Chp.29 The Epic Grand Finale Fight

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(WARNING: a lot of nostalgia coming up)

Starlow: COME ON!!

Mario: LETS-A GO!!!

Luigi: OKEY DOKEY!!!

Dark (YN)/(YN): ITS SHOWTIME!!!!

Narrator: THREE....TWO....ONE...GOO!!!!

And so the great finale battle between (YN) and Dark (YN) begins NOW! Dark (YN) Simmons a Giant Boulder out from his hands as he tosses it in mid air as he throws a fire ball towards the boulder as it explodes, falling fire rocks started to fall towards (YN) like a meteor as (YN) started dodging them, he then realizes Dark (YN) charging his flames to burst fire out to (YN) (YN) catch one fire rock as he then tosses it towards Dark (YN)'s mouth. As he did, Dark (YN)'s flames started to block his fire as he then caused an explosion, causing dark (YN) to deal damage...

(YN): Minions!

All of his minions came, Goomba Troops, Shy Guy squad, the Koopa corps, the bo-bomb blitz squad, and the magikoopas came out...

Goomba #1: Sir!

Koopa #2: How can we help you sir!?

(YN): All of you minions! Go and protect peach with everything you got!

Minions: YES KING (YN)!!!

All of his minions then ran up to peach to protect her at any cost while (YN) deals with dark (YN)...Dark (YN) and (YN) tan up to each other as their fists collide to each other, causing an impact...they started throwing punches at each other as (YN) then blocks dark (YN)'a punch as he head butts him, runs and drop kicks towards dark (YN)'s sending him flying away, dark (YN) recovers quickly as he then charges towards (YN) as he tackles him down and tosses him away crashing into poles, (YN) recovered himself as dark (YN) again charges towards him, (YN) then grabs the pole and swings the pole towards dark (YN), getting him on the face as (YN) then jumps on top of him and started punching dark (YN) several times as he then grabs his tail, swings him around, tosses him in the air as (YN) then goes jumping towards dark (YN) places his gut below dark (YN) as he then falls to the ground with him, belly slamming him to the ground...after that, dark (YN) was knocked out...

Shy Guy #6: Way the go sir!

Magikoopa: Good job your superiorness!

Suddenly, a voice was heard from inside of dark (YN)'s body...

Fawful: I WILL HEAL YOU!!!

Fawful was somehow alive as he manages to use its dark power to heal up dark (YN), as dark (YN) was healed up, he somehow manage to grow 10 feet inches bigger...

(YN): ...Well Damn.

Dark (YN) then summoned some minions of his own, dark minions as they all go after (YN), (YN) started taking them down one by one like nothing but doesn't realize dark (YN) jumping in mid air as he tries stomping (YN), (YN) was fast and lucky enough to move out of the way as dark (YN) landed on the ground, trying to stomp (YN), (YN) then charges towards dark (YN) as he then punches him straight to the gut, as dark (YN) spat our saliva and Fafwul as well...

(YN): Chippy! Mario! Green Stache! You ready?!?

Chippy: YEAH!!!

Mario/Luigi: OH YEAH!!

(YN): Good! Cause you got a visitor!

(YN) then started to inhale Fafwul into his body as he did...

(YN): Take Fafwul down while I'll deal with dark me!!

As (YN) deals with dark (YN), who he is still 10 feet bigger, it was up to Chippy and the bro's to end Fawful! Fafwul came down as he appeared with the bro's...

Fafwul: YOU TWO!? Your faces irritates me! I will make you vanish!!!

Fawful then started to grow as he grew bigger with three long wicked legs, wicked arms, red eye goggles, and the dark star attached to his was the bro's turn to fight! Fawful then started shooting dark beams towards the bro's as they started dodging them...the bro's then use their fire flower special attack to shoot to Fawfuls eyes as the fire exploded and Fawful started to get blind and cant see a thing the dark stage above Fawfuls head then started to charge up a dark beam....


As the dark star shot the beam, the bro's were lucky enough to grab onto Starlow and flew in mid air, after that, they let go as the bro then use their snack basket attack to destroy Fawfuls legs, Luigi started eating the whole snacks as he grew big and chubby, Mario started lifting him up, throws him in mid air as Luigi belly slams to the ground, causing a shockwave to destroy all three Fafwul's legs...Fafwul then collapsed to the floor as as the dark star is the only one left to be deal with, the dark star then summoned a spear as it started swinging it around towards the bro's as they started dodging it by jumping above it, after that the dark star then throws the spear towards Mario as Mario then hits it back to the dark star as it caused an explosion...the bro's then knows one attack that can finish off this battle, the fallen star, so they summon a huge star above the dark star as they get ready to toss the littlest ones towards the big one as Starlow helps them to aim it...the bro's started to throw the little stars to he big one as the big one started to gain more power, after that the big star along side with the little ones fell down to the dark star, causing a perfect amount of damage to it. After that, the dark star started to act crazy as it then seems like it was gonna explode...

