Chp.1 Meeting With Dr.Toadley

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After Starlow and the bro's has found out about Lord Fawful has planning to take over both (YN)'s And Peach's, they also notice that he was going after the dark star to awaken it and who know what will he do with it. In order to stop him from awakening the dark star, and also curing the roads for having the blorbs, Starlow and the bro's head over to toad town after finally getting out of (YN)'s body. They go visit toad town as they realize there were some roads with the case of the blorbs, the three then enters the doctors as the nurse toad realizes and surprised to see the bro's and starlow...

Nurse Toad: Are my eyes clean?! Mario, Luigi, Starlow?!?

Mario/Luigi: Yah!

Nurse Toad: Oh thank goodness you guys are back! What on earth happened to y'all?!

Starlow: long story, but we don't have time to explain, can we please see Dr. Toadley?

Nurse Toad: I would love to Starlow, but the doctor can only see one patient at a time. I'm afraid you two have to come in one by one.

Starlow: Dang it. Now what?

Mario: *Italian Language*

Starlow: Huh? You have as idea?

Mario: Mhm.

Mario then suddenly started to cough like if he was sick or somehow...

Starlow/Luigi: ??

Nurse Toad: A sore throat! Oh my! That can be some symptoms to lead you to get the blorbs!

As Mario continues to "cough" he then looks at Luigi and realizes Mario was faking it, and Luigi already knew what was Mario's idea, so he played along as he then sarcastically started screaming and cough, placing his hand onto his chest...

Nurse Toad: What?! Luigi too?!? Mario with a sore throat and Luigi with chest burns?! Oh no! You two somehow are gonna have the blorbs sooner or later! I can't let that happen! Please, both of you follow me!

The nurse toad then rushes inside Dr. Toadley's room as their idea worked...

Starlow: Hehe. Good thinking Mario, now come on.

The three went inside Dr.Toadley's as they got to the nurse with Dr.Toadley...

Nurse Toad: Doctor, your next patients are here.

Dr.Toadley stood quiet for seconds as the bro's started to feel less fear as Dr.Toadley then yells out...

Dr.Toadley: GRAVE ILLNESS!! Do these two men have an incredibly grave illness ? Will there be a catastrophic results if we do cure their ills? There certainly will! Now you three, I need silence! You men harbor a most deadly virus! Is it gradually emerging? It most certainly will!

Starlow: ...What?

Nurse Toad: Oh, this crystal imaging is how the doctor diagnoses patients.

Starlow: Oh really?

Nurse Toad: Yeah, watch closely.

The three gathered around with Dr.Toadley as they started to observe the crystal ball, the crystal started to turn foggy as Dr.Toadley started saying...

Dr.Toadley: Yes...Yes...Do I see it? I do. And did it emerge? It did. A most deadly virus that will surely spell your dooms.

Starlow and the bros started to realize that maybe faking being sick or ill may have caused it to jinx they even have a virus/illness?

Dr.Toadley: Aha! I found the is...called...

The fog from the crystal vanishes as (YN) suddenly appeared inside the crystal ball, grinning??!!

Starlow: W-Wait?!? I-Is that-

Dr.Toadley then turns around quickly, points forwards as he yells out...

Dr.Toadley: (YN)-ITIS!!!!!!

Starlow: What?!! No! that's not a virus! That's-

(YN): MWAHAHAHA!!! Somebody page me!

The bro's quickly turned around as they realizes (YN) was back after getting knocked out...

Dr.Toadley: Ah yes Indeed! A virus most vile shows itself at last! And is this the virus that plagues you men?

Starlow: Well-

Dr.Toadley: Yes Indeed! And is it a pox on body and soul? It is.

(YN): A pox?! Your a pox!

Dr.Toadley: I must be frankly with you two! This (YN)-itis virus is powerful! Recovering from it will take quite a while. I'm prescribing both of you ten days of antibiotics. Take these three times a day. With food, preferably.

(YN): Nrgh! This is a waste of time!

(YN) then slides his feet towards the bro's as they both jumped over him as (YN) then slides punches Dr.Toadley straight to a wall, knocking him out as the nurse toad panic and went to check on him....

Starlow: Damn it! Looks like this can wait! We have to deal with him first!

(YN) turns around to stare both at Mario and Luigi...

(YN): Mario, and Green 'Stache! So you two dolts are trying to save Peach and stop Fawful from awakening the dark star huh??!

Starlow: Wait?! How'd you-

(YN): Mind your Damn business you squirt! No way in hell I'll let you three ruin this for me! I'll be the one to save peach and stop that freak Fawful! I WILL DO IT! COME HERE YOU TWO!!!

The battle of the bro's and (YN) starts in the next chapter...

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