Chapter Eight

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It had been almost a week since the incident, every now and again my chest would burn and the more it happened the more painful it was. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror I examined the glowing spot on my chest, with a sigh I allowed my form to shift back to my animatronic one. The burning seemed to stop but the glow was there just fainter, holding my breath I pulled my soul from my body and held it before me. It was painful to do such things but I needed to make sure I was alright, looking my soul over I noticed that it had three shades of colour which shocked me. One side was a blood red from Nightmare's soul and one side was Blue from my own, straight down the middle however sat an dark Aqua colour which confused me. Upon touching the dark Aqua colour the burning sensation stopped and it slowly began to form another soul of its own, shocked I stood there and watched it. Eventually my soul absorbed back into my body while this newer soul sat there, shifting back it stayed in my hand and I felt a presence behind me causing me to tense.

"What is that?" Came the blank tone of Springtrap, turning slightly I showed him the soul and he too tensed.

"I'm not sure, I was looking at my soul to make sure Nightmare's stayed the same and I noticed a third colour, when I touched it this happened, I'm not even sure what to do with it," I explained, when he moved closer I moved backwards. Looking at his eyes I noticed they were purely purple which drove a sort of fear into my mind, he noticed my gaze and his eyes returned to normal but I still stood trembling slightly.

"I'm sorry....... I will get one of the others to come see if they know anything..." Springtrap sighed, when he turned I grabbed his wrist which caused him to stop where he stood.

"Don't go...... right now I need you more than ever....." I whispered, he turned his head to look back at me and I saw pain in his eyes.

"Alright..." was all he said as we stood there in silence watching the small soul simply hover there, after a few moments he reached his hand towards it slowly which caused the soul to move from my hand to his. I watched it curiously as he studied it, the silence continued until eventually the smaller soul absorbed back into my body.

"Let's not tell anyone about this, something tells me neither Golden Freddy or Shadow Freddy are going to like what they see," Springtrap grumbled half to himself, I nodded cautiously. He knew something I didn't and I wanted to know myself what exactly this artificial soul was, upon heading downstairs I noticed both Goldy and Shadow were glaring at us both. I began to feel unsafe as their eyes focused on both of us, when I began to tremble Springtrap held a hand in front of my protectively and slowly pushed me behind him.

"What's going on?" Came the tired and confused voice of Freddy, looking at the stairs I noticed the gang watching us cautiously.

"Do tell them what's going on, we would all love to know," Shadow Freddy growled as his eyes never left me, something was wrong and everyone could feel it.

"Puppet, Springtrap, what is he on about?" Bonnie questioned this time, I felt trapped again and it made my soul feel heavy. I was about to move when a firm hand gripped my wrist, looking up I noticed Golden Freddy had managed to sneak behind us and now had me his a tight grip.

"Let her go Goldy," Springtrap warned, the others sat confused and worried on the stairs as they watched us cautiously.

"And why should I?" Golden Freddy snarled, by now my panic had built up too much for comfort. Sensing my distress Springtrap lunged at him with such a sudden movement it caused me to hit a wall, rubbing my head I noticed Shadow Freddy moving slowly towards where Springtrap and Golden Freddy were wrestling. Nightmarione sensed the disturbance and tried to get free but I stopped her, I needed to solve this on my own. I took a step forward but collapsed clutching my chest where my soul and the new soul sat, with shaky breaths I stood again and threw Shadow Freddy backwards with a burst of power which caused pure silence as everyone came to a stop. Springtrap got off a now heavily beaten Golden Freddy and moved to my side, the moment anyone else moved towards me I would stop them with a furious glare.

"What is with all the fighting!? Why must you always fight!?" I growled, this caused everyone to look away and it was only now I realised the true reason behind Shadow Freddy and Golden Freddy growing closer. Without another moments notice a shockwave of pain shot through my body causing me to collapse and Springtrap to stand in front of me protectively, the soul was in distress and it was causing me agony the worse it got. It needed a form but there were none to give, looking at everyone I closed my eyes and in a flash both Springtrap and I were gone. Looking around I noticed I had sent us back to our old campsite, now that we were alone Springtrap crouched down beside me with worry in his gaze. Pulling the small soul from my body I began to feed some of my power to it and it began to glow a soft white, slowly it began to form the shape of a smaller version of myself but it contained some colours of Springtrap. She shivered in the cold autumn air and I pulled her closer to my weakened frame, thinking over the lessons I had learned one word stuck to my mind.


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