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The three masters were in totally different states of being at the moment.

Rin was relaxed, but ready for a fight if need be. Emiya was on edge and nervous. Y/n...well...

He had his head in Jeanne's lap while she stroked his hair. Mordred sat next to the two and would occasionally poke Y/n for a laugh. Artoria sat on the other side with her usual proud demeanor.

Y/n: "so, we gonna talk or what?"

Rin: "Hmph, fine. I suppose I should explain the grail war to you two."

Y/n: "I already got the basics from these three."

Rin nodded and explained the grail war to Emiya while Y/n and Mordred Arm Wrestled.

Rin: "okay. I think that's everything. I wanna know something though. Y/n you're not a mage. How did you summon, not just one, but three servants."

Jeanne: "Clearly he is descended from a mage though. He has latent magic circuits in his body. As for how we were summoned, I don't know myself."

Saber: "you mean you just awakened here?"

Mordred: "Pretty much. I met Y/n first, he tried to shoot at me."

Rin: "YOU WHAT!?!?"

Y/n: "I fired a warning shot."

Mordred: "still scared the crap outta me."

Rin was becoming increasingly frustrated with how Y/n and Mordred were still casually arm wrestling.

Emiya: "Y-You and your servants seem to get along well."

Rin: "Yeah, I noticed that as well. You're treating them like they're your friends or something."

Y/n: "At this point, my thought is, if I'm gonna be stuck with 'em. I might as well get along with 'em."

Jeanne: "though you don't let me use the kotatsu."

Y/n: "that's because Haruna would go into a fit of autistic fury. Believe me, I know."

Artoria struggled to suppress the smirk on her face. Jeanne just laughed nervously, Mordred faltered and Y/n won the arm wrestling match.


Y/n: "No. because that's exactly what you want me to do. I'm not about to go following the orders of some stuck up brat."

Rin: "Excuse you!?"

Y/n: "did I stutter?"

Rin fumed at Y/n's casual demeanour. He truly didn't care about the holy grail war.

Y/n: "look at it this way. Unless I'm provoked, I ain't gonna fight. Now if you two will excuse us, I'm gonna go home because Haruna's probably worried."

Emiya and Rin were astounded by him for different reasons. Mordred got up and demanded to be carried on Y/n's back. Jeanne bowed on her way out and Artoria took one last glance at her Saber counterpart before she walked out of the house.

As the four of them walked home, they passed a little girl that was giggling creepily.

???: "hehehe. It'd be pretty bad if you died right now, huh mister?"

Y/n: "Saber, Stab the child!"

Mordred: "On it!"

Mordred tried to stab the girl, but she dodged and stood on the other side of the road.

???: "hehe. You managed to find out, huh?"

Y/n: "You're a master. I'm gonna guess that Berserker's your servant."

???: "yuh-huh! That's right. You're smart, Mister."

There was a loud crash and a hulk of a man stood behind the little girl.

Y/n: "tch, he's rather large."

Artoria: "Heracles."

Jeanne: "We can't deal with him. He's near impervious to physical harm."

Y/n: "the twelve labours, right?"

Mordred: "Yeah. They make him stronger than most servants."

Y/n: "oh fucking brilliant!"

Berserker ran straight at them and Y/n pushed Jeanne out of the way. He then felt himself go cold and he looked up and saw Jeanne mid-fall.

Y/n: "what?"

His voice echoed and he walked over to the side of berserker and stuck his foot out. He then felt the heat returning to his body and the world moved again, Berserker tripped up and face planted into the ground.

The little girl's eyes widened in shock, as did Y/n's servants.

Mordred: "How the hell!?"

Artoria: "It can't be..."

Y/n: "someone explain what the fuck I just did!"

Jeanne: "A lost magic?"

Y/n: "Again, Explanation required!"

The little girl walked over to Y/n and she tugged on his sleeve.

Y/n: "what?"

???: "who are you?"

Y/n: "you first."

???: "oh, My name is Illya von Einzbern."

Illya: "Your turn, mister."

Y/n: "Y/n L/n."

Illya walked around him in circles. She seemed curious. Heracles got up and glared at Y/n.

Illya: "oh calm down, Berserker."

