33. Dancing is a Great Icebreaker

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"Hey, I guess this is like a... y'know."

Marsh sighed. "No. The II dance isn't. We have to keep the secret, remember?"

"Oh yeah... Forgot about that." Apple whispered, "But it can still be a, well. They don't have to know about it... Friends hang out together on the dancefloor all the time, right?"

"If we spend too much time together, we'll drop hints."

"Ugh... Fine."

There'd once been a time where Marsh would dive to the center of the dancefloor at the bass-boosted, brightly-lit dances that OJ threw every week.

Marsh wondered why she could hardly stomach the idea of going out onto the floor anymore. Perhaps it was because the loudness of the tunes was obnoxious? Was it simple lack of energy? The fact that people tripped on her when they weren't paying attention was no longer something she was used to?

"It's been kind of wild since the show ended," Paintbrush was saying. "Lightbulb has this idea in her head that she's my manager and that I need to date around... There are so many, and they all ask the same questions: 'are you a man or a woman?' 'Are you angry you only placed third?' 'Aren't you and Lightbulb dating?' It's actually really annoying."

Marsh winced. "Oooh. That sounds harsh."

"It's not even the worst part of it all. The press just eats it all up. Lightbulb would be doing a good job, if B-list celebrity status was what I wanted. But, ugh." Adjusting the bowtie on his(?) neck, he added, "Then again, you should know."

"Huh? I should know...?"

Paintbrush looked surprised. "...You haven't kept tabs on it? I guess that doesn't surprise me. You're a fan favorite, though -- everybody talks about you."

"W-what are they saying, anyway?"

"The rumors are runaway! The last article I read, you fled to France and married a starving artist. But don't expect to be asked too much about that one. Let's see... Some fans think you just sank back into daily life. Some think you're working on new songs.

"And really Marshmallow, leaving in the middle of the show like that with Apple disappearing didn't help. There's a whole sector of the internet dedicated to the theory that you and Apple eloped. Some nuts thought you killed each other, though clearly that's false. That was what I kind of bought into for a while," Paintbrush replied. "There are other theories, but I think you get the idea."

Marsh bit the inside of her mouth, then laughed uncomfortably.

"That's, uhh... some set of stories."

'So basically, one step out of line is going to push an entire portion of the II fanbase into prying. And I can expect all that to come up at the interview tomorrow. How reassuring...'

"I know. I tried to set the record straight when they ask me, saying you were fine even if I wasn't sure," Paintbrush replied. "Guess they'll be sad that you didn't do anything interesting."

'Granted, the press would probably find the fact we're dating just as compelling, but...'

"Thanks for trying; you're a great friend." Marsh rubbed the back of her head. "I don't know... Living so far from everyone for so long... It makes me kind of nervous just to be surrounded by people again. I want to know everything I can to make sure nobody will crowd me-"

There was the screeching sound of a microphone having interference. Everyone cast their gaze to the stage; Fan was standing on a stool on it, speaking just over Microphone's head. "Laaadies and gentlemen! It's time for the II dance to officially begin! We'll alternate between slow partner songs, and quicker songs... with a few surprises in between! Make this one of the greatest blog posts EVER!"

The light that'd been on them instantly turned off, to be replaced with moving disco lights and the beginning notes of the first song denoted a moderate ballad familiar to Marsh, from hearing its melody played on the piano by Dough late at night.

Paintbrush offered a hand and a smile. "Shall we take this conversation to the dancefloor?"

'It's so bizarre to see Paintbrush so relaxed; in the game, it was constant stress.'

Marsh put her hand in Paintbrush's. "We shall."

There was confidence to Paintbrush's strides; all Marsh had to do was follow along. The song was simple and fairly quick, certainly not a real couple song.

"I've been forced to do these things so many times since the show ended, I'd be remiss if I didn't know what I was doing by now."

"Heh, is that so?"

"It is. You're not too bad at this; you're easy to lead, and I appreciate that. It's the opposite with Lightbulb; she never lets me guide the dance."

The dance felt like it was over in no time, and as it was, another familiar voice called out:

"Whoa, it's Marshmallow!"

Marsh stepped out of dancing position with surprise. Test Tube practically bowled over, with Fan not far behind.

"Geebers, it's absolutely fascinating! You've spent years secluded from society, and your body language is completely different!"

She rubbed her arm. "Um..."

Test Tube's voice reminded her of Apple's; she glanced away to see her hanging out with Soap and Microphone.

'Phew. It's a good thing I don't have to remake her friends.'

"I wish I could live in a mansion away from all of society! It'd be glorious! Later, you have to come to my hotel room tonight so we can do some tests!"

'I don't remember her being so... outgoing.'

"Y-you look nice tonight," Fan remarked mildly, grinning nervously.

"Oh! Uh..." Marsh laughed nervously. "Thanks! I didn't really do anything special, but... I guess you look nice too?"

