Chapter Three

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The next few days were spent getting everyone back to full strength, no one else knew of Nightmare and Springtrap returning and I planned to keep it that way as long as I could. Shadow Freddy came and went from time to time to do some things but mostly he remained nearby and on constant watch, with a sigh I looked up at the sky from where I lay on a frozen tree branch.

"Looking at the sky and asking the lord above for answers won't help our case Puppet!" Shadow called from below, looking down I chuckled and floated down beside him.

"I know, there's always hope though, one day he's got to help us right? After all he's helped me find you all," I pointed out, I had little faith in christ but in times like this I needed help from the one who gave me this life. Following the dark purple transparent bear back to the lodge I smiled, James had begun to expand it so we didn't break anything every two steps when we walked around inside. A sudden wave of dizziness overcame me causing me to stumble and hold onto a wall to steady myself, blinking a few times I tried to shake away my spinning vision. After waiting a moment it only began to grow worse, with a sharp inhale of breath I pushed past the others and down into the basement. Heading towards my box I felt myself collapse, with the world spinning and my vision fading I felt the pain of the growth only increase as everything went black.


A feeling of ease caused me to stir from my state of unconsciousness, blinking my eyes a few times I sat up holding my head with a groan. I could feel a gaze watching me which caused my unnatural black and white striped skin to prickle, looking around I noticed a blank expression Shadow Freddy which usually meant he was angry and frustrated or not very amused by something.

"How bad is it?" He grumbled as he stared at me, rubbing my arm I sighed knowing he had figured out why I went off by myself at times.

"Pretty bad....... it's only started back up since I've started using my powers to hide us," I mumbled in reply, the feeling of a bed sinking made me close my eyes.

"Puppet, you know I can figure out a way to help, Springtrap's blade is a forged and cursed one but it's not untreatable, now, show me what damage it has done, your power overload wouldn't have helped your case either," Shadow growled, standing up I allowed the growth to be seen, some of my old skin had torn and was falling off to make way for the new body the blade was creating. Springtrap's blade caused an animatronics Nightmare form to expose itself and obey those who defeated it, a freshly exposed Nightmare form was always at its strongest time due to not needing to feed off the life sources of other things.

"It's been getting worse Shadow, I'm not sure how much longer it will be before my darker side shows itself, just promise me you won't let me hurt anyone," I pleaded as I forcefully hid the growth and my pealing skin, Shadow Freddy let out a sigh as he held out a hand. Grabbing it I felt myself being teleported to another location, looking around we were standing at an outpost over a Broken and burning town.

"He knows you are weakening Puppet, the moment you lose control he will try to take advantage of your crazed state and use you for his own army, even if your form is temporary the first few times while it tries to figure out who to follow that won't stop him from toying with it, you make sure you fight with every breath you take and I will keep the others safe, they are the closest thing to family I have ever known, now, let's head back before the others get worried," Shadow Freddy ordered as we returned to the lodge, with a sigh I walked out of the room we had been in to worried gazes.

"You alright lass?" Foxy questioned first, I nodded with a soft smile.

"Yes I'm fine, a little overtired is all, I didn't sleep very well last night, thinking over everything that's happened does a lot to ones mind," I lied, the others nodded as they began to resume what they were doing while keeping a watchful eye on me. Lying would only get me so far now, sooner or later they would learn the truth and I wouldn't stop them from hating me should they wish to. A dark feeling began to grow in the back of my mind, Nightmare was growing closer with Springtrap on the other side trapping us like rats. Thinking it over I headed back to the basement, trapped rats always had their ways of getting out so I needed to figure out mine. Digging through some of the stuff I had hidden in special parts of my box I dug out an old notebook I kept for keeping tabs of Nightmare's and Springtrap's behaviours and killing patterns, looking at it victoriously I began to flip through the pages.

"Old books and old tricks won't save you my dear," a dark and death filled voice sounded in my head making my blood run cold, if he could reach me via a mind link I was already too late and he was closer than anyone had realised.

"Your guess is correct my dear Puppet, your little power overload didn't go unnoticed in the eyes of me, every breath you take is one step I take towards those little friends of yours, take too many and you will watch them suffer," he chuckled before the mind link was cut off, I must have been panicking pretty noticeably as Shadow Freddy rushed in and almost skidded to my side.

"He's here Shadow....... and he's in my head,"

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