Y/n: "you don't call him by name?"

Illya: "huh? Why would I?"

Y/n: "he may be a servant, but I'm sure Heracles still has pride in himself."

Illya: "Is that true, Berserker?"

Berserker didn't say anything, he just stood there...menacingly.

Y/n: "*sigh* Artoria, Jeanne, Mordred. C'mon. Haruna's probably having an autistic fit of rage right now because we aren't home yet."

Jeanne: "shall I cook dinner?"

Y/n: "you made Breakfast. I'll make dinner. It's Haruna's turn to cook breakfast tomorrow."

Mordred: "you take it in turns?"

Y/n: "naturally. We take it in turns for everything. Every day we rotate between making dinner and breakfast. As for lunches, we make those for ourselves."

Jeanne: "I see."

Illya watched them chat as they walked away and she decided to follow them.

Artoria: "Illya is following us, Master."

Y/n: "*sigh* if you're coming with then catch up, short stack!"

Illya picked up the pace and began walking with them, Heracles was with her.

Y/n opened the door and kicked his shoes off before walking into the living room. He found Haruna asleep hugging a cushion as tears ran down her face.

Y/n smiled softly and carried her to her bedroom before laying her in her bed and tucking her in.

He then left a glass of water on her bedside table.

He then walked back into the living room where everyone was.

Y/n: "Heracles, you can put your weapon down, buddy."

Heracles looked to Illya and she nodded, so he leaned his weapon against the wall.

Y/n then cooked some katsu curry for everyone. Once everyone was finished, he dropped the question.

Y/n: "so. Does anyone have any clue what the fuck happened back there?"

Jeanne: "I'm not sure. but I think that, in the moment you pushed me out of the way, you activated your magic circuits. As for what you used...I may be wrong, but I think you used one of the lost magics."

Artoria: "you sure about that, Jeanne?"

Jeanne: "yes. I believe that Master used the fifth of the lost magics. The one that allows him to manipulate time."

Y/n: "don't say it, Don't say it, Don't fucking say it ya fuckin' tube."

Mordred: "something wrong, master?"

Y/n: "N-no. I'm fine."

Illya: "wait. If he has one of the lost magics, then how did he learn?"

Jeanne: "Master. Did your parents ever speak about a root?"

Y/n: "root? It sounds memory's pretty hazy though."

Artoria: "...I know of someone that may be able to help you develop your knowledge of magecraft."

Y/n: "go on..."

Artoria: "I must ask though, how do you feel about snakes?"

Y/n: "Oh, I love snakes. Especially the danger noodles."

Jeanne: "Will he be able to summon her? She isn't really a regular servant by any means."

Artoria: "if Master can use the fifth lost magic. There is a slight chance that He may be able to use the third as well."

Mordred saw Heracles tensing up when snakes were mentioned.

Mordred: "you know this person too, big guy?"

He simply nodded his head.

Artoria: "it doesn't surprise me. His cousin fought against her."

Y/n: "which one? Heracles has, like, a million cousins."

Artoria: "Perseus."

Y/n: "Perseus, eh? Wait...Perseus...Snakes...Oh fuck me sideways."

Illya: "what is it?"

Y/n: "are you lot boutta summon fuckin' Medusa on my ass?"

Artoria: "not Medusa exactly. This woman is called Gorgon. She's...a powerful creature."

The girls then took Y/n into the garden where they drew a summoning circle in an empty spot.

Mordred: "this is all on you now to summon her."

Y/n: "The fuck you mean!?"

Jeanne: "don't worry master, we have faith in you."

Y/n: "Then why are you standing so far back!?"

Mordred: "splash zone."


Y/n sighed in annoyance and placed his hands on the circle.

Y/n: "uhh, I summon thee, big snek lady, however the fuck you say it- HOLY SHIT!!"

He was startled by the sudden glow from the circle and he scuttled back a bit.

Mordred: "welp! Looks like he can use the third one too!"

Illya: "n-no way..."

The light died down after a while and Y/n looked up and was face to face with the queen of magic creatures herself, Gorgon.

Y/n could really only say one thing in response.


End of Chapter.

Next Time: Summoning Spree.

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