Evidently Fan and Test Tube were too awkward or shy to dance, so the four of them just stood around and talked.

It was super nostalgic, but she wished Test Tube would stop interviewing her.

Then there was another slow song, wherein Nickel came over and muttered, "I was dared to do this. Just... Put your hands on top of me, or whatever."

Marsh followed his instructions, even though it was awkward to be touching someone ordinarily so snide and rude.

Nickel was one of the rare contestants that Marsh was taller than, so she peered over him to search for Apple. It wasn't hard to find her, considering her dance partner slapped his knee at random intervals.

'Wonder if Apple actually gets any of his jokes. She does call me 'sweet' an inordinate amount...'

The next quick song was on, this one - to Marsh's surprise - a tango. Marsh sat out and watched with slight amusement as everyone glanced around with hesitation.

Not Lightbulb, though. She had smooth moves and a rose clenched in her teeth as she took Paintbrush as a partner.

"L-Lightbulb, what is this?!"

"Just takin' my new Painty out for a spin," Lightbulb said enigmatically before handling Paintbrush so roughly that the din of music and talking contestants was occasionally pierced by screams and furious exclamations of "Lightbulb, unhand me!"

'Since when do they get along so well?' Marsh thought with a tiny grin from the sidelines.

And then Paintbrush had to leave the room for a while to wait for the dizziness to subside. Marsh eagerly followed.


Marsh had been sparing glances for Apple all night, but it wasn't until after several other dances passed that their eyes actually met.

It was after a quick in which Marsh had no partner. Even though Apple was still with Pickle, she waved and smiled at her, then beelined over.

Time seemed to slow as Apple waved, and began making her way over, edging around dancing people.

Marsh stood up a bit straighter.


"Hi Marsh." She extended a clear plastic bag full of cookies: "I have extra; do you want them?"

Marsh accepted them with a quick "Thanks," and took a bite out of one.

'Bleh. Oatmeal raisin.' She tucked them away somewhere for later. "How's your night been?"

"It's been okay. New friends are nice, dancing's fun, and- Hold on!" Apple practically dashed away. Marsh blinked awkwardly, then sagged against a bench.

'What a character.'

Within moments Apple was back with a nice, tall red cup of punch that was sweet and fizzy enough to give Marsh a jolt when she sipped it. "Thanks."

"It's important to stay hydrated! Whatever 'hydrated' means." Apple rubbed her stem for a second, then asked, "How're you holding up?"

"Better than I thought," Marsh admitted. "I still don't like how exposed this whole place is, and I don't really like parties anymore." 'Not that they were any fun between seasons. Bow would've been the life of the party.' "But, y'know. I'll live. Probably."

"Me too. I think the dance's almost over -- least, that's what Trophy said." Apple sat down beside her.


"He looked real sad sitting all alone. But anyway, just two or three more to go."

'Days and dances.'

Marsh sighed. "...Can't wait for it to be over."

"Yeah." She was silent for a moment. "But enough about that. Can we dance?"

She glanced around and, upon seeing that Fan was preoccupied with Suitcase, replied, "Okay. There's no reason we can't share the next quick one, but let's keep this professional."

Apple slipped her arm around Marsh and squeezed. "Cool! What's 'professional' mean?"

Marsh pushed her away. "It means we can't get too caught up in the moment."

"I still don't get why we have to keep it secret. It bugs me."

"Being lowkey isn't a big deal; don't pretend that it is." She grimaced but did not supply a response. "Three more days, and you can be your clingy old self. If being in public is good for me, being independent is good for you."

"I wish I could be myself right now."

"You're doing well."

And then they just kind of hung out, sitting an unusually large distance from each other on the bench. A sense of discomfort, of emptiness gnawed at Marsh's stomach.

Usually they were at least holding hands or something.

'This is a normal friendly difference. Why am I so awkward about it?!'

She glanced over; Apple was just staring into space as if bored. Marsh looked away quickly.

Marsh munched on her disgusting cookies to distract herself from the embarrassing feelings.

The song soon ended, giving way to the funk beats of the next song, quick and lively and probably put out before either of them had been born, they got to their feet.

Dancing beside Apple was hardly any different than dancing beside anyone else. It just entailed a couple more glances her way, and a thought or two about how well she danced.

When the fast song came to an end, Marsh stood panting for a few seconds before the beats of the next song came. Apple was criminally smooth for Apple standards as she slipped her hands into hers.


"Let's dance!"

Marsh rolled her eyes and glanced around the room. There were plenty of duos she was positive were just friends keeping relaxed postures and enjoying the dance. Most of them had pretty much the same, hands-holding posture, just a tiny bit more distance between them.

"T-that's not that I meant. Just..." Marsh stepped back and loosened Apple's grip to normal levels of strength, until it felt normal. "Guess that's more like it."

