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Shiro Emiya lay in his shed having exhausted himself after trying to use magecraft.

Saber sat inside his house drinking some tea until she felt something wrong. She rushed out and slammed the door of the shed open. But nobody was there.

Saber: "Damn!"

She then spotted what looked like threads leading to Ryuudou temple.

Saber: "Caster."

At the L/n residence, the same thing was happening. Casters threads slinked in through Y/n's bedroom window. Caster only wanted to grab Y/n, but Serenity was cuddling into her master as they slept.

As Y/n opened his eyes, he found himself at Ryuudou temple. He looked around calmly and saw that he was suspended in midair by some kind of threads. He spotted Serenity next to him and Emiya on the other side.

A sultry giggle then echoed through the temple. Y/n's eyes locked on to who it was.

She was a hooded woman.

Y/n: "You must be Caster then."

Caster: "You catch on quickly. Yes, I am the Caster class servant."

Y/n: "Yo, Assassin. Wake up."

Serenity's eyes darted open and she looked around.

Caster: "Ah, So she's your servant. But...that provides an issue. See, I am the master of the Assassin Class Servant."

Y/n: "Heh."

Caster: "What?"

Y/n: "I may have an Assassin with me...but I have an Archer class as well. ARCHER!!"

Out of nowhere, bolts of light started raining down on Caster's head. She tried her best to reflect the damage, but was ultimately unsuccessful in stopping the attack.

Ishtar touched down in front of her master with a smirk.

Ishtar: "Oh look at this. You're in trouble again."

Y/n: "You realise that I can call Your sister to help me rather than deal with you, right?"

Ishtar pouted before cutting Serenity down, who then cut Y/n and Emiya down.

Y/n: "Wakey Wakey, shitbird."

Y/n kicked Emiya in the stomach and woke him up.

Emiya: "huh? Where are we?"

Y/n: "Ryuudou temple. Get up."

Ishtar: "I'd recommend staying down, Caster."

Serenity: "Archer, go tend to master."

Ishtar: "I have a name you know."

Serenity: "I know. But it's better if other servants don't know who we are."

Y/n then saw Casters face under her hood and he smirked.

Y/n: "On the other hand, it's funnier if we know who the enemy is. Ain't that right, Medea?"

Caster's eyes widened as she looked up at the young man that was standing over her.

Medea: "H-How did you..."

Y/n: "It's pretty simple. Your eyes gave it away. I'm gonna guess that your wish is to go home, right?"

Medea gasped at how easily Y/n manage to figure her out.

Y/n: "Y'know, I've been to your home. Colchis, right?"

Medea nodded slowly. Emiya watched with intrigue as Medea gazed up at Y/n.

From nowhere though, a flurry of bolts fired at the group. Ishtar managed to deflect them all with ease as Rins Archer walked out.

Archer: "hmph, I was hoping to hit her."

Ishtar: "This situation's under control, Archer. Leave."

Archer: "Sorry, No can do."

Y/n: "tch. Medea, is there a summoning circle nearby?"

Medea: "Y-Yes. Why?"

Y/n: "I got a plan."

Y/n turned to Serenity and Ishtar before nodding at the two.

Y/n: "You two hold him off and keep yourselves safe."

Ishtar: "Heh, you sound worried."

Y/n: "I'm your master. It's my job to be worried about you idiots."

Serenity smiled as she prepared to take on Archer while Ishtar just scoffed.

Y/n and Medea ran into the temple before they found the summoning circle that Medea used to summon her Assassin.

Medea: "What's your plan?"

Y/n: "Imma piss off Artoria and use heaven's feel again."

Y/n slammed his hands onto the circle and a specific person that Ereshkigal mentioned came to mind.

Archer struggled to keep up with Serenity's speed as he tried to get past her. Whenever he did, Ishtar would appear and kick his ass back.

Archer: "Dammit! I can't stop him at this point!"

Emiya was behind the two girls and he couldn't help but feel useless without Saber. Archer then jumped back and brought out his bow before he fired multiple shots that curved around Ishtar and Serenity and were going straight for Emiya.

However a muscular leg landed right in front of him and a barrier was erected, protecting Emiya from harm.

???: "That is enough, Archer. You are finished."

Emiya looked up and saw the armoured man stood before him carrying a spear and a shield in his hands.

Archers eyes widened slightly as Y/n and Medea emerged from the temple.

Y/n: "Girls, meet your new partner."

