Part 2: This is a Family

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Pietro was excited, no he was threw the roof! Wanda was coming to see him and would get to meet the Barton's, this family that he was slowly becoming a part of. At least he hoped so, his dog Hero was looking up at him with his tongue hanging out crooked looking like the k9 was smiling.

Pietro grinned back as Hero yips happily, they had gone to town he night before to get some supplies for the house when the fan had washed over the bridge and they were stuck there overnight.

Lila and Cooper at thought this great fun as they got to stay in hotel, Pietro thought it was okay but wanted to be home to meet his sister.

The slept okay but baby Nate cried a lot and kept most of them awake through out the night. Besides Lila, that girl could sleep through a bus being run over by a whale being dropped of a 50 foot cliff.

But now they were on their way back to the house and Pietro could hardly contain himself from the excitement. He was practically vibrating in his seat, he was so close to being able to run again but he couldn't help it. He missed Wanda so much and couldn't wait to see her and introduce her to the other Barton's and Hero of course.

As they were getting close he felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked up and saw Laura Barton smiling warmly at him. She was so kind and gentle he could help but love the woman. When he has ripped his stitches in his back she had pulled his hand to her stomach and stroked his hair and kissed his temple. She had said soft words to calm him and if he ever had a nightmare she was the first holding him when he was so terrified he could barely breathe.

Maybe he was what they called a momma's boy, truth be told this was all so very strange and new to him. He hadn't had anyone but Wanda for so long he forgot what it was like to have others care for you and protect you. He remembered his their parents more then Wanda did, mother had been kind but never held them if they were scared. Father was firm but not cruel, he was never home and when he was he was sleeping or yelling about bills that needed paid.

This, this was different, Pietro smiled shyly at Laura as she smiles back at him. Slowly they were breaking his walls down and creeping their way into his heart.

He nearly jumped out of the car when they got to the lane up to the house making Laura laugh.

"Easy now, we're almost there." Pietro was bouncing from excitement, he was going to see Wanda!

"I haven't seen her in so long it feels like forever." Laura smiled at him laughing as de parked the mini van as he jumped out of the van Hero hot on his heels. Then he looked up on the small porch and there she was. Her dark brown hair was in a pony tail, her arm was around Clint helping him stand straight. Her eyes lit up seeing him and she pulled away from Clint and bolted to her brother.

Faster he went, as fast as he could go without using his super speed. The two of them crashes into a embrace that would warm the hardest of hearts. She tripped his shirt hard as he hugged her close, he was so happy. Hero was barking happily running around in circles around them licking at Pietro as if to say.

'Hey! Aren't you going to introduce me?'

Pietro laughed as he strokes his dogs head looking at his sister with a look of such pure happiness. He hadn't been so happy in so long, he pulled her arm as he knelt brining her down with him. She gave him a funny look as he pulled his dog closer, Hero looked at Wanda with a skeptical look as he sniffed her. After he seemed to check her over he looked at Pietro then jumping on Wanda with a happy bark knocking her back as he licked her face.

Wanda squealed as the dog licked her, Pietro laughed and pulled Hero off of her. Grinning from ear to ear.

"I can't believe you came." Wanda smiled at her older brother of 10 minutes.

"You are my brother, I had to be sure you were okay." Pietro grinned and hugged her again, he then jumped to his feet and pulled her up. He was bouncing with excitement again as he pulled her to the house.

"Come on! I want you to meet everyone."


Wanda was nervous now, her brother and her had almost tackled each other with an embrace of a sibling love. But now as she was dragged to the house to meet everyone else she couldn't stop the sinking feeling in her stomach.

What if they didn't like her? What if she made them angry? What if she did something wrong?

Her mind was freaking out and so was she, she felt Pietro squeeze her hand in reassuringly as she stepped inside once more. Hero bounding in behind them darting over to his dog bed in the corner of the living room.

Wanda didn't know what to expect, but she then felt a tug on her pant leg. She looked down to see a little girl about 7 years old. Her eyes big like Clint's with thick lashes, her hair a dark rich brown like her mothers in two pig tail braids. She looked up at Wanda with her big eyes and tugged again looking at her.

"You Pietro's sister?" She asked in a oddly calm voice, Wanda nodding.

"You're like bunnies?" Wanda was stunned by the odd question, it was then she heard Clint laughing from the kitchen.

"Lila don't freak her out." Wanda looked over and say a boy about 10 who looked exactly like Clint, his face even making the same shapes as his father it was almost comical.

