puts it away as both himself and his partner make their way towards the settlement, more specifically a bar.

As the two of them are walking towards the bar, the woman looks around, seeing that they're in another part of the city top-side, since that's where they are right now. She remembers just how far both she and her partner have come over the past five years they've been working together. She also takes notice that some people are looking at them strangely, but she ignores the stares. The two of them are used to it by now. 

As they're walking, the woman notices the building they're walking towards.

Woman: "Huh. Deja Vu."

The Mandalorian looks at her and slightly tilts his head as they're walking, asking a silent question.

Woman: "The bar."

He nods in understanding.

Woman: "I remember that we picked up our first bounty together not far from there."

He nods once again, remembering the job they did together.

Mando: "Me too, Cara."

The woman now known as Cara smirks slightly towards her partner, but that smirk disappears as they get closer to the bar.

Once they get the entrance of the bar, the door opens up for them, which gathers some vagrants of the bar to look at them. They also see that three men, one with a long beard, a taller man than them, who is a brute, and a cyborg, which all of them pinned down a man shorter than them who just so happens to be Mando and Cara's bounty. Then the man who was mainly threatening the bounty yells something at the two, most likely in Japanese, since it wasn't in English. But the Mandalorian and Cara ignore him and walk up to the bar-top, their backs turned, Cara standing next to the Mandalorian on his left.

The man looks down at his drink and sees that it was knocked over.

Man: "あなたは私の飲み物をこぼした..." (You spilled my drink...)

Both the Mandalorian and Cara ignore the man, which causes his anger to rise.

Man: "ねえ、マンド!" (Hey, Mando!) he says, ignoring that Cara standing next to the Mandalorian.

Then he walks over to the pair of bounty hunters as he approaches the Mandalorian's right.

Man: "私が言った、あなたがこぼした、私の飲み物..." (I said, you spilled, my drink...)

The man approaching the two also gained the attention of the brute and cyborg. The two then walked over, with the brute standing behind the bounty hunters as the cyborg stands next to Cara on her left.

Bartender: "He says you spilled his drink. It's fine. It's on me." he says as he gets another drink prepared.

The man next to the Mandalorian looks at his armor.

Man: "あれはどんな金属?" (What kind of metal is that?)

The man then scrapes his knife across Mando's chestplate. That was a bad idea.

Bartender: "Here."

The bartender then slides a drink across the counter, but Mando catches it. Both he and Cara then shove the others away as Mando smashes the drink into the cyborg's face, knocking him out as he and Cara then slam the brute's head down onto the countertop, shattering quite a large chunk of it to pieces due to their combined strength. The brute is extremely lucky that his head hasn't caved in.

The man next to Mando tries to stab him, but Cara catches his arm, breaks it, and redirects the man's arm to stab himself in his lower back causing him to yell in pain before she pushes him to the ground.

(Replace Mando with Cara)

As that all happened, the shorter man who is Mando and Cara's bounty watches on in both fear and shock. Mainly the former.

The brute then runs for the door and opens it, but Mando fires his fibercord and catches the brute by his ankle, pulling him back into the bar. The brute takes out a pistol and fires at the Mandalorian and Cara, but his shot hits Mando's right pauldron as he takes out his blaster and fires at the door controls, causing the door to close in on the brute, cutting him in half.

Then the Mandalorian puts his blaster away as he looks at Cara, who is smirking at him, to which he nods at her and she returns it. Her smirk then fades as both partners look towards the man who is their bounty as he laughs and sits down.

Man: "Thank you! Thank you very much! You both have my heartfelt gratitude."

Both the Mandalorian and Cara just continue to stare at him, not saying a word.

Man: "You know what? Here. You both take my gil. Buy yourself a drink, the both of you."

The man pushes his gil towards the two hunters, but they ignore him as Mando puts down a bounty puck on the table, which lights up and shows the man's face and information as a 'WANTED' poster.

Man: "Oh. Is that a bounty puck? Is that me? Look... Uh, there must be some mistake. I can get you both more gil."

Mando and Cara: "We can bring you in warm... *both Mando and Cara place a hand on their blasters* Or we can bring you in cold."

The man sighs as he holds his hands out just as Mando pulls out a pair of binding cuffs. As he leads the man out, Cara takes the man's gil and places it on top of the bar and in front of the bartender, most likely as payment for the mess and the broken countertop of the bar.

Both the Mandalorian and Cara lead the man outside and stop in front of a ferryman.

Mando: "We need passage to the station."

The ferryman nods as he presses a button that's on a band on his wrist and a transport pulls up, being piloted by what looks like a robot, or "droids" as Mando likes to call them.

Mando: "No droids."

Ferryman: "I assure you, this vehicle is brand new. It's the latest model..."

