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Lisa and Celestial arrive at a room with no windows and only one door. There was obvious damage to the door dents and claw marks.

They hear Jake through the door.
"Who is your contact?"

The sound of electricity snapping and a scream of unimaginable pain follows.

Jake growls and says.
"You can make this easy for yourself. Who is your contact?"

The sound of electricity snapping and a scream of unimaginable pain follows again. A whimper of pain is heard.

Lisa looks at Celestial with fear in her eyes.
"Alpha is pissed. I only seen him this angry once before, that is when he saved me."

Celestial pushes her way past Lisa opening the door she says with a questing tone.

Jake turns and sees Celestial his eyes softened when he sees her.
"Hello love. How are you?"

Looking at the one who was the traitor Celestial growls. She could understand his anger. This wolf was endangering his family and the pack.
"Jake I have a idea on how to get the info you need."

Jake smiles and nods.
"Let's hear it. What is your idea love?"

Logan says with disgust in his voice.
"We are wasting our time. Let's just put a silver bullet in his head and be done with it."

Celestial looks at Logan and growls. Jake growls at Logan.
"I want to hear Luna's idea." Turning to Celestial Jake smiles.
"What is your idea love?"

Looking at the traitor Celestial says.
"I'll tell you outside."

Celestial didn't want the traitor to hear her plan. Jake follows her out the door.

"Ok what is your idea? I'm about ready to do what Logan suggested." Jake says shaking his head in frustration.

Celestial says with a knowing smile.
"Tell him it was a mistake and give him a antibiotic shot for his injuries. Contain within it a tracking device and tap his phone."

Jake smiles and kisses Celestial.
"That's a great idea. Not only is my mate the most beautiful creature that I have ever seen, she is a genius."

Celestial smiles and kisses Jake.
"I'm glad you like it love."

Celestial walks to the kitchen in search of food. As a scientist she knew that there was more than one way to get information.

As Celestial helps in the kitchen she hears Jake.
"Sorry about this. It appears to be a simple misunderstanding. Don't worry about the traitor we will find him."

The front door opens and closes.
Jake says with a small amount of anger.
"Lead us to your contact traitor. You tapped his phone Logan?"

Logan nods and says with a smile.
"Yes Alpha. I also rigged it as a listing device."

Jake nods.
"Good. Now we will have the upper hand."

Celestial smiles happy to have helped.

Jake says looking for Celestial.
"Where are you love?"
Jake goes upstairs to change and walks out to the training area.

Celestial hears Jake call for her then his scent dissipates. Wondering where he went she dries her hands and follows his scent outside. Celestial hears the unmistakable sound of fists impacting a bag of some kind. Following the sound she looks into a window.

I wonder what Celestial sees when she looks into the window?

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Thank you for reading.


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