Trace On!

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Y/n slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a peculiar position. Jeanne had fallen asleep on one side of him while Rider was asleep on the other side of him.

Y/n: "What the hell?"

He sat up groggily and looked around to see that he was still in his living room. Leonidas and Heracles were both asleep as well. Illya was snuggled up to Artoria, as was Mordred.

Serenity was the only one that was actually awake. Y/n looked over and saw that Emiya was getting rather comfortable with Rin. Saber Artoria stood outside with a stern expression.

Y/n stepped outside and felt the crisp air against his skin.

Y/n: "Something the matter, Artoria?"

Saber: "Huh? Oh. It's just you."

Y/n: "Yup. Just me. What's with the stern face."

Saber: "I'm not sure...but I can feel something off."

Y/n looked at the skies and saw what looked like storm clouds gathering nearby.

Y/n: "Storm's comin' in. We should stay in the house for now. It's gonna get real wet real fast."

Saber nodded before following him into the house.

Meanwhile, in the centre of the storm clouds, a woman stood glaring down at the house.

???: "You chose her over me? I'll have to discipline you, master~"

The woman laughed as she walked away.

A few minutes later, everyone was awake and the house was rather lively. Haruna and Y/n both made breakfast for the others and after everyone had eaten, Y/n decided to ask Shirou about something.

Y/n: "Yo, Emiya. What kinda magecraft you use?"

Shirou: "Me? I use reinforcement. I trace the basic structure of an object and I strengthen it."

Y/n: "I see..."

Shirou then picked up a roll of newspaper.

Shirou: "It's like this. Trace, on!"

Y/n saw the circuits of magic going up the length of the paper roll. Shirou then asked Mordred to verify it's strengthening.

She sliced through that bitch easily, but it was definitely sturdier than before.

Y/n: "Right...I think I get it."

Y/n then grabbed a nearby box and tried it him himself. Gorgon took him through the basic steps and he was able to get it to steel strength on the first try.

Gorgon: "Shirou. Your magic also allows you to project things. For example, maybe Archers blades."

Shirou: "Archers blades?"

Y/n: "So I can make a fuckin' Minigun?"

Gorgon: "With practice, possibly. Your limitless origin doesn't pin you down to one specific niche of magecraft."

Y/n: "Thank fuck. I hate being pinned."

Gorgon got a flashback to the operating table and her expression saddened.

Gorgon: "I can Imagine..."

Y/n: "Hm? You good, Gorgon?"

Gorgon: "Yes. I'm going for a walk if that's alright."

Y/n: "Sure thing. Make sure you get back before that storm hits."

Artoria: "Storm!?"

Y/n jumped in surprise as Artoria got to her feet.

Shirou: "I-Is something wrong, Lancer?"

Artoria: "We have to hide you, Master. NOW!"

Y/n was about to speak when lightning struck nearby.

Artoria: "Everyone hide! Now!"

With that, everyone took up hiding spots.

Y/n hid under the floorboards of the decking outside. He then heard footsteps above him. They were slow, relatively light steps. He had to slow his breathing so the person hunting him wouldn't hear his breaths.

He looked up between the floorboards and spotted his assailant.

It was a woman, judging by the breastplate. Her face was covered by a black helmet, but he could see pale blonde hair coming out from the helm.

His eyes widened when he saw what was in the woman's hands.


Y/n: "Artoria's lance!? Wait, it looks different. It looks...darker."

???: "Come out, come out, Master~ I promise I don't bite...much~"

???2: "He's not here, bitch. Let's go."

???: "Now, now. We don't know that. He could be hiding."

Y/n was mostly creeped out by how familiar the voices were.

Artoria glared out at the black knight from the closet while Jeanne looked on in sadness from under the kitchen sink.

???2: "Heh. I remember master telling me about this place. The kitchen and his bedroom were his favourite spots. He and his sister would hang out here all the time."

???: "Yes. He told me as much too. It's been so long since I've seen him. Then I find out that he's taken the other me as his Lancer."

???2: "Ha! He took the other me in as well! Makes sense, crafty bastard took her V-card back in the 1400's."


Y/n shifted around and lost sight of the assailants. He sighed quietly in relief until he felt something. An uneasiness. He quickly realised what it was and moved before the dark Rhongomyniad was stabbed down where his head was.

He rolled out from under the deck and avoided another close call with the lance.