Mando then tosses a piece of gil to which the ferryman catches and looks at it.

Ferryman: "At your pleasure."

He then presses another button as the current vehicle drives away as another one pulls up, albeit it's more run down than the previous one.

Driver: "Where to?"

The vehicle then drives towards what Mando called "the station", which is a train station that takes people to and from places across Midgar. And even though there wasn't as much room in the back as expected, Mando and Cara's thighs are just a miniscule apart and are on the verge of touching. Now while normally some people would be extremely flustered by this, these two aren't. They're used to it, considering they've been working together for so long. But that doesn't mean they secretly enjoy it, to which they do indeed, but everyone else doesn't need to know that.

The driver then pulls up to the station.

Driver: "Here you are."

The man shakes his head in disbelief as realization dawns on him as he realizes that he's being taken to the slums and looks back at Mando and Cara.

Man: "You're kidding me, right?"

Mando and Cara: "Get out."

The three of them then climb out of the speeder as the man continues to ramble on.

Man: "I'll hire us a helicopter. No big deal. It won't come out your end. I'll pay for it. I'm just trying to make it pleasant."

Driver: "Hey, it's time to go, so let's settle up."

Mando pays the driver and he and Cara then walk away from the vehicle and past the man and into the train, to which he follows them. Like he had a choice. He then enters to see that Mando and Cara are seated next to one another near or at the back of the train, enjoying each others company, but the man, along with everyone else, clearly don't know that. Right now though, Mando has taken his spear from his back and began to sharpen the head of the spear as Cara inspects her heavy-repeating blaster with the safety on as the train has already begun to move. He then sits nearby the pair and tries to start a conversation.

Man: "So this is the train that takes people to the slums? Wonder how long it'll take."

Both Mando and Cara remain silent and continue with what they're doing.

Man: "I have a lot of gil, by the way. That's why I offered to hail a helicopter."


Man: "How much are they paying you?"

Still silence.

Man: "I've heard rumors about you guys. So is it true you guys never take off your helmets?" he said to Mando.

Once again, silence.

Man: (sighs) "I think I have to use the bathroom. I mean I can do it here, but I don't think anyone else would want that, now would they? You're lucky people, trust me."

Mando and Cara briefly share a look before Cara puts down her heavy-repeating blaster and sets it next to her right leg with the stock on the floor and the barrel pointing towards the ceiling as she holds it with her right hand on a part of the barrel.

Man: "Clearly there's nowhere for me to go. So, uh... I'm gonna go look for the bathroom if it's all the same to you guys?"

Both Mando and Cara once again don't say anything as the man gets up and walks through a sliding door of the train and into another compartment of the train. Both hunters look at each other and nod.

Back with the man, he's currently in what appears to be the cargo area of the train, but is able to eventually find what he was looking for.

Man: "Found it! Thanks. It might take a while."

He then goes over to a keypad and presses it a few times, which allows the door that is on the side of where he is to open up as he sees the walls of the tunnel they're in pass by as wind blows in his face. He quickly presses the keypad again and closes the door, afraid that he may fall out.

Man: "Oh, this feels a lot better. I haven't gone since very early this morning."

He then walks forward and notices there are some crates in the room he's in.

Man: "Yeah. I was hoping to be free for a holiday. Maybe even, uh..." he then starts to worry a bit, trying to find something to free himself, while also scared as to who both hunters are bringing him to. "Get home to the family."

He then stops at the last crate, which is empty and is a large one. But he fails to notice that he's no longer alone.

Man: "But I guess that's not gonna happen this year."

Mando: "Probably not."

The man is then grabbed by Mando and Cara, who was silently beside him, as he's shoved into the large crate and is quickly frozen but not so that he'd die, curtesy of Mando as noticeable ice particles are around his hands before they dissipate. He then turns to Cara, who has a small smirk on her face.

Cara: "Nice job, Y/n."

The Mandalorian now known as Y/n nods at Cara as he looks at her through the visor of his helmet. She already knows and can tell that he briefly shared her smirk.

The two of them then walk back through the door and out of the cargo bay as they sat back down in the same spot from earlier. As they're waiting to arrive at their destination, an announcement goes over the train.

Announcement: "The train will be passing through an ID checkpoint shortly."

Then the train goes through a scanner, which is intangible and red in color. Once it goes past Y/n and Cara, they're good and the scan is complete. Cara then looks at Y/n.

Cara: "I say we did good."

Y/n: "Yes."

Cara: "Wonder what we'll do next."

Y/n: "I guess we'll see."


Once the train stops at the station that's in Sector 7, Y/n and Cara walk out. Then they walk over to where the cargo was and Cara picks up the crate that has their bounty inside and carries it on her left shoulder as she uses only her left arm to support it. Y/n looks at her and Cara knows what's going through his head.

