Chapter 15

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As Beomgyu made his way to the office, he texted Yoona first thing, he wasn't going to let this matter go that easily. He had been letting Yoona get away for all the things she had done. But now she had just pulled out the last straw, and Beomgyu wasn't about to let this go out of his hands. 

Beomgyu: Meet me at the cafe near your dad's company during lunch. 

Yoona: Omg Gyu! Of course I will. Consider this a date :)

Beomgyu sighed in exasperation, trying to push thoughts of Yoona aside. His mind wandered back to Minji. Did she truly have feelings for him? Or was her response to his confession solely due to Yoona's influence?

As he arrived at his office, Yeonjun suddenly appeared in the elevator and exclaimed, "Ayyyy, look at you all with that grin on your face. Something must've happened between you and Minji." 

"I'm not grinning," Beomgyu retorted, trying to hide the smile that threatened to take over his face.

Yeonjun chuckled and draped an arm over Beomgyu's shoulders. "I'm glad you guys worked things out." 

Beomgyu hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Actually, it might be more complicated than that. You see, I found out this morning that my friend Yoona had been blackmailing Minji with a video of her hugging another K-Pop idol, and that's apparently why she rejected me."

"Wait, are we talking about the same Yoona here? You mean Min Yoona? The girl who would literally jump off a bridge if you said so?" Yeonjun's eyes widened in disbelief. "I... I'm speechless. I can't believe she would do such a thing. But then again, she is obsessed with you. OH! Now I feel bad for Minji, she had to go through all of this alone." 

"Yeah, man," Beomgyu replied with a heavy sigh. 

"Well, Beomgyu! I will leave you to it. Also, your schedule seems very free today, so relax, my guy." 

Beomgyu nodded as he got out on his floor and made his way to his cabin, his mind swirling with thoughts about the impending confrontation with Yoona and the complicated mess that his relationship with Minji had become.

Noon finally arrived, and Beomgyu couldn't have been more anxious about meeting Yoona. It wasn't that he was scared of her, but rather the fear that she would go to great lengths to get closer to him, even resorting to extreme measures such as murder. If that wasn't bad enough, her father was one of the largest shareholders of Choi Enterprises, and he had a reputation for supporting whatever Yoona wanted, even if it was morally incorrect. However, when compared to Beomgyu, her father's business influence paled in comparison.

He sighed as he waited for Yoona at the cafe but was soon met with a loud screech, "Gyu!! I'm here." 

Beomgyu turned to see her running towards him. There was a time when her enthusiasm would have made him happy, but now it just irritated him. Yoona spread her arms wide, as if to hug him, but Beomgyu stopped her by gently placing his hand against her head. He gestured for Yoona to sit down as he pulled out a chair for himself. 

"So, did Minji tell you to come meet me?" 

"No, I wanted to see you myself." 

"You've finally come to your senses, haven't you? Did you finally figure out that you need me more than you need Minji?" 

"You know, it's crazy how you can act so normal after what you've done to Minji." 

"W-what? Beomgyu, I don't even know what you're talking about." 

"Don't act as if you don't know, Min Yoona. I read through your messages this morning, how you've been shamelessly blackmailing her behind my back." 

Yoona scoffed, rolling her eyes. "So that brat snitched on me to you? I can't believe it. I guess there's no point in pretending anymore, Gyu. You have to realise that I'm the one for you. I've been here all along, so why can't you see?" 

Beomgyu slammed his hand against the table, drawing the attention of the people passing by. "You're being obsessive, Yoona. This isn't love. I don't care what you do, but I need that video deleted from every single device for good. If you don't, I don't even know what I'll do to you and your family." 

Yoona leaned in closer, her voice lowering. "You're just too blind to see it, Gyu. Minji's just using you for her career. She'll leave you the moment she finds a better opportunity." 

Beomgyu gritted his teeth. "Enough of your nonsense, Yoona. Just do what I've asked, and maybe you can salvage some of your dignity." 

Yoona smirked, leaning back in her chair, "I'll consider it if you agree to go on a date with me, just like old times." 