Y/n: "Tch, the hell is this!?"

???: "I'm hurt, you don't even recognise your own Lancers weapon!?"

Y/n: "Tch, ISHTAR!!"

Ishtar then burst out of the house and blasted the assailant into the wall of the garden.

???: "Oh my~ you even got yourself an Archer."

???2: "Hey, you done over there?"

Y/n looked over and his eyes widened when he saw who was standing in the doorway.

Y/n: "J-Jeanne?"

There was something off about her. Jeanne normally had a kind smile on her face. This one had a cruel smirk. Her skin was paler as was her hair. Her clothing and armour were black and her eyes were a furious amber.

Jeanne?: "Hey, Y/n. Been a while, huh?"

Y/n: "The hell!? You're not Jeanne!"

Jeanne?: "Oh believe me..."

Y/n jumped as she suddenly appeared right in front of him.

Jeanne?: "...I am."

Y/n then got a flashback to something Jeanne told him.

Jeanne (past): "that other side of myself...she's vengeful. A total war addict."

Y/n: "I get two are Alter servants. Aren't you?"

Jeanne?: "Bingo. As I said, I'm Jeanne d'Arc. But you used to call me Jalter...Or bitch, one of the two."

???: "And you would simply call me Alter. Artoria if we were alone."

Y/n's eyes narrowed as Artoria Alter removed her helmet. For some reason, quite a bit of her armour disappeared as well.

Y/n: "Jesus fuck! Showing enough underboob there, Alter!?"

A.Artoria: "Oh? What? You don't like the view?~"

Y/n: "...bad touch."

Jalter: "Heh. That's a line I've heard you say a few times before."

Y/n: "So, you two knew the future me?"

A.Artoria: "Yes. That we did. He was certainly stronger than you are now. But, this is when you first started to gain power."

Y/n kept his stern face before turning to the house.

Y/n: "You can stop hiding now."

Artoria burst out from the closet and tried to stab at her Alter.

Y/n: "Artoria! STOP!"

By command seal, Artoria stopped in her tracks.

Jalter: "Heh. Not bad. Still a split second decision maker, even when you were just starting out."

Jalter then tried to stab at Y/n with her sword. Y/n simply caught the blade with a cold glare.

Y/n: "Trace...on."

A bright light consumed Y/n's hand as an item appeared in it. Jalter's eyes widened when she suddenly had a massive Greatsword pointed at her face.

Jalter: "Heh. Not bad."

Jalter went to stab him again, only for Leonidas' spear to graze her cheek.

Leonidas: "I would not recommend doing that, Alter Jeanne."

Jalter: "well if it ain't king Leonidas? How're those Persian soldiers?"

Y/n/Leonidas: "Very Dead."

Jalter: "tch. You're no fun."

???: "You aren't any better, Mongrel."

All of a sudden, golden chains burst out from the ground. Jalter just barely managed to avoid them as she jumped back. Alter Artoria moved as well as Gilgamesh stood atop the roof of the house.

Gilgamesh: "I saw the storm clouds gathering here and knew that you two would be up to something. King of Storms. Dragon Witch."

Artoria: "You!"

Shirou: "Who's this guy?"

Gilgamesh: "Grow a brain, Mongrel. I am the king of heroes."

Y/n: "He's Gilgamesh. A tyrant king from the Mesopotamian era."

Ishtar: "He's an ass as well."

Gilgamesh: "I don't see you volunteering to help, Ishtar."

Ishtar: "I will end you!"

Gilgamesh: "Ha! I'd like to see you try."

Ishtar pouted in annoyance before turning away while Y/n chuckled.

Jalter: "Oh well, seems as though we need to take our master by force then."

A.Artoria: "There aren't any servants that can beat us easily."

Y/n: "Shut the fuck up! Leonidas!"

Leonidas stood in front of his master and he lowered his spear.

Gilgamesh: "I feel as though I should get in on this as well."

Gilgamesh stood alongside Leonidas with a carefree attitude.

Y/n: "Leonidas, We're not sure what type of servant Alter Jeanne is, be careful."

Leonidas: "She is an Avenger servant. I will be fine, Master."

Gilgamesh: "I shall handle Alter Artoria."

Y/n nodded before the alter servants lunged at them.

Y/n: "Leonidas! Keep her off of us!"

