25. It Takes Some Getting Used To

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Even the thundering of Apple's running down the hall didn't prepare Marsh for the sound of her door slamming open, and Apple shouting, later that very same confession day: "Marshmallow, I hope you're ready to have your knocks socked off!"

Marsh jumped, her hand flying to her heart. "Cripes, Apple -- you scared me half to death! Can't you knock?!"

"Sorry, sorry. It's just time for us to go on our date. If we wait, we won't have any time at all to look at the goodies. They're important!"

Marsh's eyes went to the old picnic basket she was holding. Feeling curious, she climbed off her bed. "Uh, yeah. I'm ready when you are. J-just keep your voice down. No reason to tell them about all this yet..."

Apple saluted. "You got it! We better not keep the night waiting. It's you, me, and the vast starry sky! ...Whatever 'vast' means." Apple thought about it. "You explain it on the way."

Apple's hand latched around Marsh's. Apple was walking so quick that Marsh had to practically run to keep up. 'Curse you and your long legs,' Marsh thought grumpily.

But she wasn't complaining, at least.

'I still can't believe this is happening. My first date... with Apple...'

It wasn't really a picturesque summer night by most standards. There were no lush hills, clear navy skies, or crickets. Near Purgatory Mansion, the grass was all stringy and uneven. There were spots with grass so overgrown that Marsh could get lost in it, and some where there was only nutrient-poor dirt, exposed to the cloudy heavens. There was hardly a sound other than the sound of their footsteps.

Add to that the fact that there was a hint of autumn chill to the air... and honestly, the night could have been better.

But there was a nearly-full moon, and the clouds weren't as bad as they could have been, so that was all very good.

'What could possibly be in that basket of hers? Is it food?'

Alright, maybe her pounding heart wasn't just due to running to keep up.

"This looks like the spot." Apple dropped the basket and pulled a big red and white-checkered blanket out and spread it across the little hill that she'd chosen.

'Is red and white just the only thing we had, or is it an intentional choice? ...The more I get to know her, the less sure I am...'

Apple stood back to admire her handiwork. "Alright, cool. So, Marsh, the plan's simple: we're having a vocabulary lesson tonight."


Apple pulled a massive notebook out of the basket. "You're going to teach me some new words under the beautiful, beautiful moon."

"Wait a second. So, you want to do work on our first date? Learning definitions of words?"

"Nah, the new words'll come naturally, unless you want to work at it. And then we'll stare at the sky!"

"You mean we'll stargaze."

"Hmm, is that what they call it now? Anyway, that'll be what you do."

Marsh raised an eyebrow. "...A-and you'll be...?"

"I'll be pretending to stare at the sky, but instead I'll be staring at you because you're cute and irresistible!"

'...She actually just said that. Just... Wow.' Marsh tried to think of a response, but nothing came to her except blushing. Apple grinned toothily. 'She's gonna kill me. Hardly a minute into the night and I have no clue what to even say to that.'

Apple chuckled nervously. "Earth to Marshmallow. Can you please tell me what irresistible means?"

She snapped out of her stupor and automatically replied, "B-but you just used it, properly, in a sentence."

Apple blinked, startled. Then she threw herself backwards onto the blanket, spreading her limbs like a starfish. "Uhh, come lay with me, Marsh! And you know me by now. I have no idea what I'm talkin' about."

Marsh sighed and sat down beside her, drawing her limbs close. "Okay, fine. 'Irresistible' is a word you use to describe something that's too nice to refuse."

"Thanks. I thought so. I used it right, I guess."

Marsh laughed nervously, noticing that Apple was still looking at her. "M-maybe."

"Anyway... so, I guess I had a few questions to ask you. First, uhh, is this date okay so far?"

"I- ...We've been on it for two minutes."

"Well, yeah, but so far. If it's terrible I'll change it."

"So far, so good."

"That's great! You didn't sound too happy a second ago."

"Look, if I say anything mean, i-it's because I'm nervous, okay? I-I promise." She tapped the tips of her fingers together. "You're doing fine."

"'Nervous'? Why? Should I be nervous too?"

