Chapter four

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I awoke on the table where James fixed me up two days ago, I held my head still having the headache. This wasn't usual as I never received things like this before, I knew Springtraps blade was the cause of this. I heard shouting outside the basement, the words were muffled but as I sat up I noticed James doing something.
"Ugh what happened?" I asked my headache clearing, James turned his face filled with relief.
"You passed out which is odd, you've been using your power too much marionette your still awaking from so long, take it easy ok, Freddy thought shadow Freddy did it to you so that's what the yelling about, I swear they fight worse then toddlers," James joked, I gave a half hearted laugh and stood almost falling over if it weren't for James. He helped me up the basement stares, pushing open the door I entered into expectant eyes. Freddy was still glaring at shadow Freddy but stood to help me, James settled me down onto his sofa which was oddly soft. Shadow Freddy stayed where he was at the edge of the lodge looking sad, I knew it wasn't his fault but I barely had the strength. My power was focused on keeping the nightmarish growths hidden from sight, I was also using it to hide us from nightmare.
"What happened to you? Did shadow Freddy do something to you?" Freddy asked quickly his voice filled with worry but anger towards shadow Freddy, I shook my head softly.
"I-its not h-his fault, I-I had a p-power overload," I managed to say, Freddy nodded and walked over to apologise to shadow Freddy. They left the lodge to continue talking in peace, I sat up fully my strength returning. I knew I shouldn't be using so much of my power so soon but it was necessary to keep everyone safe, I looked out a window to notice that it was dawn. I must have been out the rest of the day and night, I shrugged it off as it didn't matter. What did matter was me trying to use a little less power as I had the day before, if I went out again I would be out for longer. I knew nightmare could sense I had a power distress as whenever either of us had it the other had a little less power as it transferred over to help, the others didn't know but I had a clear idea nightmare was probably smirking and thinking of a way to draw me out in my weak state. No matter what I had to make sure he never found them, I felt my nightmare form beginning to stir. If the growth completed I would transform into a hideous beast with as much thirst for power as nightmare himself, he knew this for a long time which was probably why Springtrap had that special blade. I would never know what power was fused with the blade but it was able to trigger nightmare form, nightmare was slowly gaining power as the paper James showed me just before we left signalled he and Springtrap were circling around to meet up before closing in. Just like wolves on a hunt they single out the weakest or eldest before making a kill which seemed like their method only they targeted the young. They seemed to be trying to lure out on of us so I would leave to defend it like a mother her young, I would protect the others until my power was drained from my body. It didn't take long for Freddy and shadow Freddy to return, they seemed to have figured things out and went about things as thought the fight never happened. Everyone was scared after my power overload but tried their best not to think about it, James was constantly nearby with his tool kit incase he needed to fix anything that broke. We aren't exactly puppy dogs more so twice the size of a full grown man and ten times stronger so things broke easily, chica liked to spend her time in the kitchen and the garden. Bonnie like to sit on the porch and play his guitar, Freddy liked to oversee everything while shadow Freddy did his own thing. Things seemed normal to me, Foxy was always out running about and jumping from tree to tree to get rid of his stored up energy. Finally having the strength to walk I began to walk about gaining strength with each step, once or twice the tip of my leg got stuck in the floor but I didn't mind. I felt happy to see everyone having something to entertain themselves with other then James, he seemed to not take his eyes off the latest papers. Two towns were attacked by two different "monsters" as the world put them, if I compared nightmare and Springtrap to monsters they were far worse. Springtrap had his brain and knowledge of how to hide evidence and then nightmare, he had the biggest thirst for power that he would kill and do anything to get it. Springtrap was a mere pawn to his army, nightmare thought of himself as a king. Although his kingdom was bigger then mine I had those who would do anything to help me, his army was just power hungry soldiers who do his dirty work. I kept pacing unable to think of anything else but how to deal with nightmare and how to protect the gang, every solution came down to sacrificing myself if it came to it. If they were safe I would die happily, I would rather my soul tormented for nightmares enjoyment then theirs. Rain began to pour down outside driving Foxy and bonnie inside as even thought they were soul possessed animatronics they still malfunction at water, I was the only one who could go into the rain without malfunctioning since I was a special animatronic. I felt and looked as a real marionette looked and felt, I was special in the eyes of the Pizzarea owners even if I was always locked away in my box. The sun began to set behind the trees, the rain kept on pouring down dampening the mood. I looked out the window and thought I saw a glimpse of nightmare laughing his power hungry laugh, his red eyes were all I could think of. I gave a sigh and looked at everyone again, I knew we wouldn't be hidden forever.

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