Fafwul: N-No! This can't be!!! THIS CANT BE!!!!

Starlow: GET DOWN YOU TWO!!!

Fawful: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

The dark star then exploded alongside with him and the dark star was now gone and defeated. Back with (YN), he was still dealing with the 10 foot dark (YN) as he was having trouble with him. Suddenly, peach surprisedly woke up finally, as she realize everything dark, dark clouds as well....

Peach: Wh-Whats going on??!

Koopa #1: You guys! Peach is awake!!

Minions: PEACH!

Peach: What the!?! What in the world are you all doing to me?!? Where am I?!?

Goomba: Don't worry princess peach! We're here to protect you! Just stay calm with us and let our king (YN) handle his job!

Peach: Protect me?!? What!?!

Shy Guy #5: Okay look! This may sound weird and all to you...but we're doing this because (YN) is here to save you from this madness!

Peach: Save me?!

Bo-omb #3: Yeah! Look! He's dealing with some dark clone of himself now!

Peach then realizes (YN) fighting with a dark clone of himself, dark (YN)...

Peach: I-Is that the dark star?!? He's a clone of (YN)?!? What in the world did I miss?!? And why would you all and (YN) help me!?! You guys never do such things like that!!

Magikoopa: Well...take a look at yourself.

Peach then started to watch (YN) fight dark (YN) as he was still having trouble...dark (YN) grabs his whole face and slams him to the ground...

Minions: KING (YN)!!!!!

Peach: (Y-YN)....

(YN) then gets up as he then tries blocking himself from Dark (YN) as they both started holding hands...

Dark (YN): Look at you...weak. And you call yourself the king of Koopas! Like I said, words won't come true if you don't predict them nor make them true!

(YN): N-No! I can't lose! I have come all the way here! I can't give up! I-I have to save peach! I can't...I can't fail her! Not today!! I want to apologize for everything I have down to her! For every mistakes I did to her! All of them! And this is the only way repay her! PEACH!!!

Peach: *Gasps with shock*

(YN): I-If your listening....I want to...say I'm sorry! For everything I have down to you for over the pass years! For all the mistakes and problems I have caused! I-I know we had our differences back then...but I wanna change! S-So least try forgetting the pass...AND TRY FORGIVING ME!!!!!

After hearing those swords from (YN), peach place her hand to her chest, where her heart is as her eyes started to get watery as she realizes that for what (YN) is saying right...

Peach: (YN)...I~

Dark (YN): FWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Poor (YN)! Realizing that your journey will end here! Now prepare yourself! As I'm going!!!

Suddenly...dark (YN) started to act weird as he started holding his head as it looked like he's in pain somehow...his whole body was starting to become red somehow...

(YN): What the!?! What's going on!?! Why are you acting like that?!?

Starlow: Fafwul is defeated!

(YN): What?!? He is!!??

Starlow: Yea! With him defeated and dark (YN) only containing half of its power...he's becoming weak! Nows your chance to take him down once and for all!!!!

(YN): Way the go Chippy!

Dark (YN): N-No! What's...happening to me!?! My powers!?! I do not understand!!

(YN): GWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Looks like half of your powers are taken down, without half of it, your know becoming weak! Look at you, you somehow somehow...but anyways! I'm going to win anyways!

Dark (YN): N-No! It can't be!!! IT CANT!!!

(YN): And for the finale, on KO PUNCH! GOO!!!

(YN) then rushes towards dark (YN) as he then started throwing heavy punches to dark (YN) several times as dark (YN) was becoming weaker and weaker with every punch he takes from (YN), and finally, (YN) charges up with one huge powerful punch to finish him off...Starlow, the bro's, his minions and peach then yell at him to finish dark (YN) off...

Starlow: DO IT!!!!

Mario/Luigi: (YN)!!!!

Minions: FINISH HIM, KING (YN)!!!!!

Peach then started to shed tears as she got up and then yells...

Peach: DO IT, (YN)!!!

(YN): SO LONG, DARK (YN)!!!!!!!!


(YN) then finishes up charging his punch as he then strikes it towards dark (YN) as it caused dark (YN) to leave a huge hole on his stomach, Black liquid coming out from it like blood...after the powerful punch, dark (YN) started to get shattered as he was seconds to be blown up...

Dark (YN): T-To come this far...I lost!? How can this be!?!

(YN): Hey...just Because you stole my DNA and become like me doesn't mean your stronger than me, you're no match with the real and original king (YN) do me a favor and...vanish!


With dark (YN)'s last final words, he has exploded into pieces as he was no longer alive, which means...(YN) has destroyed both dark (YN) and the dark star.

(YN): OH YEAH! I WON!!!!

The story continues on the next chapter....

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