"Excuse my rude children, Wanda this is Lila and Cooper two of my sprouts." Clint said stepping behind them putting his hands on their shoulders as they grinned up at them.

"Hello..." Wanda said shyly, she then say a beautiful woman walking up behind Clint wrapping her arm around him. She had dark rich hair like Lila and a gentle smile and soft eyes.

"This is my wife Laura." Clint had such a loving look on his face it made Wanda's heart warm, she could only hope to have someone look at her that way.

"Hello Wanda, Pietro has told us a lot about you." Wanda was shocked when Laura walked over and pulled her into a hug. Wanda was stunned but slowly hugged back, why did these people care so?

It was then she heard a soft coo making her turn, Pietro was grinning a new kind of smile. He was cradling with the upmost care and affection a small bundle. The bundle was cooing and Wanda say a small hand reach out and pulled at Pietro's growing hair that fell into his eyes. Wanda stepped closer as she looked down into the bundle her brother was holding, her eyes met soft blue eyes of a tiny infant.

The baby was cooing and looked at her with those beautiful blue orbs, he was so tiny and helpless she couldn't believe anything could've been in need of so much care...well other then Pietro when he was sick.

" want to hold him?" Pietro said softly watching his sister with a new gleam or maybe an old one she just hadn't seen in a long time.

"Oh I Umm...I don't think so..." Wanda stumbled over her words looking down at her feet, she'd never held a baby before and didn't twang to harm such an adorable baby.

"Oh nonsense, here I'll show you." Clint said walking over to them stiffly, Wanda's eyes widen not liking where this was going.

"Oh no...oh no no no...I couldn't...that is I've never...what if I break him?" Wanda said liking terrified of the idea, that would be bad if she broke the baby.

"You won't break him he's a baby not a plate." Clint said as he eased the baby out of Pietro's arms and into Wanda's. He moved her hands showing her how to hold the baby correctly and moved her to sit. She starred down at the baby in wide eyed wonder, he was so tiny, and yet he would grow and become something amazing she was sure.

"Wanda meet Nathaniel...Pietro Barton..." Wanda's head snapped up looking at Clint then Pietro. Her eyes landing on Laura who had tears in her eyes, smiling like it was the perfect picture.

" named him after...?" Wanda's voice was small and choked, these wonderful people had named this baby after her brother. These people had brought him into their home and taken care of him and helped him heal. These people had made her brother so very happy, she hadn't seen him so happy in a very long time. And they were letting them hold their baby, he was so small and was making soft noises and looked like he was smiling at her.

"I think he likes you." She heard Pietro say, but she could barley hear him. Her eyes were only for Nathaniel...maybe she was falling in love after all.


Pietro sat on the porch, Hero laying loyally by his side in a half doze. Dinner had gone great Wanda even smiled a few times, but it had been that look she had in her eyes when she had held baby Nate. That same look he had gotten, that unconstitutional love that had appeared on her face.

"You're smiling more..." He turned and say his sister watching him from the door, her body leaning on the doorframe. She had a large tee shirt on with jeans shorts her hair in a braid as she smiled down at her brother as she sat next to him.

"You are to..." Pietro said with a small smirk crossing his lips, he leaned back putting his arm around his sister as he looked out over the miles of prairie the woods off in the distance. He grinned as the sky tuned a rusty orange as the sun began to say it's rays bouncing off the clouds making it a gorgeous sight.

"It is beautiful here...much nicer then Sokovia...not as cold either." Wanda said looking at the sun as it warmed her face, Pietro etched his sister trying to figure out what was running through her mind.

"It is very nice here...but the people here are great to." Pietro said in a whisper as he thought back on the past few months he had been here. It had been the nicest few months the nicest of his life even though he was recovering from s life threatening injury. But never had he felt so at home, so safe and loved.

"Are you sure about this? These people....yes they're kind but are you sure about them Pietro?" Wanda said softly, Pietro felt his heart drop he few pegs. He knew his sister had trust issues and with just cause. But he loved these least he think he did, it was the. His mind shot back to a few nights ago, he had been gripped in a horrible nightmare and had been shaking in his bed.

He remembered Laura coming in and pulling him into her arms and rubbing his back and singing softly in his ears. She had sat with him until he fell asleep, and as he fell asleep he remembered the words they had been hushed in his ears.

'You're family now...we love you and will keep you safe'

Pietro was part of the family, now if he could only get Wanda to see it to.

To be continued in part 3....

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