The man turned to the two, his face covered by his helmet.

???: "Greetings. I am Leonidas of Sparta. A Lancer class Servant."

Y/n: "I thought we could use a bit more testosterone around the house."

Leonidas: "Yes. I will also be able to train you to fight more effectively, master."

Y/n: "sounds good to me, Leonidas."

Leonidas: "Now then. I believe that your business here is concluded, Archer. Leave."

Archer glared at Leonidas before turning and walking away.

Archer: "I will kill him, mark my words."

Leonidas walked over and took a seat next to Y/n and Medea.

Y/n: "So, lemme get this straight. You're using people to fuel your own mana reserves."

Ishtar: "As if you're doing any different."

Y/n: "You mean you use me as your mana reserve. Honestly...You're more trouble than good, Useless Tsundere Goddess."

Ishtar had a flashback to eons ago when she met a man similar to this.

He was taller and his hair reached his upper back. Not only that, but he bore a scar across his jaw.

Ishtar squinted her eyes until the image of that person and Y/n fused. Her eyes then shot wide open as she realised something.

Ishtar: "I-It's you..."

Y/n: "huh? You good, tsun-tsun?"


???: "You good over there, Tsun-Tsun? Ya look a bit pale."

Flashback end

Ishtar fell to her knees as she saw Y/n standing in front of her. His hair was much longer and he wore a white uniform.

Flashback part two: battle tendency

???: "Yo, Fujimaru. Lemme handle this. I know how to deal with Tsunderes."


???: "Case and Point."

???2: "Are you sure you can handle it, senpai?"

???: "You worry too much, Mash. I got this."

Flashback end

Ishtar looked at the younger self of that man with a harrowed gaze.

Y/n: "Ishtar? You ok?"

Ishtar: "I-"

Ereshkigal: "You can't tell him."

Ishtar: "y-you?"

Ereshkigal: "You'd screw everything up if you tell him now. I've already gave him a hint, but he can't know the truth."

Ishtar: "I-I see...still's him."

Ereshkigal: "I know. I knew from the moment he said his name. Unlike you who just focused on his di-"

Ishtar: "AAAAAAHHHH!! Stop talking!"

Y/n and the others looked on in confusion until Saber Artoria came running into the temple.

Saber: "Master!"

Emiya: "Hey, saber."

Leonidas: "Artoria Pendragon. It is good to see you again."

Saber: "Leonidas of Sparta. It has indeed been some time."

Leonidas: "how is your alte-"

Saber: "Finish that sentence and I'll use excalibur to castrate you."

Leonidas very quickly stopped talking and Y/n smirked.

Y/n: "I thought Spartans were supposed to know no fear?"

Leonidas: "there are few things more terrifying than a woman with a blade...especially on her per-"


Y/n laughed, as did Serenity. Medea watched as the servants interacted with their master as if they were good friends rather than tools to claim the holy grail.

Medea: "how strange...they act like the world is as normal when they are in the middle of this war."

Y/n then turned to Medea with a smile.

Y/n: "Medea, if you promise me not to use innocent people as a source of mana, then I won't be forced to whoop yours and your masters asses with extreme prejudice."

Medea: "I-...I see. Very well. As long as you promise me something as well."

Y/n: "depends on what it is."

Medea: "If my master should perish, or should I be left on my own. Allow me to be your servant."

Y/n: "huh...I don't think I have a caster."

Serenity: "yet you have two lancers."

Y/n: "shush. Rules are meant to be broken."

Did he just...

Ereshkigal: "more than likely."


Ereshkigal: "hey, I'm a goddess. I do what I want."

...fuck. Can't argue with that logic. Can the Tsundere do this too?"

Ereshkigal: "to a degree. We can't do this while physically manifested."

Thank fuck. I didn't want Gorgon trying to mess with me.

Ereshkigal: "It's been a while since you've dealt with a fourth wall breaker, huh?"

You physically have no Idea.

Ishtar: "the hell are you talking to?"

Ereshkigal: "Nobody, don't worry about it."

Y/n eventually got to his feet and walked home with his servants. He decided to try and Recruit Rider and Sakura to his side. He was powerful, sure. But having allies is one of the many strategic advantages in war.

Meanwhile in a church not far from where Y/n was, A blonde man leaned back on one of the pews.

He opened one of his red eyes and smirked.

???: "So you are here. I look forward to seeing you again...

...old friend."

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Recruiting Rider.

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