A New Enemy? (Hoshi no Samidare OC)

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She hummed as she looked at the two in front of her, "Samidare Asahina and Amamiya Yuhi, I presume?"

"What about it?" Yuhi asked the girl, wary while preparing his Domain Control.

"I've been asked to test your strength," She answered.

"What?!" Samidare growled. "What for?! Who asked?"

"Let's just say.... Someone is interested in your progress," She landed. "I am Namikaze, by the way. Namikaze Dakota. It's a... Pleasure to make your acquaintance, however brief it may be."

"Brief? Why?" Noi asked.

"Because I am an assassin. And should you fail this test... I have been given orders to exterminate you," Her black eyes seemed to dance with calmness as she said this. "And so I will gladly do it if I must. Prepare yourself for your demise, you three. Say goodbye, because at your current skill level... You're going to die."

144 words

Name: Dakota Namikaze

 Age: 14

Personality: calm, brutal, always ready, unyielding, upfront, blunt, never letting up, giving her best

Weakness: insecure about background, a bit needy, comes off as cold and unapproachable, easily annoyed by petty things

Skills: accuracy, vast knowledge of toxicology, anatomy, and physiotherapy, physical stamina, quick reflexes

Weapons: sword (katana), daggers, gun (sniper), baton, poison vials, potions

Alignment: Neutral -> Good

Background: She was adopted after her parents left her in an orphanage. As her adopted parent left her in the care of the group they had begun, she began learning killing techniques and grew fluent in that. She then went on missions and began doing stuff to make ends meet. 

Crush: -

- She has a pet wolf cub, tree frog and bullfrog, which she cares for since they were her adopted parent's pets before being abandoned/forgotten. 

- She and her parent have a complicated relationship but they're working on it. 

- She grows dangerous plants in a small greenhouse. 

- She farms as well, although it's in a separate greenhouse. 

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