07. Trust Her

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'Do you ever not realize you're at the edge of an emotional cliff until you're slammed into it with the speed and force of a runaway train?'

Marsh was not poetic; she said things as they were. The fact she was getting poetic now just owed to the fact that she was, without a shadow of doubt, peeved.

More than peeved. She was annoyed, angry, furious, livid.

"Hey Marshmallow! We have to stick together no matter what! Remember last challenge?"

'Last challenge.'  Marsh's grip around the stick tightened as Apple passed the bush. It took everything in her not to lash out and beat her with the darn thing already.

"Marshmallow! You should stop hiding in that bush and talk to me; I'm like fifteen percent sure you're in there."

Marsh's eye twitched. There was the sound of a paper being unfolded. "I even drew you something new. It's really cool."

She finally rose from the bush and jabbed the stick into Apple, hard enough to leave an indent and make Apple exclaim with pain. "Didn't I already tell you to buzz off? Over one hundred times?"


"You KNOW why!"

'She must be a really good actor to look that confused. Oh WAIT! That's just her default expression!' "And I'm telling you right now, stay away from me or I'll do something we'll both regret!"

"You seem agitated. What does 'agitated' mean? I'm not sure, but you're worrying me! Did someone hurt your feelings? If so I'll rough 'em up!" She motioned with her hands as if she was going to strangle someone.

"Jumping off a bridge would be a good start!"

Apple's eyebrows knit together in concern. "...Huh? I'm starting to think you kinda want to be alone right now. But why?"

"What was your first clue?" Marsh's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Get out of here before I hit you hard!" She waved the stick threateningly. Apple backed off, her hands going to the indent already on her. No apple juice was slipping out of the cut, but the sight of yellow made Marsh's stomach drop in memory of Apple protecting her. 'I thought that was so brave of her at the time... but it must've all been a trick too!'

"Geez, okay! I'm outta here! I'll come check on you later." Apple backed away slowly. "I hope you'll stop being so mad, because I really miss you-"

"Leave me alone!" Marsh slammed the stick onto the ground. Apple yelped and ran off in earnest.

Marsh sighed, dropping it to the ground. 'This must be how Apple felt in season one: angry and ready to murder me. Except she actually DID murder me. I wonder if I'll end up turning to that by the end of all this...'

"After all, I am just using her vote to get further in the game!" That'd been the statement that stuck with Marsh the most.

'...She must've also felt stung. I thought we really turned over a new leaf!'  

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