Chp.22 The Dark Star Awakens

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After the defeat of Midbus, suddenly, the glass surrounded by peach suddenly broke into pieces as peach collapse to the floor, unconscious...


Not only that, the Dark Star finally started to awake as red evil eyes pop out...Fawful runs over to the dark star with a surprise look...

Fawful: It it it it it it it...IT AWAKENS! At last! It has awaken at last! Fawful has waited for so long for this!

Fawful then takes out an object and places it on his head as a it look like a vacuum...

Fawful: I HAVE SUCTION! With this, I am taking the Dark Star's Power!

As Fawful started sucking the dark stars power with the vacuum suction on his head, purple lighting started striking down as (YN) goes and saves peach from being strike bu The lightning....he then was able to save her, but she doesn't seem to wake up...

(YN): Peach! Peach, can you hear me!?!

No answer...

(YN): Crap! She's still unconscious.

Fawful: hehehe...I...Have...DARKNESS! Such darkness! The dark power builds up like a skyscraper  of evil! With the power of the dark star...the world...the world...WILL BE FAWFULS!

Suddenly, Fafwul's body started to turn all dark as his eyes glow red, it's like his body and the dark stars power are fusing somehow, but (YN) won't let that happen as he then slide punches Fawful, sending him flying crashing to the ceiling....

(YN): Damn! Feels so damn good punching that bastard!

(YN) then goes to check on peach again...

(YN): Peach! Are you okay?! Come on! Wake up please!

Starlow then reaches out...

Starlow: (YN)! Is everything okay?! Is peach okay?!

(YN): Sh-She's fine! It's just she's unconscious!

Suddenly, the dark star started to float as it then stares at (YN) from behind...(YN) notices something behind him, he quickly turns around to see the dark star starring right at him..

(YN): Oh Crap!

The dark star then rushes towards (YN) as it suddenly then shrank and went inside his mouth...and (YN) then swallows it...

(YN): GAAGH!! A-AAACK!!!! Hrrrngh!

Starlow: What happen?! If seems like you ate or swallow something.

(YN): Dark Star...swallow it...went inside my body!

Starlow: WHAT REALLY?!?!

(YN): *catches some fresh air* d-damn it that tasted weird...fuck! The dark star is in my body!

Starlow: Okay Okay! Here's what we going to do! You stay put and look after peach while I'll go look after the dark star okay?!

(YN): Okay But...are you really going to get the dark star?!

Starlow: ...Yeah. Don't worry about it. What matters is you gotta stay put and take care of peach while I'll go after the dark star!

(YN): Okay!

Starlow then tells the bro's...

Starlow: Okay you two! Looks like it is up to us to go after the dark star! Come on! I think it's at (YN)'s airway!

The story continues on the next chapter...

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