Chapter 2

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"Good job everyone, your all dismissed!"

It was sunset by the time training ended. Kakashi was exhausted and it was getting really hard to ignore the burning pain in his arm. Blood was starting to soak through his bandages and into his glove. If he touched it, his hand would come away red.

Obito must have opened the wound when he kicked me. 

He bit his lip, anxious of the possibility of anyone from his team finding out. He had to get home before anyone noticed. Picking himself off the ground, he and his teammates began to trudge homes, exhausted from the long day of training. However, none of them got far before a voice called out, "Kakashi, stay for a bit. I need to speak with you." 

The three of them turned their heads towards their Sensei in confusion and suprise. Kakashi stiffened, trying to think of a reason for why he wanted to talk to him. Did he do something wrong? Did he make another mistake? Clenching his fists, he made his way back to the blond because of course he did something wrong.....he always did. A pit of dread forming in his stomach.


The other two continued walking home. However, once they were out of Minato's range of sight, Rin grabbed Obito by the arm and started to drag him in another direction.

Obito protested, "H-hey! Where are we going?"

Her teammates cheeks were turning red but she payed no mind, "To spy on Sensei."

"W-What?! Why? "

"Because I'm concerned about Kakashi."

The red blush faded from his cheeks as he grumbled, "Why do you care about that bastard anyway and why do I have to come?"

Rin let go of Obito's arm and abruptly stopped. The former almost bumping into her back. Turning around with a stern expression, Rin proceeded to scold him, "Because Kakashi is our teammate and teammates look out for each other. Now come on!"

They walked back towards the direction they came from but took a different route as to avoid being caught. Circling the area, Obito and Rin carefully walked around the training ground, looking for the a good spot to hide. They tip toeed through the greenery of the forest, careful to suppress their chakra. They hid behind a bush and watched as Minato and Kakashi sat on a fallen log.


Kakashi felt trapped. He was not looking forward to this conversation. He had to get home to change his bandages but with Minato keeping him behind there was no way he can do that. At this rate, he was going to notice his injury. He swallowed, trying to dislodge the lump that had formed in his throat.

"So how have you been Kakashi?"


His answered was short and emotionless, trying not to mess up like he did with Rin. However, this answer did not seem to satisfy his mentor as his concern only seemed to increased, "Are you sure? Your not pushing yourself too hard are you?"

"No. I'm fine Sensei."

Minato gazed at him skeptically. His gaze lowering to his injured arm. Kakashi shifts it slightly behind him.

"Can I see your arm."

His heart jumped up into his throat, "Why?"

His voice wavered, cursing himself for showing signs of panic. The blonde was sure to have caught that.

"Because I want to check if your arm is okay. When Obito kicked you, you seemed to have experienced a lot of pain."

"I'm fine Sensei," Kakashi replies a little too quickly.

Minato looked back up at his student, eyes full of worry. Kakashi flinched.

"Please Kakashi. I'm really worried about you. You know you can come to me for anything right?  I just want to know that your okay."

Kakashi hesitated. Going through all possible options until finally relenting. He reluctantly took off his arm guard and glove, unwrapping the blood soaked bandages to reveal the gash on his lower arm. A pair gasped came from the bushes.

Kakashi tensed, not noticing his teammates as he was too caught up in his panic. However, Minato did notice the presence of his two students but didn't address it as not to scare Kakashi off.

"You two can come out now. Rin, could you heal Kakashi's arm."

The two ninja came out of the bushes, face lowered in shame. Obito slowly walked over, hand rubbing his neck sheepishly while Rin rushed over to heal her teammates wounds, hands glowing green over the gash.

"Where did you get this from Kakashi-kun?"

The silver haired ninja looked up at Rin. Not wanting to reveal the truth he lied, "Training."

It was a reasonable answer but Minato still had his doubts. However, he let it go as he did not want to push Kakashi too much. Instead he said, "Well try to be more careful next time alright? If your ever injured you can come to me and Rin for help. Obito is also sorry for hitting your arm. We're your teammates, you can ask us for help sometimes you know? Right you two?"

Both Rin and Obito nodded, Obito muttering a apology, looking honestly guilty for hurting him. Kakashi nodded in understanding. After bandaging his arm, Rin helped Kakashi up off the fallen tree.

"Try not to strain your arm. It still needs to heal."

He nodded. With that they bid each other goodbye and headed back home.


Kakashi was happy, he realized while walking home. He was happy that they actually cared about him even Obito who seemed to despise him. A small smile formed on his lips beneath the mask as he opened the door to the Hatake compound. Kicking off his shoes, he walked to his room, careful to avoid the glass shards on the ground. He took off his hitai-ate and sabor placing it on his desk, sitting down on his bed.

It was peaceful. In this cold empty house that usually made him feel so lonely, he felt warm and at peace, the lingering euphoria of his teams words swirling in his chest.

But that feeling didn't last long.

The creaking of the door opening sounded as the clumsy stumbling of a man echoed through the house,

"wHerE aRe YOu hic "

His breath caught in his throat.


And suddenly he forgot how to breathe.

FINNNAAALLLY!! I finally updated! Sorry that it's been so long but I finally got a break this week. No school! Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter!

Gosh, I wrote a loooot of "finally"s Huh.

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