Chapter Nine

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I immediately felt my heart beginning to beat faster inside my chest. The magic wore off, and now I was surely doomed to die! However, Francis' sudden grin of amusement surprised me.

"I must say, this is unexpected~" Francis spoke up, slowly running his index finger along my chest. "It is not every day I see a handsome homosexual~"

I began to crawl out of the bed, but I felt my body hit the floor as Francis roughly took a hold of my ankle in his hand.

"Not so fast, darling~" Francis chuckled. "I have some questions to ask you~"

I continued to stay silent, kicking his hand off of my ankle with my other foot and running to the door. However, the doorknob would not open, so I knew that the door locked from the outside only.

"So," Francis began, getting out of the bed as well and seductively walking up to me, "which 'twin' are you? The older brother, or the younger sister?"

He stood behind me, his hands gently caressing my hips.

"P-please...." I stuttered, feeling tears form in my eyes due to the situation. "Do not hurt me, Your Highness, I beg you!"

"You mean," Francis wondered as he placed a soft kiss on my neck, "hurt you like you hurt me?"

I started crying softly, and he harshly turned me around so that my back was against the door now.

"Stop avoiding my questions!" Francis hissed, wanting to make sure no one heard us. "Who are you, and what have you done to me?"

"M-my name is Arthur Kirkland," I began, "the Prince of England, and all I wanted to do was protect my sister by taking her place and marrying you, I swear! I want this War to end just as much as you do! I did not mean to do anything to offend you, I promise!"

Francis chuckled dryly, unable to believe me.

"You are an idiot," he stated as he slapped me. "You really thought you could come in here, under my nose, did you?"

The burning pain on my cheek shut me up, and I could only look at the floor instead of him.

"But I love you...."

"Oh, but you see," Francis grinned as he gripped my jaw in his hand to force me to look at him, "that is another lie you English peasants tell to your superiors!"

"It is not!" I denied, pulling away from him. "I love you. Your sapphire eyes, your golden hair, your smooth skin, hell, even your voice! I love your kindness, your personality. I just...I love everything about you, even our moment we just had. I am sorry for deceiving you, Francis, but if I had to do it all over again just to meet you and have this moment, I would."

"Hm, then you do not know me at all, Arthur," Francis sneered. "I ought to have you beat and beheaded for what you have done to disgrace me!"

"But you need a bride-"

"Yes, a bride!" Francis interrupted me. "Someone beautiful like your sister, and not a disgusting man like you!"

I felt hurt due to his words, but I knew that he was right. Before I could say anything, though, the door unlocked and opened to reveal guards and Francis' friends. They gasped, shocked by the scene before them.

"Seize them!" a guard ordered. "His Highness and the peasant!"

I grabbed a blanket, running passed the guards and the other two Princes as I wrapped it around my naked body like a cloak.

"Stop him! We cannot let him escape!"

I looked behind me, seeing Francis was already captured.

"I hate you Arthur Kirkland!" he called down the hallway. "Do you hear me? I. HATE. YOU!"

I sighed, looking ahead of me as I made my daring escape.


I reached the forest on the far outskirts of Paris, tired, sore, and out of breath from running without a single rest. Collapsing on the ground, I took a few moments to let my breathing even out.

I left him, I thought with guilt. I actually left him!

I stood up despite my sore joints screaming at me in pain, beginning to tear apart the blanket to make a set of clothes. It was hard, but after a few hours, I had managed to do it.

I found some mud to throw onto my clothes and sharp rocks to cut my skin and face as a disguise for myself, one that the guards, Francis, and his friends would not see coming. I then found a large, long stick, pretending that it was a sword so that I had a plan to rescue him.

It would be rude of me to fully leave Francis behind, just because I wanted to save myself. However, a part of me wanted that, to leave him to rot....


I could not do it!

He may have hated me, but then again, who would not have? I had deceived him in the worst way possible, and I strangely did not blame him for being angry at what I have done. Honestly, I was mad at myself, too.

After a few more rounds of sword fighting, just like Henry taught me, I was ready for my rescue mission. I drew it out in the dirt, the full moon's light guiding my eyes as I looked over it again and again to make sure I was prepared and ready for anything, or anyone, who stood in my way.

Standing up once more after crouching to overlook my plan of attack, I knew only one thing in that entire moment.

I had to go back for him.

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