Preparing For Attack

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With the information gained by Junior it was easier to prepare for the coming attack. Jake and the other Alphas had gotten everything set up, with the help of James they were able to arm the alliance packs with energy rifles. What wasn't known was when the attack would happen, what was known was the packs loyal to the old council was vastly outnumbered and they had no chance against the alliance packs. It was known by the packs loyal to the old council that the farm was a major source of income for the alliance packs, making it a target. Jake had taken some of the packs members out to set up sentries, they were completely automated no need for an operator. Once set the area that they would cover was under 24 hour surveillance, day or night, rain, snow, wind, dust had no effect on their ability to protect.

"Alpha Prime, our scouts report that the packs loyal to the old council have mobilized. They plan a massive attack on the farm."
A pack member tells Jake.

Jake nods, he looks at the other Alphas.
"It appears that our preparation is ready. If they make it through the sentries, they will be met with pure force."

Everyone starts making preparations, all the children were taken to a heavily armored room with the females. Celestial talks with the other females about the situation.
"I don't know what the pack is planning for a strategy. But I do know that Jake has something planned."

Jake nods and says with a dead serious tone.
"Listen, what is going to happen will change everything forever. I can not stress enough how dangerous this situation has become. Prepare yourself for a enemy that will stop at nothing to get what they want."

The other males nod Jake was right, this situation had never been faced before. Three council members dead, one in the hospital with severe injuries, one the mate of Alpha Prime's son, one not expected to survive the night. War was coming, a war that has never been seen before. Everyone was nervous, scared and on edge. James understood that situation and how everyone was feeling at the moment. He didn't blame them, he himself was afraid of what was about to happen. A war between the packs of the world, it was basically World War 1 for the werewolves.
A farm worker walks up to James and nods in respect.
"Alpha Prime, we are now at Security level A1. Farm is on full lockdown."

Jake nods and looks at the other Alphas.
"From this point until after the rogue packs fall we are on full alert."

The packs loyal to the old council was set up just outside the range of the automated senries. They were unaware of the first line of defense, upon entering the kill zone the rogue packs would suffer heavy losses. And once past that first line of defense, a force of werewolves armed with long range energy rifles was waiting for them. What was to come was the possible elimination of werewolf packs. James was aware of this as was Jake. Celestial was all too aware of what was about to happen, both her and James were aware of the possible problems it could cause, they had the same thing on their planet. The females stayed together with the children, the males were on patrol if the rogue packs attacked the alliance packs would be ready. In the security room a panel starts beeping as three sensors are tripped, followed by two more. A signal from the sentries indicates that they have engaged targets. Over the speakers security says.

"Attention, attention. Security sensors tripped in zones 1,3,4,5,6 and 7, sentries have engaged targets. Prepare for battle, all males take your positions. Rouge packs have launched their attack."

Jake and two other males take position on top of the farm house as snipers. The other males take position setting up and defensive line.

And so it begins, the rogue packs have launched their attack. How many will make it through the sentries? Will they even get close enough to attack? Find out what happens next chapter.
Thank you for reading, and as always please comment and vote. I truly appreciate each and every one.

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