Apple chuckled

It was nothing like a fairy tale; it was just stepping in circles. It all would've been about ten times better if they'd been at the mansion, their tune something Dough played on the piano and their posture closer.

Coupled with the fact that Fan was getting closer, she glanced away more than ever.

An uneasy giggle bubbled out of her.

Apple raised an eyebrow. "Did I say something funny without noticing again?"

"No. This whole thing is just so stupid. It's awkward and it's making me anxious." Her voice was hardly above a whisper.


"...People might see us," she whispered. "Apple, people might not take well to this."

"Psssht, who cares what they think?"

"Can you be quiet, please?! What if Fan posts a picture of us on his blog?"

"You mean you're thinking about Fan while you're dancing with me? Geez, I thought you didn't like him-"

"Don't be weird."

Annoyance made Marsh's grip on her rougher as Apple snickered. "Your night and our dance, and here you are worrying...You sure are dumb sometimes, and I love it!"

Marsh face warmed. "Shut up!"

"Shhh... stop trying to think and just go with it! It's not hard. Just follow me."

Apple pulled away again and gazed at her, seeking permission. In slight shock ('when was the last time Apple was this smooth?') Marsh nodded, breath hitching.

Apple was criminally smooth as she guided her in perfect time to the music, taking steps that resembled glides around their relatively-large space. A time where she just had to be along for the ride, to give someone she trusted control...

Apple clumsily twirled her, Marsh would've stumbled to the ground if Apple hadn't stumbled after her, barely catching her. Marsh stared at her and Apple stared right back, only a few punctuated blinks breaking their eye contact. They both chuckled awkwardly.

For the rest of the dance, Apple was sometimes a little ahead of the beat, perhaps too excited to wait for it. Sometimes she'd angle her face too close to Marsh's, only to realize it on her own and chuckle in apology.

The awkwardness helped her relax even more than the smoothness. Even though they both laughed quite a bit, it never felt like being laughed at.

When the music's final chord faded to silence, they didn't step away from one another. Apple beamed.

"How was that?"

Marsh hesitated for a second before replying, "Not so bad, I guess..."

"See? I told ya it was worth it."

Marsh couldn't help the elation bubbling in her chest, or the way she laughed.

Then there was a flash. Marsh froze.

Fan stood off to the side, smiling face lit by his phone.

"That's one for the scrapbook."

'Oh Marsh. Oh no. No no no no no.' Marsh took her hands off her in an instant.

Apple nudged her aside and walked up to Fan, peering curiously at the picture on the screen. "Hey, that's a good one," she remarked. "Wish my stem didn't look so fat... You'll have to send a copy to the mansion."

Fan typed, the clicking audible even as the next song began. "Done!"

Marsh grabbed Apple's wrist and pulled her hard enough to drag her. Apple offered no resistance as she chirped, "Good luck writing that blog post, and good night!"

That same mix of emotions that had her frozen compelled Marsh to drag her all the way out of the darkened room of the dancefloor. Apple started walking behind her, but it was Marsh doing all the real walking.

Because there was a difference between real and fake walking. Totally.

Instead of being furious and determined, Marsh tried her best to make her expression confused and a little panicked, and looked between doors as if panicked.

It made it look like she was lost, when in fact she was looking for cameras.

They were everywhere. All taking aim at them and their secrets.

Finally, she opened a door at the end of a hall. It slammed shut behind them, echoing through the room they were in.

Everything was gray and stone-cold. Below them was a thin metal grate; peering in between the little holes, one could have seen the dark bottom floor, three stories down. The whole room was extremely tall.

An emergency fire exit. There was no camera in there.

"You okay?"

"You... He took our picture! People might suspect us!" Her high-pitched voice echoed through the shaft.

Apple shrugged. "I panicked."

"You didn't sound panicked at all!"

"Come on, it was a cute picture! And nobody's gonna think we're up to anything when all we did was dance."

'How are you so nonchalant about this?!' "Apple, our agreement was to not let anyone realize we're a couple."

"But we were just hangin' out like friends do."

"Don't play dumb. It's the principle."

"I-it's not playing dumb if I actually am," Apple mumbled. "A-anyway, I don't think it's a big deal."

"The second it was inconvenient for you, you forgot that I'm legitimately scared about this. I don't want complete strangers to know about us!"

Apple braced her hands on Marsh's shoulders. "Hey... It's not the end of the world. Nobody will notice. And even if they do, it's only two days of spotlight before we head back to the cushy ol' mansion. Whatever happens here won't affect us either way, right? So let's have an early night so you can get some rest and stop worrying for once."

'I disagree. There are people who'll recognize it. People who'll judge us for it. People who might try and tear us apart...'

Marsh took a deep breath. "I-I'll try to believe it," Marsh said, but felt colder than the shaft on the inside. "Thanks."

It all rested on tomorrow... and frankly, they hadn't set up for that all that well.  

...Sleep wasn't going to come easy, was it?

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