The Council

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It has been a couple of days and Celestial was tending to the eggs as Jake was gathering more wood from one of the stacks outside.

Celestial pushes the call button on the intercom. As she waited for the response from the pack house Celestial added a few pieces of wood to the fire. Jake smiles as he brings in more for the fire.

From the intercom a female voice says.
"Yes? How can I help you?"

Celestial pushes the talk button.
"Could we possibly get some breakfast to the nursery please."

"It is on its way Luna, it just left the kitchen. How are you feeling today? Do you or Alpha require anything?" Logan responds from the kitchen. He had made sure that breakfast was made and was getting delivered to the nursery.

Jake smiles and pushes the talk button.
"Not at the moment thanks."

Logan walks in and smiles.
"The council is here."

Jake looks at Celestial and says.
"They weren't to be here until tomorrow. What are they doing here?"

Jake looks at Logan and asks.
"Did they say why they are here?"

Logan nods and looks at Celestial.
"They said because they were told a dragon was here."

Jake growls and says.
"So what a dragon is my mate. Why do they care? Celestial stay here I know how to deal with the council."

Jake stands up and walks out still in his dragon wolf form. Celestial knew what he was going to do, and she hoped it wouldn't backfire on him.

Jake walks into the pack house and the lead council woman says.
"Alpha what is wrong with you?"

Dana turns on the intercom to monitor and they hear Jake.
"What's the matter with me? I think you mean what is the matter with you?"

A council member says.
"We must see this dragon and decide if they are a threat to us."

Jake growls and steps forward.
"The dragon in question is my mate. I will not allow you to bother her."

The same council member shakes his head.
"If we must we will force you to allow us."

Jake growls viciously.
"Don't you even try it. I will  fight you every moment, I will protect my mate, my pack and family. And just so you know if I die so dose Luna. Do you want to be responsible for a interstellar war?"

Jake knew that war with Celestial's home planet was impossible but the council didn't. Jake planned to use that to his advantage.

Celestial had heard enough, looking at Dana Celestial growls and goes inside to help. Her heart was filled with pride as Jake stood up against the council.

As Celestial gets to where Jake is, he was face to face with the council member ready to fight.

Celestial stops and says.
"Jake, what is going on?"

Jake turns and looks at her.
"Who is watching the eggs?"

Celestial growls at the council and turns to leave. Jake had reminded her of what was more important.

Jake looks at the council and his eyes narrow.
"If you try anything I swear here and now. You will wish you had never crossed Alpha Prime. Don't forget who controls the funding the council receives. Come back tomorrow and then we will talk. Escort the council out and make sure they don't try to go to the nursery."

Jake looks at the council and his eyes narrow again.
"Try anything to interfere with Luna and there will be blood spilled. Get out now!"

The council leaves, they know that it is unwise to anger Jake. He had the support of every pack around the world. It was suicide to go against him and he would follow through with his threat.

Jake returned to the nursery and growls in frustration as he paces back and forth.
"What the hell are they thinking? Don't they realize that I control the funding?"

Celestial wraps herself around Jake and kisses him.
"Jake love, please try to relax. I hate seeing you like this, come lay down and relax with me."

Celestial nuzzles Jake's shoulder and growls playfully. Celestial didn't want to mate she wanted him to calm down.

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