"No. I mean, yes. But-"

Apple's hand came to rest on top of both of Marsh's. "Don't be. I want you to be comfy, is all."

Marsh grinned shyly. "I'm not uncomfortable or anything... Just a bit out of my element, I guess. A bit like how, when I read the romantic parts of romance novels, I never fail to blush. I'm just not used to it."

"But you'll get used to it?"

"...Yeah, I guess so..."

It was a warming thought. To get used to dealing with a relationship, anyway.

"Anyway, second question. When exactly did you realize you liked me?"

Marsh hesitated for a moment, altogether unsure how much to admit. "O-one morning, I took a nap on the roof."

"You napped on the roof? That's so hardcore."

Not sure how to respond, Marsh just shrugged and moved on. "I had a dream. And what was in that dream..."

A lush field. Birdsong around them. A clear blue sky. Some crayons.

The heat of Apple's breath, lips ghosting over hers. The clear mental image of them kissing.

'Everything that's not here, in summary.'

"Marshmallow?" Marsh finally snapped out of her stupor enough to look at her; Apple was sitting up beside her. "Was it another nightmare?"

Marsh took a deep breath, then sighed. "N-no! Not at all. I just don't really want to talk about it today, I guess. Sorry."

Apple kept looking at her searchingly, her face just close enough that the memories rushed back and made Marsh's heart pound. She bit her lip and tried not to think too hard.

"It's okay. Here's another question: Why me?"

"You're so nice to me... It's not a hard choice to make, is it? Not that there's another choice. It's a dead place, you're the only one lively and there enough to keep me alive, and that makes us closer than average best friends. I hardly even know Dough, and the only crush I have on Bow is crushing guilt that I made her kill herself, so... yeah."

There was no response for a moment. Marsh glanced at Apple and noted her alarmed expression.

"...Are you okay?"

'Not really.'

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I like spending time with you, really. You're kinda g-great that way."

"Thanks. I think you're great too."

'I'm not. Seriously, I'm not.'

Marsh grinned uneasily and replied, "Anyway, questions?"

"Heaps. But we can answer most of those later. Why don'cha lie with me?"


Apple slipped her arm around Marsh's shoulders. Marsh squeaked with surprise. "C'mon, Marsh. You're waaaaay too tense. Show me what 'cuddle' means!" Apple pulled her backwards. It wasn't until they were laying down beside one another, sides pressed flush, that Apple chirped, "Much better!"

The truth was it was really awkward, because Marsh's heart was quick even though she knew logically there was nothing to be afraid of (or, really, to anticipate at all). But eventually her heart did catch up to her mind, and it slowed down.

At some point soon into their silence, Marsh finally felt her muscles relax, too.

And so a few moments of calm passed: just two kids looking at the stars, dark thoughts swirling not so far away from that little spot.

It was just nice.

It was then that Marsh realized, the stars really were beautiful over the mansion, peeking through those clouds in the sky.

"...Oh yeah, do you know the constellations, Marsh?"

Marsh frowned. "No, actually... Do you?"

"Sure I do! Just one." Apple pointed at a patch of stars in the sky. "That's Oreo-n right there."

"...You mean Orion, right?" Marsh squinted at the sky, trying to follow Apple's finger. "I don't see it."

"You don't?! It's that star right there! Connecting to that one and that one. It makes a guy holding a shield, like he's about to charge into battle."

Marsh squinted again, and really concentrated. "Nope. Sorry, maybe I'm not imaginative enough to see it."

"That sucks." There was a moment of silence. "Maybe we ought to get a star book so we can learn more, and you might be able to see them. For next time we decide to, uhh, learn words under the stars as our date. Heavens knows I've learned a lot tonight. Cuddle, stargaze, irresistible, vast... lots of words. Lots of words, Marsh..." Apple yawned, and shut her eyes.

'It's way past her bedtime, I guess. Should I bug her? ...Nah, I can just carry her in later. It's not such a big deal to sit out here a bit longer.'

'She said next time, huh...?' The idea made her feel just a bit tingly. Marsh smiled.

'I can only hope there are enough next times that this becomes something I'm accustomed to.'

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