09. Have Goals Separate from the Relationship

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"It's time to talk strategy."

"I'll bet that last elimination made you happy about your odds, huh?" Paintbrush didn't even look up from their sketchbook.

"My odds are no better than they were months ago." There was a bitter edge to Marsh's tone that startled them both; Marsh realized it'd been awhile since she'd spoken. (Since Apple had been hurled into the elimination portal six months ago, she hadn't used her voice much.)

"H-how about you take a seat then, Marsh?"

She did so, across from Paintbrush, who was sitting against a tree. Marsh got a strong sense of deja-vu she couldn't really place. "So you think an alliance will help us get further in this game?"

A nod. "Lightbulb and I have been talking, and I think she's on our side. I've kept your name out of this of course. But I've concluded that her popularity, combined with yours, should keep us in the game."


Paintbrush raised an eyebrow. "...Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You just seem really stressed. And you were really quiet when we went to Meeple HQ last challenge... If you need a minute to talk about personal problems, that's fine."

Marsh laughed. "Personal problems'? That's a strange phrase, considering we're on national TV." Marsh's tone was bitter. "I'll admit, I think I'm over Apple. But this game is still grating on my nerves. I wish MePhone would just get on with it already."

Paintbrush nodded empathetically. "I know what you mean; it's too easy to get antsy waiting for the next thing to happen. It gives us time to figure out our strategy."

'That's... not really what I meant.'

And a niggling part of her mind thought, 'If I'm so over her, then why do I still think about her so much? Why do I dream about it so much? The only thing I dream about even more than that is, well... getting out of this fake show. And other stuff...'

"Marshmallow?" Marsh shook herself out of her trance. "Seriously, you okay? It's really outside of our control... You know what Lightbulb says we can control?"


Paintbrush clasped their hands together. "Your attitude towards things. Sure, we are wasting a lot of time between challenges... but just think about why we're here in the first place."

'Why I'm here in the first place...?' "You mean, like my goals?"

"Sure. For example, my goal is to buy a nice studio when I win the million. I do dabble in painting, and I hope I might become famous for it. What would you buy with the money?"

Marsh sat there and thought for a while. What would she buy? Wal-Mart had to have it. 'Maybe I could get that time machine fixed? Except, what do I need that for once I'm done with this show? All I'd use it for is to make sure this show never happened. Bow's death, and Apple's pain... And who really wants fame?'

"...I don't even know anymore. Do I have to have a motive like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Something material! You know, umm..." Marsh trailed off as memories of a conversation she once had with Apple flooded back. Marsh regarded her head Apple with a muted sort of pain, as if she was numb to it by some drug.


"Hey Marshmallow, why are you on Inanimate Insanity in the first place?"

The two were at a swingset at one of the outermost fringes of the show's parameters; Marsh was on the swing while Apple was behind her, pushing her. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious, I guess. I wanna get to know you." Marsh could hear the smile in Apple's voice.

(Marsh remembered feeling touched at how excited she sounded. In the present, it gave Marsh a jolt of pain.)

"Hmm, okay... Well, the money might be nice. A million dollars goes far at Wal-Mart."

"Cool. I haven't even thought about what I'd buy if I won. I mean, I'm not real sure how to be a winner anyway. But I really want to learn something new. I'm bad at words and math, but maybe I could be good at game shows."

Marsh grinned as Apple gave the swing another push. "So you haven't given the money any thought at all?"

"I guess not, haha. I'm not sure how successful I am at learning stuff, but I met my best friend here." Marsh turned on her seat and saw Apple grin.

'She's so sweet!' "You know what? I think I'm the same way. The money would be nice, but it'd be even nicer to experience new things. This show has diverse experiences in store, after all!"

(Even at the time the statement seemed ironic. Now she thought it couldn't be any more ironic; she'd been cooped up with the same people doing the same things for nearly four years.)


The thought now, that something intrinsic could be in her motive, seemed utterly laughable. She changed her course. "...You're right. I guess I should just focus on getting the money for now, then decide what to get."

The words sounded fake to Marsh, but Paintbrush did pat her head approvingly. "Sounds like a plan. And, of course, the way to maximize your odds of getting the money is teaming up. Think of anything else and you'll go crazy. Eyes on the prize, Marsh! Apple's over, it's time to get your a-game back!"

'I sure can relate to that one.'


'Maybe the idea of there being something else to the game than that is just some other dumb, wrong idea that Apple came up with. She's dumb.'

'Oh, who am I kidding? I hate you, Apple. Are you smart? Dumb? I don't even know anymore... you JERK! Ugh.'

Needless to say, Marsh was not over it.

But darn if it wasn't time to start getting over it.

Even if the game was stupid, or if Apple the brilliant fool had an idea with any real basis... It was time to try taking it seriously.

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