Beomgyu's expression turned stone-cold, "First of all, we never dated and secondly no, Yoona. This is your last chance to make things right."

Yoona's frustration grew, and she raised her voice. "Why? Why does it have to be her?! What's so special about her that I lack? She came into your life just a few months ago. Why are you choosing her over me? I've been there with you the entire time!" 

Beomgyu maintained his composure, "Because you're just a friend, Yoona, and she is my wife." 

Yoona's eyes welled up with tears, "So what?! If I had confessed to you before your stupid marriage, would you have chosen me?" 

Beomgyu's voice remained steady, although his patience was wavering by the second, "Yoona, it's not about the timing. It's about the fact that I love Minji, and I can't be with someone who would resort to blackmail to manipulate me." "Listen, Yoona, I don't have the time to argue with you all day. Just delete the damn video." 

"What if I say no? What will you do to me?" 

Beomgyu rubbed a hand over his face and replied, "Then it will be the end of your family's business." 

"N-no, yo-ou wouldn't." 

"I would, and you know that. That's why I'm warning you to delete it before I do something that will make you regret your whole life," Beomgyu said, his voice low and menacing. 

Tears streamed down Yoona's face as she hesitantly complied, "Fine, if that's what you really want." 

With trembling hands, she pulled out her phone and deleted the video right in front of Beomgyu, who felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from his shoulders. 

Exhaling a sigh of relief, Beomgyu said, "Thank you, Yoona. But next time you try something like this, I will not be the Beomgyu you know. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with my wife." 

"I hate her, I hate her so much I could kill her," Yoona seethed. 

Beomgyu paused in his tracks at the threat and chuckled before he warned, "You lay one finger on her, and you won't be able to see sunlight ever again."

Before Yoona could say anything, Beomgyu left the café, texting Minji as he walked. 

Beomgyu: Successfully made Yoona delete it. Can't believe she would even do that tbh and I'm sorry you had to do this alone. 

Minji: Really?! God, thank you so much. You're the best. 

Beomgyu chuckled at Minji's response, his heart fluttering at just the name of her. 

Beomgyu: You're welcome, babe. Now, back to our story, meet me at the same bridge where I confessed to you. 

Minji: But I have work to do, so I don't think I can come :) 

Beomgyu: No excuses, if you don't come, I'm directly coming to your studio room and kidnapping you. 

Minji: Whatever, I guess I'll be there. What time? 

Beomgyu: Maybe around 21:00, yeah, I think that'll be fine. 

Minji: Fine. 

With that settled, Beomgyu continued on his way to the office, a spring in his step, relieved that the video was gone and eager to see Minji later. 

As night approached with a serene, starry sky, Beomgyu left his office, his heart racing in anticipation of his meeting with Minji. When he arrived at the bridge, he called Minji. 

"Minji-ah, I'm waiting for you outside now. Where are you?" Beomgyu's voice was filled with excitement. 

Her voice, tinged with weariness, came through the phone, "Hey Beomgyu, yeah, I'm on my way. Let me just freshen up and come." 

He smiled and ended the call, standing by the railing of the bridge. The moon cast its soft glow on the rippling water below, creating a tranquil and romantic atmosphere. The gentle breeze carried the faint scent of flowers from a nearby garden. Minutes later, Beomgyu felt two arms slip around his waist, and he sensed the warmth of Minji's body pressed against his back. Her presence was a soothing balm to his racing heart. 

"Did I keep you waiting for too long?" Minji's voice, like a melodious symphony, melted away his nervousness. 

Turning around within the embrace of her arms, Beomgyu gazed into her eyes, lost in their depth. He held her close, feeling the rhythm of their hearts beating in harmony. Lowering his head, he pressed a soft, lingering kiss on the crown of her head, savouring the sweetness of the moment under the moon's romantic radiance.

"Not at all," Beomgyu replied, his voice soft and soothing, perfectly blending with the ambiance. 

