23. Don't Be Too Subtle

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It was fifteen days after the needle incident by the time Marsh decided it was time to get things over with.

Subtly implying things obviously wasn't going to work. Apple herself had all the subtlety of a circus clown, and had the reasoning ability of an elementary-schooler, so symbolism was going to fly over her head.

No, it'd all need to be laid out in front of Apple, translated to the language of "plain ol' English" with all of the words with more than three syllables removed. Then she had to make like Microphone and show her feelings with all the amazing subtlety of screaming at the top of her lungs.

Because many of the thoughts could either be divided into an uncertain "she won't be that mean, right?" or doubts over whether asking her out was the right thing to do, it was all a blur to Marsh.

She settled on the option of a love letter for a few reasons. It'd let her refine the language into poetic less-than-four-syllable elementary vocabulary, be more honest because she wouldn't back out, and there'd be less pressure on Apple.

Plus, maybe Apple would be impressed with her handwriting or something.

At least for legacy's sake her first confession would be neat and romantic.

'It leaves the ball in her court... but at least the ball will have been served.'

Rome wasn't built in a day. It took Marsh five nights and a wastebin filled with attempts ("who wants to have a campfire?") to build her personal Rome.

It looked something like this:


Call me crazy for writing all this. I'm starting to think I AM going crazy. I guess living in an old mansion for nineteen months will do that to you. Maybe it's just adapting (that means changing) to deal with everything staying the same here.

But I want to change our friendship.

I think I have a crush on you. I had no clue why at first, but now I know why. You always know just what to say to make me happy. Time moves in a weird way here, but you're here to deal with it too. I'm lucky to have someone else alive to hang with.

'Crush' might not be in the dictionary. It means that I want to be closer to you, not that I want you to be squished. That means I want to do more coupley things together, like holding hands, going on dates and maybe kissing. When I'm around you I feel warm and a bit nervous, but also really happy.

Please tell me whether you want to try, or we can stay best friends and pretend this never happened. Don't tell me yes unless you're sure you feel the same way. You can pick what you want, and I won't be mad.

Thanks for being pretty cool. I hope we can reach an understanding.



If the letter was to anyone else Marsh would have filled more than a page, and she'd have been more specific about when the crush started (even if the answer this time was "I'm not really sure when") or what she loved about her crush (Her eagerness? Her honesty? Being able to help her? It was an embarrassingly long list, she found). Heck, she might've busted out some poetry.

But obviously, Apple, still being an avid reader of Dr. Seuss, wouldn't appreciate it.

It took her two more days of happy interactions to get up the courage to actually take the letter to her.

Marsh stood in front of Apple's door that night, letter clenched in her hands. She stared at the door for a long time, her heart already racing.

'Alright. This is the night.'

She reached a fist out to knock... then hesitated.

'Oooooh, maybe I should have written it in the style of Dr. Seuss...' Marshmallow held her letter close. 'Should I rewrite it again?'

She was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Then the door opened.

Apple yawned, then grinned at her. "Hey Marsh, what's up? Do you wanna hang out? It's getting kinda late, but sleep is for the weak, I don't need it."

"...The teddy bear tucked under your arm says otherwise."

She stared at her as if trying to figure out what she just said, then shrugged. "You got me. I'll gladly put off the sleep I really need if you want to hang out."

'I'm so pathetic... It doesn't even take her saying something charming to get my heart pumping...' Marsh stepped back and chuckled awkwardly. "No, that's okay. I just, um, had something I wanted to show you."

Apple lit up. "Okay, sounds cool! Is it this?"

Before Marsh could object, Apple snatched the letter away. If it wasn't wrinkled by Marsh's clutching it, then it was by how roughly Apple gripped its edges. Apple looked increasingly concerned as her gaze traveled down the page.

Marsh averted her gaze and tapped her foot, anything to distract herself from that, and to not seem feverishly nervous... even though she felt like she could faint.

'What am I supposed to do with my arms, anyway? Argh, is she even done yet? No, she's still reading. Is she even going to get it? I should've explained more! I knew I should've been simpler!'

It was the longest two minutes she'd ever experienced before Apple looked up. To Marsh's excitement, Apple was smiling, but looked flustered. Marsh managed to look into her eyes, a thrill going up her spine.

It was a limbo of the world's longest ten seconds until Marsh finally got up the courage to say, "S-so?"

"I'm so flattered Marshmallow. You wrote this test just for me! But it's too dark and I can't really tell what it says."

Marsh's eyes stretched wide. "A test?!"

Apple quickly continued, "Yeah, a reading test! It looks like a real good story. Your handwriting is so neat! I'm sorry if I'm failing the pop quiz, but... can I just get back to you tomorrow? If you give me a few hours with it and that dictionary you got me, then I'll get it for sure. Then I'll pass for sure!"

Marsh opened and closed her mouth, speechless. Then she chuckled shakily. "A-alright. Yeah... tomorrow."

When the two's eyes met once more, Marsh almost certain she'd combust. A shock ran up her spine as Apple gave her head a single pat.

"Sweet dreams."


The word hung in the air for a second; Apple blinked at her. After a moment's hesitation, she sighed, feeling utterly exhausted. "Just... Make sure you don't leave that letter laying around for the others to read, okay...? ...And sweet dreams to you, too."

Apple gave her a quick hug. "Alright, gotcha. See ya tomorrow."

Then she walked back into her room, leaving the door open. Notably, Apple ditched her teddy bear on the bed and reached for a dictionary instead.

'She's gonna figure it out by morning. She remembers alphabetical order, and... we just went over using a dictionary.'

Marsh practically ran down the hall to her room after this realization, feeling like she'd seen something she wasn't supposed to. She didn't stop running until the door was securely shut behind her. She fell back against the door, panting to catch her breath. Her hand was clutched over her rapidly-beating heart.

'Well, that was anticlimactic.'

Doubts continued to circulate through her mind. She prayed she'd be able to take another heartbreak if it came down to it. She prayed it didn't come down to it.

'I mean, I'm actually pretty terrible. But... hey, she's got some kind of soft spot for me. Maybe it really is a crush after all.'

One way or another, the deed was done.

Either way, it'd be less pain... Hopefully.

...And, even if it wasn't, and it was the death knell of their friendship...

'Doubt, pain, confusion, rejection, regret. I'm used to it all. What's one more regret on top of a mountain of them?'

Marsh sighed. 'Sheesh, that's the last edgy thought you're allowed to have for the night, brain.'

"No expectations; it's a waiting game now."

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