Chapter nine

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Birds sang unaware of the battles they weren't involved in, people were searching for me and Nightmare after our attack on the town. Every now and again we came across unsuspecting victims, we always outdid each kill and each had its own death position. Most towns now had the military to guard it, no one could leave or enter the towns. If you were away or were out on holiday bad luck, if people were allowed in they could be hiding us. This didn't bother me or Nightmare as we found it rather enjoyable to hunt things that fought back, it was boring to pick off those with no defence but we did anyways. I saw a large city in the distance and chuckled, Nightmare had a smirk as he transformed into his deadliest form. I turned into my Nightmarione form, it felt good to have such power that had been locked away for its own uses.
"This will be fun," I chuckled, Nightmare nodded his agreement. We hid in the forest just outside the city, we saw guards everywhere. I was tempted to laugh in their faces as they forgot, we had the ability to teleport. I teleported into the city, the house I was in had nice marble floors and pale pink walls. A women came down the stairs and I hid, she was drinking tea from what I could tell. When her back was turned I floated up behind her, she noticed my shadow and began to scream. I sliced my claws across her chest and throat, she dropped dead in a pool of spilling blood. Blood stained the walls, it made me chuckle. Others had heard her scream so I vanished from the house, I sat just outside to listen to the fear filled voices and an occasional scream. I then moved on to a house further away, this person owned two children and a wife. I hung the man using my power to create rope, the rest of the family found him and screamed. I would have no witnesses so I created more rope and hung the mother with the two children, I gave a bone tingling laugh and left. The city was now alert of our presence, things would get ten times fun now. While the city was distracted by Nightmares kills in one area I moved onto the quiet side of the city, I would leave a message the reeked with death. I watched a military man walk past, he didn't notice me but I grabbed him and dragged him into the shadows. I just needed enough bodies now, I killed off house after house. I placed their bodies together to form the words Watch Your Backs Humans We Won't Forgive Easily, I then signalled for Nightmare to join me nearby. A helicopter flew overhead to show those who watched the tv what our message said, I could just feel the fear growing around me. Using our combined power we targeted the biggest buildings, it took some effort but they crumbled to the ground. Screams were heard all over the city as we destroyed and killed whatever was in our path, I gave a pained screech as someone had used a sniper to shoot my side. I teleported behind him, he gave a scream as I threw him out the window. People opened fire as we destroyed buildings, we set fire to anything that dared burn. The camera crew followed us around with guards, I wanted to send a message to the world. Nightmare killed those around while I killed off the camera crew, I grabbed the camera and stared into it.
"For your safety, for the children's safety and for those around, run!" I laughed and threw the camera, it broke into a couple pieces. I gave a shriek and used my power to destroy a building, people were running for their lives and screaming. They headed for the forest to hide, this would be fun. The military lost sight of us once we followed the civilians into the forest, they began to trail after us but couldn't find where the screams came from. One by one the civilians began to panic and run into our deadly traps, they were filled with fear. Nightmare and I assured their terror as we dangled bodies from trees, blood stained the forest floor. Not a single innocent made it, the military yelled out for survivors but not one answered them. I began to control one of the bodies I forgot to hang in a tree, it was my puppet. The military were confused how someone so covered in blood was walking, I allowed my puppet to drop and the men ran over. Now they were in my trap, Nightmare mimicked the screams of agony the civilians made. They began to get jumbled with laughter, we had the military squad on high alert.
"Why are you doing this!?" The squad leader asked not lowering his gun, I dropped and stood before them. I could see the fear in their eyes, if they shot now they would all die.
"Because, your kind has grown ungrateful to us, we have obeyed your rules and suffered for you, all those years ago I almost vanished from existence because I protected you from him, but he saw the error in his ways and I forgave him, but a man called Mike Schmidt has betrayed us, he trapped us, I thank Jeremy for freeing us but, I needed someone to start the fear, he must have been well known to cause my warning to trigger it so early, not once has a single human thanked us! Not once have we been treated with respect! I will wipe your species from this planet one by one until you serve at our feet! The moment the world bows to our power we will stop our killing, but if there is a single betrayal every last stinking one of you will pay for it! I will not allow you insects to breed or you will rebel against us, all children will be raised and used as drones for experiments, any baby born will be taken at the age often and raised to fit the experiment standards, if there is a fight once the child is taken it will be killed in front of the family!" I ordered, thankfully there had been a hidden camera crew to film this. The squad leader listened to the orders coming from the Capitol of the world, he replied and everyone dropped their guns. This was playing out perfectly, I only needed the pests to do as I said before my plans would play like poker cards.
Yeah yeah I can already hear complaints, "oh but the puppet is good" "why would they bow down when they could have killed her there and then". Well to answer that wait until the next flipping chapter! Sheesh people I only got two hands and things on, welp off I go to shut ya'll the hell up.

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