Chapter Eleven

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The world almost seemed to stand still as we both awaited the others first attack, to my surprise Nightmare didn't move but instead stood with his blood hungry gaze watching my every breath and movement. Within the blink of an eye he lunged throwing me aside catching me by pure surprise, catching myself I rolled over to face him only to find empty air. Thinking quickly I narrowly dodged his next attack as he flew past and vanished yet again, being unprepared I was thrown into the ground before being thrown suddenly into a tree causing it to break and fall. Having had enough I sent out a blast which earned a screech of anger from Nightmare telling me I had hit him, spotting him I lunged and scored my knife sharp fingers across his chest earning a pained and angry growl before something slammed into my back causing me to crash into the ground. Thinking quickly I sent out a burst of blinding light and hurried away, I now stood opposite him yet again as we stood both bleeding but not badly enough to kill us. We both knew the others strength was fading but neither of us seemed to try risking a false move, tensing we both charged at each other and lashed out. A sickening rip of flesh could be heard as I tumbled forwards but stood firmly as blood pooled of my my side, Nightmare simply stood there not far behind me as his own blood pooled from his side where I had struck him. Everyone watched from the trees unable to see what had caused us both to stop after such an attack, turning my head to look at them I failed to noticed blood trickle down the side of my mouth before we both collapsed. My vision began to grow cloudy and I heard shouts of fear and shock growing louder as my friends rushed towards me, lifting my hand weakly I held Nightmare's soul carefully in it. Looking at everyone's faces I gave a weak smile, Golden Freddy and Shadow Freddy stared blankly at my hand while the rest of the gang shouted at them to do something. As everything began to fade I felt someone grab my hand and it was pressed against my chest, my soul seemed to shriek in fear as finally everything went black.



The breeze blew gently against my face as I sat overlooking the land, it had been almost a year since Shadow Freddy and Golden Freddy had united my soul with Nightmare's in order to keep me alive. Springtrap had earned the forgiveness of the gang but they still hesitated to trust him, me on the other hand knew that despite his two sided personality meant nothing bad by his actions. With a sigh I stood up from the cliff and turned to head back towards the others, we had set up a decent camp for now and with a smile I joined them as they went about doing their own thing. James's human body had grown old and he accepted the new wolf suit we had kept all this time, Springtrap walked over to me with a hesitant look in his eyes.

"Hey Marionette can I speak to you alone?" He questioned as he rubbed the back of his head, I nodded and we headed away from the camp and into the forest.

"What's up Springtrap?" I questioned as we arrived by a rather lovely river, I noticed his ears go down slightly and a soft red appear on his cheeks which had me curious.

"I just want to say............ I like you Marionette....... I like you a lot and if you hate me that's fine and..." he began but I cut him off as I unexpectedly even to myself pulled him into a kiss, this shocked us both as we pulled apart and sat rubbing our arms with red faces.

"I-I'm sorry..... I don't know what came over me and...... well...... you get the fact I like you too......" I mumbled the last part while looking down as my cheeks burned with embarrassment, after a few moments of silence we headed back to the others. I was glad to know Springtrap trusted me with his emotions but it shocked me that they were for me, the gang would find out soon enough but for now we allowed peace to settle over the land while it healed from the wounds it had gathered so long ago. Looking over everyone I felt at ease, everything was as it should be and that was enough for me.

Wooo end of book 1! In all honesty I think I've improved in my writing but that's up to everyone else to decide really, anyways things have been switched and most things have changed but don't forget bout the vision in Chapter Six because that will be coming up in book 2.

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