Cara: "Don't worry, I got it, Djarin." she says with a small smirk, using the last name of his alias.

Y/n nods as the two of them walk towards a building that they both instantly recognize. A bar called Seventh/7th Heaven.

Once they walk inside, they see some familiar faces that they have come to know. One of them is a man with dark colored skin, black hair in a crew cut, brown eyes, standing at 6'6", wearing sunglasses, and has a grafted gun-arm on his right, which is a gatling gun. This man is Barret Wallace, a leader in Avalanche.

The other is someone that Y/n and Cara know well, but she is one that Y/n has known since childhood. The person in question is a woman, only shorter than Cara by two inches, standing at 5'6". She has an athletic build with visible abdominal muscles, wearing a fitted tank top which is mainly white, black leggings, and red boots. This woman is Tifa Lockhart, a childhood friend that was close to Y/n in their youth.

Only problem is that she hasn't seen him in a very long time and the fact she also doesn't even know that her childhood best friend, and surprisingly, her crush, is the Mandalorian bounty hunter standing in front of her.

Tifa: "Din, Cara. Welcome back." she said with a small smile on her face as she leant against the bar.

Barret: "That was fast. I assume you two got the guy?"

Y/n aka Din and Cara nodded as the latter places the crate down. Barret then gets up and walks over to the crate and opens it up and sees that the man, who is the bounty in question, is now thawing out from being frozen by Y/n earlier. Barret will most likely interrogate him later.

Barret: "You just had to freeze the sucker, didn't you?"

Cara: "He was clearly trying to get away, so we improvised."

Barret sighs before he nods, understanding that bounty hunting is a complicated profession. He then takes out two pouches of gil and tosses them to Y/n and Cara, which they both catch one-handed. The bounty was 20,000 gil, but since they started to work together, both Y/n and Cara have decided to split each bounty between them, 50/50.

Barret: "Your payment, as promised."

Cara: "Thanks Barret."

Y/n also nodded in thanks. Then both he and Cara sit down next to each other at the bar as Y/n sets his spear against the bar, as does Cara with her heavy-repeating blaster. Tifa then takes out a glass cup and then pours a blue liquid into it and sets it in front of Cara.

Tifa: "Your usual."

Cara: "Thanks Tifa."

Cara then downs her drink in one go.

Tifa: "Still don't know how you're able to do that with spotchka, Cara."

Cara: "I'm used to it."

The two ladies then smile at each other before Y/n speaks up.

Y/n: "We want our next job."

Tifa sighs, but she does have a small smile on her face, as does Cara.

Tifa: (chuckles) "You hunters, always wanting to keep busy."

Cara: "Something like that."

Before they can continue with another topic to talk about, Barret stands up and walks over to the pair of bounty hunters.

Barret: "You two want a job? Well, you got one."

Y/n: "Which is?"

Barret: "Mako Reactor 1. Biggs, Jessie, Wedge, myself and a newcomer are gonna go there and blow it to hell, 'cause we all know that those reactors are drainin' the life outta the planet!"

Cara: "When?"

Barret: "Tonight, obviously! Now you two don't have to come if you don't want to, but Biggs, Jessie, and Wedge would like to see you two again."

Y/n and Cara think it over for a minute before nodding to each other.

Y/n: "We're in."

Barret: (smiles) "Alright!"

Cara: "And what's the pay for the two of us?"

Barret: "Two thousand gil. Each."

Cara: "Doesn't sound half-bad given how much they currently have made." she says as she looks at her partner.

Y/n: "Yes."

Barret: "Before we do get out there, expect some resistance from Shinra."

Cara: "Not like we haven't dealt with them before. It'd be a nice workout."

Barret: "Good. We'll meet up later at 2200. Be on time or we'll leave without you."

Barret then walks out of the bar as it's just now Y/n, Cara, and Tifa.

Tifa: "You guys haven't been back here for a while now."

Cara: "How long has it been? Just coming around two years, now?"

Tifa: "I think so. Seventh Heaven hasn't been the same without its two best hunters."

Cara: "Well when you have jobs that span across all of Midgar, then you can't really stop by and catch up with old friends."

Tifa: (smiles) "That's fair."

Y/n and Cara then stood up as they take their respective weapons, with Y/n putting his spear on his back as Cara slings her gun over her shoulder.

Y/n: "We'll see you when we get back."

Tifa: "Alright. Just stay safe, Din. That goes for you too, Cara."

Cara: "I know, Tifa."

Then both Mandalorian and Veteran walk out of Seventh Heaven, mentally preparing for what their next job tonight will be like. And right now, they currently have one question on their minds:

Who is the newcomer Barret mentioned?

To be continued...

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