Chapter 6

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"Hey Kakashi, is the food done yet?" Obito peered over the other boy's shoulders, looking at the fish that he was currently cooking.

Kakashi sighed, disgruntled, "No, so go sit back down."

Obito pouted but complied, going back to the dining room to wait. A few minutes later, however, he was back again.

"Is it done now?"

Kakashi eye brow twitched, "No it's not! Go sit down and wait!"

And for a few minutes the impatient boy did wait. But just as Kakashi finally thought he was going to get some peace and quiet—

"Hey Kakashi—"

The silver haired boy whirled around, wielding the spatula like a weapon, "For the last time, NO! Now go sit down and wait!"

Grumbling, the boy made his way back to his seat, shoulders slumped in defeat. And Kakashi, with his heightened sense of hearing, could have sworn he heard him mumble something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like 'whatever mom.' But he's just going to play it off as nothing more than his ears playing tricks on him because that was not a thought he wanted to think about. He shudders.

When he finished cooking, he gently set the bowls of miso soup, rice, and fish onto a tray. Carefully balancing it in his hands, he carried it to over the dining room table where Obito sat, eagerly awaiting his dinner. The instant Kakashi placed the plates down, Obito was on it like a starving dog. Sitting himself down opposite of Obito, Kakashi glared at his teammate and his unseemly table manners, before turning his attention to his own supper.

Obito continued to wolfing down his food, but just as he was going in for another mouthful of rice, a realization struck him. Stopping abruptly, his hand that was holding his chopsticks froze in place. They were eating. And eating meant using your mouth. And your mouth was apart of you lower face.....

The part of the face Kakashi refused to show.

Obito gulped. This was his chance! And ever so slowly, he lifted his eyes to look at his companion, hands quivering in anticipation. Only to find.....

Was Kakashi chewing?

Confused, he lowered his gaze to the plates and bowls set infront of his teammate..... to find that it was completely empty!? Obito's gaze flickered from Kakashi's masked mouth munching away, to the empty dishes, mouth hanging open, gawking. How!? Just how!? It's only been, like, 2 minutes since he sat down. How could he have finished his meal already!?

Swallowing, Kakashi looked at him curiously, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "You'd better close your mouth before you catch a fly."

Obito's mouth clicked shut, grumbling in embarrassment, he turned his attention back to his meal. He continued to eat, albeit in a calmer manner than before, sulking. Rolling his eyes, Kakashi began to collect his dishes. He was just about to stand up when his teammate began to speak, "Hey, Kakashi?"

"Yeah," Kakashi replied with a sigh.

Obito paused, as if in thought, before finally responding, "Why were you passed out in the rain?"

Kakashi froze. Seeing this Obito panicked, waving his his hands in front of him frantically, "I-I mean, you don't have to tell me. I-I'm just, w-well...." Obito looked away sheepishly, the tip of his ears turning red in embarrassment, "I-I'm just.... kind of worried, y-you know...?"

Kakashi bit his lip, his gaze lowering to his lap, hands clenching onto the fabric of his sweatpants. Should he tell him? Was that the right thing to do? But there's no reason to. There's nothing to gain from this and Kakashi doesn't think he's ready to be so vulnerable. To let down the walls in which he spent years building up. No, no he can't do it.

Outwardly, he kept a calm appearance but the turmoil currently raging in his head would say otherwise. A part of him wants to tell him, to finally vocalize his pain. But the stubborn part of him kept telling him to keep his mouth shut, that he was just being selfish, dumping all of his problems onto another person. He dug his nails into his legs.

Shinobi rule number 1: A shinobi must never show emotion.

That's right. He can't. He's a shinobi. He cannot show weakness.


"We're your teammates, you can ask us for help sometimes you know?"

He inhaled sharply as Minato's voice echoed through his mind. And finally, he looked up, his decision made.


Obito squirmed in his seat. Did he say something out of line? Oh god, he should've just kept his mouth shut! Stupid stupid stupid—

"....My father and I had a..... argument."

Obito's head snapped up, not expecting an actual answer. But Kakashi kept his gaze locked on the empty dishes in front of him, refusing to meet the others eyes. It had taken all he had to just admit that much, much less more. His teammate didn't need to know the details and hopefully that short answer was enough.

Obito stares in amazement because Kakashi, who was very private, had trusted him enough to confide in him. A warm fluttery feeling began to spread in his chest. Shaking his head, he snapped himself out of his stupor. They both continued to sit there in silence for a few seconds until he finally, hesitantly, spoke up, "....I'm not going to act like I know everything— because I don't— but.... I think that you two should talk it out."

Kakashi looked at him, confused. Shifting nervously, Obito began to elaborate, "W-well, I'm not saying you should forgive him e-exactly. B-but, you should at least give him a chance to explain himself... you know?"

His gaze dropped to his lap, face turning solemn, "I never really got a chance to, really, have a father. I never really even got to meet him. That's why, you should try and make up, or at least find a compromise, cause he's not always going to be—" Obito lifted his gaze, eyes narrowed in determination, "you should cherished him while you can!"

Upon meeting Kakashi's surprised expression however, he lost his sudden burst of confidence. Unsteadily meeting the wide obsidian eyes he asked nervously, "....W-what? W-what is it? D-did I s-say something wrong...?"

When the teen just continued to stare, he began to grow agitated, "Well at least say somethi—"


He paused as he tried to register what was happening. Kakashi was laughing. Kakashi was laughing. Obito stares in astonishment, cheeks tinted red as the sound resonated in his ears.

One hand was clutching the edge of the table while the other was clamped on his masked mouth in an attempt to muffle the sound. A red blush peeking through just above the mask. The same warm fluttery feeling began to form in the pit of his stomach and Obito couldn't help but think—


Reeling, Obito couldn't believe what he just thought. Where did that even come from!? What was wrong with him—

"...haha...sorry, it's just.... I didn't expect something like that to come from you of all people," Kakashi explained, calming down from his fit of laughter, wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Obito narrowed his eyes, suspicious, "Something like what....?"

Regaining his composure, the silver haired teen looked at him as though it was obvious, "Something so wise of course."

The Uchiha stuttered in offense, "I-I can say smart stuff if I really want to, you know!"

He raise a brow, doubtful, "Oh, really?"

"I-I can," Obito cried indignantly, trying to prove himself fruitlessly as Kakashi only continued to doubt him.

"S-stupid Bakashi! I really can!"


Their banter filled the room, an atmosphere of comfort and warmth surrounding them. And unbeknownst to Obito, under the mask, a soft smile had formed, remaining there.

And for now, for the first time since a very long time, Kakashi was happy.


Hi there! Sorry for the long wait.

You see, I didn't really feel that well last month and couldn't bring myself to finished writing this chapter while simultaneously trying not to throw up so.....😅

Also, I'm currently getting ready to start high school so there's that.

But I'll try to update when I can!

Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Farewell!

( ̄▽ ̄)

RIP my sleep schedule, it's like 3AM right now (T▽T)

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