Minji nestled her face against his warm chest, her worries fading away as she embraced him. The subtle scent of his cologne, entwined with the night air, sent shivers of delight coursing through her. The two days of silence between them had left an aching void, but now, being with him felt like the missing piece of her heart slotting back into place. 

"Now, can we talk?", Beomgyu's voice took on a gentle but serious tone. 

Minji playfully clicked her tongue and chuckled nervously, her heart pounding in her chest, "Well, about what?" 

Beomgyu's expression turned earnest as he looked deep into her eyes, "You know what it is, Minji. What do you truly think of me? Are you ready to accept me as your husband? Or was what you said earlier true, that you don't like me?" 

Minji's cheeks flushed with warmth, and she whispered so softly that she wasn't even sure if Beomgyu could hear, "I love you." 

"What was that? I couldn't quite catch it," Beomgyu teased, his tone filled with mock innocence and a knowing smile. 

Minji, her face now burning, mustered a bit more courage and said, "I said I love you, damn it!" 

Beomgyu leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, "I love you too, babe," sealing their love in the quiet, moonlit embrace by the bridge.

As Beomgyu leaned in, eager to capture Minji's lips with his own, their romantic moment was suddenly shattered by a male voice that called out, "Jinie?" 

Minji's body tensed, and she instantly recognised the nickname. She cursed the awful timing as she turned to face the owner of the voice. Standing before her was her high school sweetheart, the guy who had once stolen her heart during their teenage years, still looking as handsome as ever. 

"Kang Taehyun?", Minji's voice wavered, a mixture of surprise and nostalgia in her tone, as she locked eyes with her past.

"Jinie! Oh god, how long has it been since I've seen you?" Kang Taehyun exclaimed, closing the distance between them. 

Kang Taehyun's striking appearance had only matured since their high school days. His large, expressive cat-like eyes seemed even more mesmerising, framed by his stylishly tousled hair, dyed a vibrant shade of blue. His sharp and well-defined nose added an air of sophistication to his features, and his lips, now fuller and more prominent than in high school, hinted at a captivating smile. 

Despite Taehyun being a year younger than Minji, their age difference had never created any barriers in their relationship. However, the demands of their training to become K-Pop idols ultimately led to a mutual decision to break up.

Minji momentarily held her breath as he drew nearer, his presence still as captivating as ever, but she wasn't concerned about that right now, she was more focused on a certain black-headed man whose stare was burning a hole through her back. 

"Yeah... it's been a long time," Minji replied, her voice trembling slightly in his presence. 

Taehyun enveloped Minji in a brief, friendly hug before launching into conversation. "Wow, it's been ages, Jinie! We've both been in the same industry for so long, but our paths never crossed. I heard you got married! Is this your husband?" He pointed at Beomgyu, who was shooting daggers at him. 

Minji nodded nervously, "Yes, this is him." 

Taehyun extended his hand towards Beomgyu, attempting to maintain a friendly demeanor. "Nice to meet you! I'm Kang Taehyun, Minji's err.. high school friend." 

Beomgyu hesitated for a moment, his glare not letting up, but Minji nudged him, prompting him to take Taehyun's hand. 

In his most composed tone, he replied, "Nice to meet you too. I'm Choi Beomgyu, Minji's husband."

The air around them grew slightly tense as Beomgyu and Taehyun exchanged pleasantries. Beomgyu's protective instincts were on high alert, sensing a certain level of familiarity in Taehyun's tone that he didn't like. Minji, caught in the middle, tried her best to ease the situation. 

Taehyun, ever the smooth talker, shifted his attention back to Minji. "Jinie, you haven't aged a day! You look even more beautiful now." 

Minji blushed and chuckled nervously, "Oh stop it, Taehyun. You look great yourself." 

Beomgyu cleared his throat, feeling like a third wheel in the conversation. "So, Taehyun, what have you been up to lately?" 

Taehyun leaned against the bridge's railing, his casual demeanour hiding the whirlwind of emotions he was feeling at seeing Minji again. 

"Well, I'm still with SM entertainment, working on new music and tours. It's been quite a hectic journey, but you know what? I'm happy with the way life is at the moment."