Leonidas laughed heartily before swinging his spear and striking Jalter in the side. She barely seemed fazed by the attack and continued her assault. She tried to Jump over Leonidas, but Y/n still had his Greatsword and he swung it, barely missing her.

Gilgamesh was making quick work of Alter Artoria. When she tried to attack, Gilgamesh would hold her back with a barrage of golden chains.

Gilgamesh: "Such is the fate of those who oppose the king of Uruk! Now then, Y/n L/n. Behold my greatest treasure!"

Gilgamesh then pulled a sword out of the ground. It was strange and had a black blade with red markings. He then pointed it skyward.

Leonidas: "MASTER! TO ME!"

Y/n nodded and slid over to his servant, the others all gathered behind Leonidas as he deployed his noble phantasm.


Suddenly, a large horde of ghostly soldiers appeared around the group and they held their shields high as a large shield appeared before them.

Gilgamesh: "Pay close attention, L/n! GATE OF BABYLON!!"

A bright golden light was summoned from above Gilgamesh as he held his prideful smirk. He then pointed the sword at Alter Artoria and Jalter.

What followed was a massive wall of golden light. Weapons of all kinds were summoned from it and Gilgamesh's smirk widened.

All of the weapons then fired like missiles and crashed into the Alter servants. A few minutes passed and Gilgamesh stopped the weapons. He smirked victoriously when he saw both alters on the ground laying completely still.

Gilgamesh: "That is the power of my Noble Phantasm. The Gate of Babylon."

He looked over to where the spartan soldiers were disappearing.

Y/n: "Remind me never to piss him off."

Gilgamesh: "Heh. Those two were easy. Though, knowing you, you'll want to take them in. Am I correct?"

Y/n: "they're servants. It'll come in handy to have them aboard."

Gilgamesh laughed. As he heard that.

Gilgamesh: "You truly are an amusing person. Not only are you powerful enough as a magician to basically shrug off Hassan of Serenity's poison, but you see things with a critical eye. You have three lancer servants, but your archer is strong enough to take on any saber class servant."

Ishtar: "damn right!"

Y/n: "It's four lancers actually. Ereshkigal."

Gilgamesh: "Ah, true. No matter. I still find you amusing. Now then, Matou will be getting antsy because I've been away too long. I will report that I couldn't find Sakura Matou anywhere."

Shirou: "What? Why?"

Saber: "What's your game, Gilgamesh?"

Gilgamesh: "it's simple. I didn't find Sakura Matou anywhere. But...Sakura Tohsaka on the other hand..."

Rin's eyes widened as Sakura looked at Gilgamesh with shock.

Gilgamesh: "I am a benevolent king. That is why I told you this."

Shirou: "Sakura?"

Y/n: "I think I get it. Sakura is originally a Tohsaka. But the Matou family adopted her."

Sakura nodded her head slowly.

Y/n then smiled at her.

Y/n: "We'll take care of her here, Gilgamesh."

Gilgamesh: "I knew you would say that. It's the same as back risked your own life to save that of a servants."

Gilgamesh laughed again before throwing something to Y/n.

Gilgamesh: "You may want to read that."

He then turned and waved before leaving. Y/n opened the note and his eyes widened when he saw that it was a series of names. Each one from different servants.

Jeanne d'Arc. Mordred Pendragon. Morgan Le Fay. Artoria Pendragon. Marie Antoinette. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Chevalier d'Eon. Nero Claudius. Leonidas. Asterios. Stheno. Euryale. Medusa. Francis Drake.

He looked through the extensive list of servants names when one stood out the most to him.
Right at the bottom of the page was a name that he knew, but he didn't think it was possible that SHE was a servant.

Ishtar: "Whatcha lookin' at?"

Y/n: "I-I think these are my servants in the future."

Ishtar had a look and burst out laughing.

Ishtar: "Haha! You wrote yourself a shopping list of servants!"

Y/n thought about it for a second before he started laughing as well.

The day continued as if nothing had happened as the group joked around.

Mordred, Y/n, Artoria, Jeanne, Haruna and Illya all played mario kart for a laugh. Everyone then got in for a game of cards against humanity. Needless to say, it got really scuffed really quickly.

Meanwhile, Kotomine stood in the church with a sinister grin.

Kotomine: "...the time is almost upon us."

Cú Chulainn sat on one of the church pews with an unreadable expression. He then lifted his head and glared at Kotomine.

Cú: "Bastard..."

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Avenger.

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