 As they continued chatting, Beomgyu couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and insecurity. He realised the moment that Taehyun had a very long history with Minji when he called her by a nickname. Despite his trust in Minji, he couldn't shake the unease that was settling in his chest.

Taehyun's heart sank as he processed the reality of Minji being married. All those years, he had held on to a glimmer of hope, a what-if scenario where they might reunite. But seeing Minji with Beomgyu, he understood that it was truly over. He forced a smile, hiding the turmoil inside him.

 "Anyways, I came around here because I'm going to be collaborating with one of the Hybe artists, so I should really go now. Nice catching up with you, Minji, and I'll see the two of you later." 

His once vibrant smile faded into a mask of indifference as he turned to leave. Behind that stoic facade, Taehyun blinked back the tears that threatened to escape. It was a bittersweet moment, seeing the girl he had once loved now happily married to someone else. He wished them well but couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and regret as he walked away. The weight of what-could-have-been hung heavily on his shoulders as he disappeared into the night.

As Taehyun turned to leave, Minji's heart ached for the pain she saw in his eyes. She couldn't bear the thought of leaving things like this with her high school sweetheart and her friend.

"Taehyun, wait," she called after him, hurrying to catch up. 

He turned back, his face still masked, but his eyes betrayed the sadness he felt, "What is it, Minji?" 

She took a deep breath, struggling to find the right words, "I know things are different now, but I don't want us to part on such a cold note. You are a really important person to me, and I'll always remember our memories together." 

Taehyun nodded slowly, his expression softening just a bit, "I feel the same way, Jinie." 

She smiled sadly, "So, let's not say goodbye like this. Let's just forget the past and wish each other well for the future." 

Taehyun's shoulders relaxed, and he returned her smile, though it was still tinged with melancholy, "You're right, Minji. I wish you all the happiness in the world with Beomgyu." 

Minji nodded, feeling a sense of closure, "And I hope your collaboration goes well. Take care, Taehyun." 

Taehyun nodded as he left, leaving Minji with Beomgyu. As she turned around, she saw Beomgyu leaning against the railing, gazing into the distance with his hair blowing in the wind. She felt a mixture of relief and guilt washing over her. 

"Hey Beomgyu, I-I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to—" Beomgyu interrupted her with a gentle smile. 

"What are you sorry for? I understand that you and Taehyun had a history. What matters most to me is whether you love me now. Besides, from what I could see, he's not the type to make a move on a married woman." 

Minji sighed, her heart heavy with the guilt of reopening old wounds, but she felt Beomgyu's hand beneath her chin, gently lifting her face to meet his eyes. 

"I really love you, Beomgyu," she confessed, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. 

His smile grew warmer, and he brushed a stray tear from her cheek, "I love you too, Minji-ah."

Beomgyu held Minji close to his side, her warmth a welcome presence as they walked hand in hand to his car. The gentle evening breeze rustled through the trees, and the distant hum of the city provided a soothing backdrop to their shared silence. The car ride home was a peaceful one, with the soft glow of the dashboard casting a warm ambiance in the vehicle. Beomgyu occasionally stole glances at Minji, admiring the way her profile was illuminated by the soft interior lights. 

Upon arriving home, Minji suggested, "You go get some rest first. I need to bring in all the things from the guest room." 

Beomgyu nodded, his heart still fluttering with happiness, and he restrained himself from sprinting up the staircase and into their bedroom. Closing the bedroom door, he couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He leaped onto the bed and screamed into his pillow. His cheeks ached from the constant smile that had graced his face all evening. 

Gosh, he was so hopelessly in love with her. 

Despite his giddy self, he went into the bathroom to change his clothes and freshen up. He stepped into the bathroom, letting the cool water wash away the day's exhaustion. Emerging a few minutes later, he was greeted by the sight of Minji cozied up in bed, engrossed in a book. She was wrapped in a large, fluffy blanket, her hair casually bundled up in a messy bun, a view that nearly melted his heart. 

Unable to resist the temptation of her presence, Beomgyu slid under the sheets and settled himself beside Minji. He laid his head gently on her chest, finding solace in the rhythmic rise and fall of her breathing. Her body radiated a comforting heat that seemed to chase away all the stress of the day or otherwise known as Yoona.

"Minji-ah, I love you," Beomgyu whispered, his voice filled with affection. 

Startled by his sudden declaration, Minji looked up from her book, her heart fluttering at his words. She still couldn't quite believe how deeply Beomgyu's feelings ran for her and vice versa. 

Her eyes sparkled with playful mischief as she replied, "What am I going to do with you, hmm?" Beomgyu's gaze met hers, his expression one of pure adoration. "If you keep doing this to me," Minji continued, setting her book aside on the nightstand, "then I can't help but do this to you." 

With that, she leaned in, placing soft, short kisses on his lips, nose, and forehead. Beomgyu, unable to resist, captured her lips with his own, turning the gentle kisses into a passionate one. The kiss intensified as Minji felt Beomgyu's tongue tracing the edge of her lower lip, his teeth gently tugging at her bottom lip. Minji felt her heart drop at the sensation threatening to overwhelm her, and she clutched onto his shirt to restrain herself. As they pulled away eventually, their breaths mingling, she rested her head on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her, savouring the warmth of their love. 

"I love you too, Beomgyu."

The next morning, Minji had to get ready for work earlier than usual, even if she didn't want to leave Beomgyu. She had an upcoming collaboration for the VMAs with her best friend, Lisa. Her manager had called both of them for early morning rehearsals, as any time later in the day would be used to practice their dance routine. Before that, they had to record the song. 

As she reached the recording room, she was swept into a bear hug, and Minji immediately recognised who it was. 

"Lisa, you're killing me." 

"I'm sorry, okay? It's been so long, and we barely had time to talk to each other. Also, damn, your husband is hot, I mean, of course, from just the pictures I've seen." 

"... Yeah," Minji replied, with a slight pause at the beginning. 

"Our managers are late because of the traffic, so let's use this time to catch up." 

Lisa dragged Minji to the office cafe and ordered two coffees for an energy boost. 

"So, how's life been treating you, Kim Minji? Or should I say... Choi Minji?" Lisa added with a smirk. 

"Shut up, Lisa. But to answer your question, it's complicated." 

"Oof, drama. Spill the beans, Minji." 

Minji began recounting what had been happening in her life ever since her wedding with Beomgyu, up to the latest topic: Min Yoona. 

As she finished her story, Lisa let out a dramatic gasp, "Wow. That. Is. So. Amazing! So, are you telling me that you and Beomgyu are an actual couple now?" 

"Is that the only thing you heard from the entire story?" 

Lisa chuckled mischievously, "Of course not. But seriously, when was the last time you had a boyfriend? Was it Kang Taehyun? And what? That was like in high school." 

Minji shrugged her shoulders and said, "I guess I just wanted to wait for the right person instead of rushing into a half-hearted relationship." 

Lisa raised an eyebrow and winked, "Hmm, speaking of the right person, I couldn't help but notice how bright your face lit up when you mentioned Beomgyu. Maybe he's more than just 'the right person,' hmm?" 

Minji blushed, unable to hide her smile. Lisa had a knack for teasing her, and it was evident that her secret wasn't so secret anymore.

"It's not like that, but enough about me. What about you, Miss Lisa? Any new boyfriend in your life?" 

"Nah, I've had a few flings here and there, but none of them seem like long-term boyfriend material to me." 

"Sad. Well, you should give some people a chance, you know?" 

"Easy for you to say. You have a hot, multimillionaire sweetheart swooning over you. Besides, stop making me feel single," Lisa added, puffing out her cheeks in sarcastic annoyance. 

Minji smiled at her best friend and said, "Stop dwelling on your love life, miss. Just focus on the collaboration for now." 

Lisa chuckled and nodded her head as the two friends headed back to the recording studio, happy that they got to interact with each other for what seemed like decades.

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